The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 328: method

Ye Xi was also very happy to see his old friend: "Zhi Yu, it's you!"

Qi Yu smiled brighter when Ye Xi recognized himself. A dirty face showed two rows of sharp teeth.

Ye Xi saw that there were people on the line of fire, and said, "Are you putting out the fire?"

Ji Yu grabbed his hair and smiled bitterly, "Yes, a big fireball was dropped from the sky and the forest was burning. We were afraid that the fire would burn near our tribe, so now all tribes are helping to put out the fire together. ."

The people around didn't discuss it for too long. After looking at Ye Xi strangely, they all hurriedly continued to put out the fire.

Ye Xi noticed that there were many wells dug around here. There were soldiers standing beside them, drawing water from the wells all the time, and then handing over the buckets filled with water to others. Others carried the buckets and rushed to the vicinity of the fire. Extinguishing.

Because of the limited water supply, most people took animal skins to put out the fire, repeatedly beating the small flames that had just started to smash them one by one.

But forest fires can be extinguished so easily.

Even the modern society with advanced technology is helpless when encountering forest fires and can only create isolation belts and wait for them to go out naturally.

But with this simple method of extinguishing fire, the fire here did not spread all over, it could only be...

"Did you only drop a fireball?" Ye Xi asked.

Ji Yu glanced at him in surprise: "Yes, originally it was only near the river. We immediately went there to put out the fire when we noticed something was wrong, but there was no way to extinguish the fire. Instead, it burned more and more. Spread over. We can only retreat and extinct now."

Ye Xi noticed that the faces of the people around him were tired and coughing constantly due to smoke.

Some people staggered out of the smoky line of fire and stumbled to the back. There was a circle of people who had been drowsy by the smoke, standing high in the middle with a hand bone. Witch with a rod.

When someone can't stand the smoke, the healer will use witchcraft to heal them.

After their bodies recovered, they continued to jump up vigorously, rushing towards the smoke and flames.

Not far away, there are people from the Oryza tribe who are digging wells non-stop.

Don't look at the number of wells nearby, but as the fire line advances, they continue to drill wells near the fire boundary line. Since the fire started, they have drilled thousands of wells.

When the Oryctolagus came out of the well, their faces were covered with dirt, and the long ears on their heads drooped listlessly, looking extremely tired.

Ye Xi sighed with emotion.

In order to protect their homeland, they also tried their best.

Ji Yu finally remembered and asked Ye Xi, "By the way, why are you here, Ye Xi?"

Ye Xi suffocated his breath, with real pain in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "...We didn't just drop a fireball over there, the fire spread too fast, and finally there was no place left. No way. I can only take my people away."

Qi Yu showed a look of shock and sympathy in his eyes. After a long time, he asked dryly, "Where are your people now?"

Ye Xi: "They are resting on the other side of the river. I'll come here to see the road first."

Ji Yu didn't know what to say for a while, but looked at Ye Xi at a loss. The home was destroyed, and no matter what comforting words he said, it looked pale.

Ye Xi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we can find a new place to live, as long as people are there."

"That's it, that's it, it's fine if people are fine!" Zhi Yu quickly echoed loudly.

Ye Xi looked at the smoke billowing line of fire and said, "If you put out a fire like this, I'm afraid you can only slow down the fire. The fire can't be extinguished."

Ji Yu sighed and said, "We also know, but there is no other way."

Ye Xi smiled: "There is another stupid way."

Zhi Yu: "?"

"You can create a fire barrier to bring it out, and clear all the trees and grass on a line, so that the fire will not burn."

Ji Yu looked at Ye Xi, his eyes gradually widening, and then he slapped the back of his head suddenly and almost jumped up: "Yeah! Why didn't we think of it before! I think this method is okay! The fire can be controlled!" "

"Well," after thinking about it, Ye Xi exhorted again, "Remember that the place where you cut the tree should be separated from the fire boundary line, so as not to catch fire at the other end of the isolation belt, or the effort will be wasted."

"Good!" Ji Yu looked at Ye Xi gratefully and excitedly, "Thank you Ye Xi!"

Ye Xi: "You're welcome. I will bring the people here to help you cut down the trees."

Ji Yu waved his hands again and again: "How embarrassing is this, no need!"

"It's okay, just help out."

Zhi Yu didn't refuse any more, after all, it was about their homeland, and more people would have more power. He took a deep breath and said, "Ye Xi, I'll go tell others about this method first! We will start cutting down trees right away!"


Here, Chiyu ran along the line of fire and told everyone this method. There, Ye Xi sat on the big buzzard and returned to the river bank, and then briefly told everyone about the situation here.

I don't know if it was a herd mentality. In the end, everyone decided to follow Ye Xi and help the tribes in the Nu River Valley to create an isolation zone.

Ye Xi led thousands of people from various tribes in the Blackridge Mountains back to the vicinity of the line of fire.

It took a lot of effort one time and another, and all this will be notified. The people in the Nu River Basin have given up fighting the fire and started to cut trees, and there was a sound of tree cutting everywhere.

The people of the various tribes of Blackridge didn't say much, scattered to various areas like running water, and began to help cut trees.

Everyone uses their own methods to create a barrier together.

The bulls of the oxhorn tribe lowered their heads and repeatedly slammed their horns against the trunk. Along with the flying sawdust, the trunk cracked, and finally fell down with a groan.

The moa of the Gongtao tribe, striding on two sturdy and powerful legs, flew up and kicked hard against the trunk. The leg that can easily break a person's bones can knock down the thick tree that the three of them hug in a few feet.

Thousands of treants stood in a row, and the brown spots on the skin grew thin and flexible filaments, twisting toward the big tree. These tree silks are like steel wires, and the big trees are chopped one by one and fell suddenly.

Most people from various tribes cut trees with swords and axes.

Ye Xi's efficiency in cutting trees was very high, almost one tree fell in his hands after two breaths.

It didn't take him long before he saw a black thorn with soot face hurriedly approaching him. He was excited and happy after seeing Ye gave him a hard hug: "Ye Xi, great you are still alive!"

Ye Xi was also very happy to see that the black thorn was intact, put down the tooth knife, and punched his shoulder with a smile.

Black Thorn didn't stay for long, and hurried away when he saw Ye Xi's okay. After all, putting out the fire was important.

It didn’t take long for Ju to ride the liger again. He didn’t jump off the liger’s back. He looked at him condescendingly and said, “Ye Xi, it’s okay for you to be fine. You must wait until the matter here is over. Want to fight me again, I won't lose this time!"

Ju did not wait for Ye Xi's reply, and after shaking off these words, he rode away on the liger.

Ye Xi, who was cutting the tree, stared at Ju's back for a moment, and then laughed blankly.

It can be seen that Ju was so worried about the failure that he ran over now.

Last time, Juren’s long-distance team, Torch, did not participate because of something. Naturally, Ju had no chance to challenge Ye Xi again. Later, even though Ye Xi came back once, Ye Xi had left after Juh got the news and hurried over. But this time Ju hurried over as soon as he got the news, for fear that Ye Xi would slip away again.

After a while, Chief Gongtao walked over with a complicated complexion. After hesitated for a long time, he whispered: "I'm sorry, you helped us with the news last time. We haven't thanked you well yet."

Ye Xi shook his head: "It's okay."

"We later figured it out for ourselves, you don't have to lie to us, the news must be true, we are not right." Chief Gongtao said ashamed.

Ye Xi said mildly: "I understand you, so I don't need to apologize to me, and I'm just completing the task that the old Qingyang clan asked me."

Seeing what else Chief Gongtao wanted to say, Ye Xi raised his hand and said, "If you have anything to say later, let's put out the fire first."

Chief Gongtao was taken aback and said yes.