The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 285: Qiyi Tower

Jiugong Advanced Trading Zone.

The roads here are clean and wide. There are no stalls on either side, only rows of tall and neat stone houses made of limestone. It is the large tribes, even a few super tribes, in the commodity trading point of Jiugong.

Although there is no such a large crowd as the low-level trading area, there is still a constant flow of people.

The nine towers also set up trading points here, which are the nine tallest buildings in the advanced trading zone.

Qiyi Tower trading point.

This is a two-story wide stone house. The exterior walls are painted with beige paint. Inside the house are many stone platforms with round cuts. On the stone platforms are many things that people have never seen before.

There are foot-fitting shoes made of animal skins, “cluster” flip-flops with wooden soleplates, combs polished with clam shells, adzes for flat wooden utensils, huge agricultural triangles, and needles as thin as vellus hair. Strange clam shells are filled with stone platforms, and even in the center is a huge star table made of tortoise shells.

People come and go, people from various tribes buy things from the Qiyi Tower here, but its second floor does not allow people to enter, and the lively first floor seems to be two worlds.

At this moment, there is only one Jiugong soldier with a goat beard in the wide and quiet second floor. He is sitting quietly next to a stone platform, lowering his head and polishing a fishbone comb very seriously-this is a gift he gave to his partner. gift.

The sound of water drops ticked.

Beside him, there is a huge bluestone implement.

This is a dripping kettle. There is a small invisible hole at the bottom of it. Drops of water slowly drip into the bottom container. The water slowly accumulates, and the accumulated water will soon be reached. There is a horizontal line drawn by the edge of the container.

After the Jiugong soldier finished grinding the fishbone comb, he put it down, stood up and raised a basin by his feet, and slowly poured the water into the funnel of the dripping kettle.

At this moment, a small, dark-skinned person suddenly touched it gently.

"Master Yi Jiu, Master Yi Jiu?" he called softly.

The Jiugong soldier named Yijiu continued to pour the water slowly, without turning his head, and said, "Slip, what can you do with me?"

It turned out that the person who touched the second floor was the slipper of the Yeshan tribe.

Sliding down his head and bowing his waist, he secretly glanced at the huge dripping water leak beside Yijiu. He slandered in his heart: This Jiugong adult is really strange. It is not too troublesome to get such a big thing. I don't know how many times to add water every day, just to calculate the time.

Does this time need calculations? Regardless of whether it is a day or not, if you want to know when it is, look up at the sun or ask yourself if you are hungry.

However, even though he was slandering in his stomach, he dared not show disrespect on his face, and carefully pulled out a honey-colored candle from his arms, curling his neck.

This is the root that Ye Xi gave him.

Not long after Ye Xi went back, he sent Broken Ling to send him the root, but after receiving the slip, he didn't stop, and immediately ran over with the candle in his hand.

The Qiyi Pagoda is different from the other eight pagodas. As the name suggests, it includes all the magic skills except the eight arts. Some small tribes will also have their own special skills, if the Qiyi Tower is fancy, they will also buy it.

Originally, the candles made by Ye Xi were enough to attract the attention of Qiyi Tower. However, Ye Xi only sold it once, and only sold more than 200 candles at a time. It fell on the lake like a small splash, Qiyi Tower. The people didn’t notice at all.

No, it's not unnoticed.

At least Hua, who had contact with Qiyi Tower, noticed immediately. He has a venomous eye, and those who have spotted the Qiyi Tower are interested in candles, and will rush to ask for credit immediately after the candles.

Slid the flint on fire, lit the candle and handed it to Yijiu: "My lord, I found something interesting again, look."

Yijiu filled the pot with water, put down the basin and turned around.

The candle was handed to his eyes, the warm yellow candlelight was swaying slightly.

Yijiu stayed for a while after seeing it, and then carefully took the candle with both hands after wiping off the water stains on his hands.

He turned the candle around and looked around repeatedly, then leaned closer and sniffed with his nose. He also scraped some wax off with his nails and rubbed his fingers.

"Where did this thing come from?"


Low-level trading area.

The streets were full of people, and Ye Xi, who was in the crowd, was striding towards the direction of the high-level trading area in response to the thin snowflakes coming over her face.

As he walked, he fixed his eyes on the void in front of him, as if thinking about something.

At this moment, a surprise shout stopped him: "Little brother! Little brother!"

Ye Xi looked back and saw that among the crowd, Hua was standing next to a middle-aged soldier wearing a scarlet robe, waving at him excitedly.

Both sides walked towards each other.

She pointed to the gorgeously dressed Yijiu beside her and said, "This is an adult in the Nine Pagodas, I want to see you."

Originally the skater wanted to bring Ye Xi to see Yijiu. Unexpectedly, Yijiu was afraid that Ye Xi would leave Jiugong, so he couldn't wait to skate and call someone and came with him himself.

Ye Xi was about to say hello, but saw Yi Jiu looking down at his shoes, and said in surprise, "Huh?!"

Yijiu suddenly bent This gesture seemed to be bowing to Ye Xi. Ye Xi couldn't help but step back, but Yijiu immediately shouted, "Don't move!"

In the eyes that were so shocked that they were about to fall out of the frame, the distinguished Yijiu actually squatted beside Ye Xi's feet, and reached out to dust the snowflakes on Ye Xi's shoes.

"My lord, you are..." Hua was almost speechless in shock.

Yijiu ignored him, stood up suddenly, and grabbed Ye Xi's arm excitedly: "How are the animal skins of your shoes made and what materials are used for the soles?!"

Now that the weather is cold, many primitive people will wrap a layer of animal skin on their feet, or wear animal skin soft shoes made by Qiyi Tower.

Everyone’s feet are wrapped in things, and Ye Xi is also wearing a robe of animal skin outside the linen. The bottom of the robe covers the boots, and the upper is only exposed when walking, so at the beginning, he was outside the circle. The nine workers who charged did not notice it.

But Yijiu's eyes were so harsh that he noticed it at a glance.

Ye Xi didn't get rid of his hand, only smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry."

After all, Yijiu is a member of the super tribe, he immediately slowed down and said, "I am Yijiu from the Qiyi Tower, and I am very interested in your shoes. Why don't you come to our trading point to have a good talk?" "

Ye Xi's eyes moved slightly, and the curvature of the corners of his lips became deeper. He glanced at the slippery side that kept rubbing his hands, and immediately understood in his heart that Yijiu should have come to him for the candle.

He also heard about Qiyi Tower, and planned to go to its trading point, but he didn't expect to move so fast. Before he could find it, the person was automatically sent to the door.

Ye Xi calmly returned a gift: "Boy Yanwen tribe Ye Xi, Master Yijiu would like to ask. Xi is honored to dare not follow his life."

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