The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 24: Salt soil appears

   The sun is hot in the afternoon.

   Ye Xi sat cross-legged in the shade of the cave entrance, holding a piece of snake skin and began to embarrass.

   Making clothes by myself is very simple in theory, but in practice, it feels a little bit impossible to start.

   Ye Xi picked up a spicule as thick as a pinky finger, thinking about where to start sewing.

   "Ye Xi, are you sewing a water bag?"

   There was an immature and timid voice over his head.

   Ye Xi looked up, and it took two seconds to recognize it. It turned out to be a pheasant.

   The little girl used to be unkempt because of the lack of water in the tribe. Now, after washing with water, she reveals her delicate face, unlike her previous appearance.

   "No, I want to make a dress."

   "This piece of snake skin is very beautiful." The pheasant stared at the snake skin and her eyes were gleaming. With her hands behind her back, she dragged her feet on the ground, and hesitated, "I, can I touch it?"

   "My hands are clean!" Pheasant hurriedly added, spreading his hands and leaning in front of Ye Xi to show him.

   Ye Xi looked at her unexpectedly.

  蛉 saw Ye Xi not speaking, thinking he was unhappy, and waved his hand quickly: "Then I won't look at it!"

   Since Ye Xi solved the tribe’s water fetching problem, Ye Xi hasn’t seen the pheasant very much. Now that she is so trembling in front of him, he understands that the pheasant may be hiding because of fear of herself.

   Realizing that he was frightening the little girl, Ye Xi stuffed the snake skin into her hand and smiled: "Here you are, feel free to touch it."

   The pheasant's eyes froze, feeling the cold thing in his hand, and he said, "Thank you."

   She looked at the snakeskin in her hand over and over again, her eyes glowing with love, and she couldn't help but say, "Ah, this is really good material."

   Ye Xi smiled and said, "I like snakeskin so much? I still have a lot. I will give you one."

  The giant python was killed by Ye Xi. According to the rules, Ye Xi can keep half of the giant python's meat. The snake skin and snake teeth are also controlled by the chief and belong to Ye Xi.

   The giant python is so big, and there are a lot of python skins peeled off, so it’s nothing to give the little girl a piece.

  蛉目 was taken aback, and quickly said, "How can this be? I'm not here to beg for snakeskin. I just look at it and think it will look good if it is made into clothes."

   Ye Xi said, "If that's the case, then you should accept it even more, because the clothes I made are definitely not good-looking. I waste such good materials in vain."

  雉 was puzzled: "Since you can't do it well, why not let the women of the tribe do it?"

   Ye Xi smiled bitterly: "I think too, but they said they only sew water bladders and never made clothes. They are afraid of wasting such precious snake skin."

   Pheasant frowned, bit his lip, gritted his teeth for a while and said: "Or, or give it to me, I will do it!"

   Ye Xi raised her eyebrows.

   After the first sentence was said, the pheasant's eyes seemed to have loosened, and the whole person became firm, and repeated: "I will do it, I must do it well."

   Ye Xi looked at her without speaking, and in the eyes of the pheasant's eyes getting more and more frustrated, she stood up, turned and disappeared into the depths of the cave, and soon came out with a pile of snake skins like a hill.

   Then he couldn't help but stuffed it all into the pheasant.

   smiled and said: "All these are for you, don't be afraid, do it boldly, don't be afraid of waste."

   pheasant stood holding the snake skin in a daze, the light in his eyes became more and more blazing, and he nodded heavily, smiling and replied: "Yeah!"

   "Ye Xi Ye Xi! Ye Xi!" At this moment, there was a hurried shout from outside the cave entrance.

   Ye Xi and Phaeome turned their heads and looked at them at the same time.

   The next moment, a soldier with red cheeks rushed in from outside the cave with a bag of things on his back.

   The warrior put down the animal skins, his chest rises and falls, and he looked at Ye Xi with short breath, and said excitedly: "Ye Xi, I found it... I found it..."

   Ye Xi could not laugh or cry: "Uncle Luo, speak slowly, take a breath."

   The warrior also looked a little old, with a hint of white in his temples. Ye Xi recognized that this warrior was a warrior who jumped off the mountainside on the second day of his arrival in the tribe and almost rushed at him with a face of dirt.

   Obviously he is not a hairy boy anymore, and he is so excited that he can't even say the whole thing.

   Luo took a hard breath and handed the animal skins to Ye Xi: "Look at it for yourself!"

   Ye Xi took the animal skin bag curiously, what kind of baby was it that made him so excited?

   unlocked the animal skin bag, and saw that there were white clods in it.

   Ye Xi stunned, this is... Is this? The next moment, his whole person was also excited, and in the pheasant's astonished eyes, he twisted a piece of soil into his mouth.

   "Really!" Luo held his breath, his eyes bursting with hot light, and he stared at Ye Xi closely.

   Ye Xi tasted carefully, the soil in his mouth is indeed salty! His eyes lit up, and he said without hesitation: "Yes!"

   Luo heard Ye Xi's affirmation, his heart was so excited, there was nowhere to vent, he could only turn around with his fists excitedly.

The chief told the soldiers to look for salty clods or stones when hunting. Most of the soldiers did not understand why. Luo was one of the few warriors who knew the inside story, so he was so excited after finding the salty soil. I stopped fighting, and kept running back from the jungle with the salt soil on his back.

  雉目 was confused and listened to the dumb conversation between the two in confusion.

   Ye Xi took a breath and calmed down a little: "Uncle Luo, where did you find it, not far from the tribe, how much salty soil like this is there?"

   Luo was still very excited, and said incoherently: "Many, many, not far, a little farther than the water."

Although Luo spoke disorderly, Ye Xi understood. Knowing that the salt soil is produced and not far from the tribe, he was overjoyed: "In this case, Uncle Luo, you can tell the chief, the salt of our tribe is hopeful! "The last sentence deliberately suppressed his throat.

   Hearing that salt can be made, what Ye Xi said is what Luo said: "Good, good, I'll go right away."

   After Luo left, the Pheasant looked curiously at the clod wrapped in animal skins on the ground and asked Ye Xi: "What is this, are you talking about salt? Does it have anything to do with this soil?"

   Ye Xi squatted down and touched the clod. He was in a good mood. Hearing the question of the pheasant's purpose, he smiled and sold it: "Well...for the time being."

  雉目 secretly pouted.

   After a while, the chief and Luo Xing rushed over.

Chief    ran fast, and along the way, the complicated bone ornaments on his body were rustling, and Luo behind him immersed himself in chasing.

   "Where are you!" The chief yelled at Ye Xi as soon as he ran there. He suddenly frightened the clansmen at the entrance of the cave and his eyes gathered.

   I realized that I was speaking too loudly, and everyone was watching. The chief took a deep breath, waved his hand and said in a low voice to Ye Xi and Luo: "Go, let's talk in another place."

   Ye Xi saw that the chief who had always been calm in the past was so gloomy. He couldn't help but grinned for a while, and found that the chief and they quickly put away their smiles after they looked over, as if nothing had happened, and said seriously: "Let’s go.

   The three came to a quiet place.

   The chief had calmed down and tasted the clod in the skin bag: "It does have a salty taste."

   turned his head and asked Ye Xi with a solemn expression: "Can this soil really be used? Can you make salt?"

   Ye Xi nodded: "Don't worry, it's okay."

   Although Luo had heard that, and confirmed with Ye Xi again, the chief finally had some insight in his heart, and he let out a long sigh of relief: "Okay, what should I do after that?"

   Ye Xi pondered for a while and said, "Help me prepare a few Chief: "You said. "Even if he wants to hunt a fierce beast in the jungle himself, he agrees.

   "Help me prepare some grass, the longer the better, and some wood chips, cut into strips."

   The chief and Luo listened carefully, thinking that there would be more behind. After waiting for a while, Ye Xi did not speak any more. The chief and Luo were taken aback and asked in unison: "That's all?"

   Ye Xi said, "That's it, these are ready, the tribe should have other things."

   The chief and Luo looked at each other.

   The atmosphere was strangely silent for a moment.

   After a while, the chief said to break the silence: "I will tell others to do it later, and it will be done soon."

   Ye Xi nodded: "Don't worry about it, tomorrow will be fine."

   Then the atmosphere fell into silence again, and Ye Xi raised his eyebrows when they watched the flashing eyes of the two of them trying to say something.

   The chief deliberately asked, "Ye Xi, can this method really make salt?"

   So I thought about this just now? Ye Xi smiled and calmed them: "If you don't believe me, you should also trust my teacher. Since the water problem can be solved by that method last time, why are you worried about not solving the salt problem?"

   As soon as they lifted out the witch, they seemed to have taken a reassurance. The original anxiety immediately fell. The two of them thought again that the water shortage problem in the tribe had just been solved, and their hearts were more settled.

   There was joy on their faces again, and the chief thought of something to Ye Xi hurriedly added: "Ye Xi, I didn't question the meaning of the witch, I just asked casually."

   Ye Xi smiled and shook his head, saying that he didn't mind. In fact, he could understand that the method sounds simpler. It is normal for them to be worried, but it is often the simplest and most practical.