The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 333: Crater

   Thick smoke and flames billowed over the forest.

The creatures fled awkwardly in the sea of ​​fire, trying to escape to a place where there was no fire, but there were too many fire spots. Some creatures rushed from left to right, and finally plunged into the fire without knowing it.

Ye Xi was riding on the big buzzard's back, squinting his eyes, and looking down to the ground, looking for a crater in the sea of ​​fire.

Although there is a sea of ​​smoke and fire everywhere, the crater is not as difficult to find as expected.

These meteorites have not been crushed by the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff, they have fallen straight down with impact, so huge annular pits have been formed on the ground. The trees in the pits were completely destroyed. Looking down from the sky, these pits are like the round scars of the forest, which are extremely conspicuous.

In a short while, he found a circular crater about ten meters in diameter in the raging sea.

Ye Xi drove the big buzzard to fly there.

The crater is the point of fire, and the fire around there has been burning extremely vigorously, forming a sea of ​​flames. The raging fire raged along with the wind, and seemed to be able to swallow everything. The heat wave and the sparks, together with the sparks, twisted and rushed towards the sky from a long distance.

The big buzzard's restrained fear and leaned towards the sea of ​​fire.

When they flew five or six meters above the sea of ​​fire, the dense sparks were caught by the wind on the wings of the big buzzard. The big buzzard finally began to be scared, and began to pat the giant wings hurriedly and stopped in mid-air.

——Wow, wow!

The violent winds raised by the giant wings made the generous flames more vigorous.

Ye Xi did not force the big buzzard to fly down again, but patted the quack beside him, turned over and jumped off the big buzzard's back.

Although there was a raging fire around the crater, there was no trace of flame in the crater. The trees there had been destroyed by the meteor a long time ago. There was not even a small branch left, and even a small flame could not be burned.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

Quack also flew down with his little wings.

Ye Xi glanced at it approvingly. As expected, it was his quack, able to force himself to overcome fear, unlike the big buzzard.

As soon as Quack landed, he folded his wings and walked close to Ye Xi.

Although there is no fire here, but the sparks are constantly rolling in with the wind, it is also a little frustrated.

Although Quaga was still in the form of a chubby baby bird, it was already a bit taller than Ye Xi when it stood on the ground. When it came to Ye Xi's side, Ye Xi sometimes suddenly felt that his body had shrunk.

Ye Xi shook his head, threw out the untimely thought, and walked to the center of the meteor crater.

There was a deeper crater, and a black meteorite as big as a basketball lay quietly there. This was the culprit for this huge circular crater.

Ye Xi picked the meteorite from the deep pit with a toothed knife, pointed at it and said to Quack, "Quack, peck it to pieces!"

That's right, the reason why Ye Xi quacked was actually because he was distressed by the tooth knife, and he was afraid that the tooth knife might nick, so he didn't want to split the meteorite with the tooth knife. The quack's beak is hard and sharp, and it can be described as indestructible.

Quaga walked over obediently, and pecked at the meteorite like a chicken pecking at the rice.


Scorched black meteorite fragments scattered all over the ground.

This extremely hard meteorite that needed five or six strokes with a tooth knife to split apart, under the quack's mouth, was only pecked twice before it fell apart.

Ye Xi scratched the hair on his chest like a reward, then squatted aside and turned over the fragments with the tip of a scabbard. Sure enough, he found a jade spar the size of a soybean among the black fragments.

This emerald spar was twisted between Ye Xi's fingers, slowly emitting a soft light to the surroundings.

Gaga's obsidian-like eyes stared at the emerald spar closely.

Ye Xi noticed quack's gaze, and smiled: "Why, do you like this stone?"


There was a quack, his eyes still staring at the emerald spar unblinkingly, and his mouth opened unknowingly, getting closer and closer to it.

The soft light suddenly disappeared.

The emerald spar was received by Ye Xi in his palm, without a trace of light leaking out.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Quack was anxious now, flapped his small wings, slapped his steps and walked around Ye Xi hurriedly, and put Mao's head on Ye Xi's fist and arched it.

Ye Xi has been watching Quack's reaction.

Gaga used to have a mediocre interest in things like the fierce beast core, but when he saw the emerald spar, he was completely fascinated, and it was almost astonished.

Ye Xi thought for a while and said to Gaga: "This spar can be given to you, but I don't know if it will have a negative effect."

His answer was an eager tweet.

Ye Xi slowly spread out his palms.

In the palm of his hand, the emerald spar is shining and beautiful, exuding soft sunlight.

Qu Ga's eyes straightened suddenly, and he pecked at it like lightning. Ye Xi only felt a gust of wind blowing through his palm, and the emerald spar was swallowed into his stomach by Qu Ga.

Ye Xi stared at Quack tightly, a little nervous.

Quack swallowed the spar, his round eyes glared, then closed his eyes and stiffened in place.

Then its body started to get hot. Ye Xi reached out and touched Quack's feathers, and found that his body temperature was at least 70 or 80 degrees, and then the Quack breath began to rise little by little...


After half an hour, Quack opened his eyes, raised his hair and let out a high-pitched cry that was extremely pleasant. The sound penetrated the sea of ​​fire and faintly spread to the beech forest, and the people on the other side raised their heads.


Quack inflamed his wings.

Although its body is still round and its wings are not full enough, its powerful strength is enough to make up for these gaps. It flew to the sky at a very fast speed, and then tried to fly high.

The powerful breath frightened the big buzzard circling nearby with an exclamation and reflexively backed away.

——Gaga has become a ferocious bird.

Ye Xi just stood in the crater surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, looked up at the sky, quack stretched his wings and circled back and forth There was fatherly joy in his eyes.

After a while, quack flew back to the ground. He lowered his head and grabbed Ye Xi's clothes, motioning Ye Xi to sit on his back. In fact, quack has been unhappy with the big buzzard and the Jiao Jiao for a long time, they can carry Ye Xi, and Ye Xi always calls them when he has problems...but now it can finally fly high!

Ye Xi looked at Quack with some entanglement.

Although the quack aura has become stronger, his body is still small. Let him fly with him. He will feel like a big man riding a wooden horse and squeezing child labor.

But looking at the excitement of Quack, Ye Xi still compromised.

Compared with the big buzzard\ that he grabbed casually, Ye Xi felt much distressed for the quack, who had been raised since childhood. Before going up, he brushed the soles of his shoes because he was reluctant to get his beautiful feathers dirty, and then sat stiffly on his back, fearing that his weight would paralyze his body.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Quack excitedly flapped his wings and flew up, carrying Ye Xi to the sky for the first time.

Although Quaga is petite, it **** its wings extremely fast, just like a hummingbird, it is not slower than the big buzzard.

The big buzzard circling in the sky saw Ye Xi approaching.

When Qaga saw the big buzzard's coming, he immediately turned his head and behaved fiercely at it.


The big buzzard screamed in fright, and hurriedly flapped its wings to stop. Several feathers fell off. In the end, he could only wrongly follow them far behind them.