The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 206: slip

  Outside the valley.

The waters were frozen for thousands of miles overnight, and there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, and misty ice mist evaporated on the ice.

The sky is gloomy. Because of the high terrain, the dark clouds and mist in the sky seem to sink, and they merge with the ice mist on the ice.

And because of the misty mist, the surrounding green hills are as elegant as ink paintings.

Everything is so beautiful that it makes one's heart trembling, and it is also trembling cold.

Looking at the smooth, white ice surface that seemed to have no end, Ye Xi was eager to make a pair of skates and try to see how far he could go.

Wrapped up like a ball, Zhu raised his bone knife and shouted excitedly: "Go!" After that, he took the lead and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

However, the **** was steep, and now it was frozen again, and before his forward rushing formation lasted long, he fell severely and quickly slid towards the foot of the mountain after landing on his butt.

Cangpan and the others tried to catch him in a hurry, but the **** was steep and slippery, and they fell together without stepping on them.

A few people slid down onto the ice at the foot of the mountain like a slide. Because of their inertia, they still slid several meters on the ice before they got up from the ground and walked awkwardly to the hillside.

Ye Xi didn't catch them at the beginning, because he knew that even if he caught them, he would be taken along. Others didn't react, and couldn't help feeling anxious after reacting.

Originally the waters were dangerous. It was still close to a big river. Prehistoric water monsters gathered together. No one knew if there would be monsters breaking out of the ice.

Ye Xi was worried at first, but when he saw the people wrapped up like a ball with horror, they slid two steps and stumbled to the shore, like a clumsy brown bear just walking, and couldn’t bear it. It feels funny to live.

What they were simply worried about did not happen. They left the ice safely and walked back to the frozen hillside.

With the lessons learned from the past, the remaining tribesmen walked carefully down the hillside, using both hands and feet when they reached a steep place, and never dared to walk too fast.

It took a lot of effort for everyone to climb to the foot of the mountain and meet Zhu and them. Just as everyone was babbling to blame Zhuo, someone suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted, "Be careful! Something is coming!"

A group of small black spots appeared at the end of the gloomy sky, and then it quickly became clear-it turned out to be a large group of pterosaurs.

These pterosaurs were dark green in color, with wings spanning more than ten meters, with a very pointed snout, almost half the length of the body.

The crowd had already clenched their weapons and prepared to fight because of their appearance, but they did not seem to have seen anyone near the ice surface. .

After hovering for a while, they seemed to have found their target, one by one, like a fox drilling a hole, they gathered their wings and swooped down, their long snout poking straight into the ice.

They don't know what their snouts are made of. They have drilled holes in such thick ice. One or two meters long, alive and big fish, were picked up by them along with the crushed ice.

The caught wingmen flew away with the fish in their mouths, while the remaining pterosaurs worked tirelessly on the ice like a rig.

There are more and more ice caves, and the originally smooth and mirror-like ice surface has become pitted.

The small fish under the ice rushed out of the ice cave due to lack of oxygen, lay on the ice and flicked their tails and bounced their bodies.

There was a lot of discussion on the side of the hillside.

Tu Shanren are discussing these pterosaurs:

"The mouths of these pterosaurs are so hard, they can even penetrate such a thick layer of ice."

"Yeah, I feel pain for them."

"The eyes are also good, how did they see the fish under the ice?"

The weather was cold, the breath turned into ice, and white mist was whispering as everyone spoke.

People from the Ye tribe and the Ehu tribe looked at the fish on the ice with excitement.

"These fish actually jump up on their own. Are they stupid?"

"Yes! It's really stupid. It turns out that Tu Shanren said I didn't believe it, but it really happened!"

"It's a pity that the distance is too far, otherwise I really want to catch these fish from the ice. Anyway, those pterosaurs only eat big fish and don't care about them at all." Someone regretted.

"Yeah yeah, what a waste."

Chief Tushan smiled and said: "Leave them alone, let's start digging ice caves ourselves!"

Everyone agreed and was about to act enthusiastically, but Ye Xi on one side raised his hand and stopped them solemnly.

They were just about to ask what was going on when a behemoth burst out of the ice! A huge mouth like a black hole, along with the smashing ice, drilled out of the ice, grabbed a pterosaur in one mouth, and the huge body fell back into the water.

Huge water splashes everywhere.

Everyone was poured over their heads and faces.

Puff and puff!

Everyone's hearts beat wildly. Although the behemoth just now was only a flash in the pan, its body will never be less than 20 meters by visual inspection! Moreover, the movements were so swift and violent that the unlucky pterosaur had already noticed it, fluttered its wings three or four meters into the sky, but it was still too late, and it took it into its mouth.

Just now, the group of pterosaurs gathered in mid-air was frightened, and the fish stopped catching them, and they flew high. Hovering in the dark clouds for a while, finally screamed and left here.

The ice surface was disturbed by the behemoth, and now it was broken and it was no longer possible to dig ice holes for fishing.

The tribesmen near the ice surface closed their mouths, gestured to each other, and walked gently up the hillside.

It is dangerous to stay here. The ice is broken, and no one knows if there will be a monster or the behemoth that just attacked them.

But the hillside was steep and the icy grassland was very slippery. When he hurried back to the valley, Hulu slipped his feet, and he slid to the foot of the mountain uncontrollably!

"Hulu!" a tribe exclaimed.

A warrior of the Aphis tribe next to him quickly grabbed him, but because he was too slippery, he was taken and slipped down together!

A nearby Ye tribe warrior immediately released the cane wrapped around his wrist, and the cane went around the wrist of the Aphid warrior like a snake!

The cane entangled him accurately, but everyone was too happy to see that the cane could not bear the weight and broke!

Ye Xi was anxious, but because of the distance from them, he could only watch them slide down.

Snoring at an emergency, he suddenly pulled out the bone knife and inserted it into the hillside. After the blade was inserted into the mountain and the two of them slid for a meter or two, they finally stopped the momentum and stopped dangerously three or four meters away from the surface of the water. .

Ye Xi just breathed a sigh of relief, but found that a huge black shadow was rapidly growing under the dull icy water. Ye Xi's pupils shrank and he shouted, "Dodge!!!"

But it was too late. The behemoth that swallowed a pterodactyl appeared again, opened its huge mouth, broke straight out of the water, and swallowed the two fighters into the mouth!


Along with the fierce spray, the behemoth sank into the water again.

Only a few ice floes are constantly swaying on the dark water. 8)