The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 366: Sail Sawfish

After calming down, Ye Xi plunged his head into the clear and clean river water, gulping happily and satiated.

He consciously fled upstream just now, so as not to drink the water left by more than 20,000 people.

The water here is sweet and sweet, not knowing how much better it is to drink than the mineral water of the previous life, and he is not afraid of worm eggs in the water, because he now has the Yunxia jellyfish that Cangwu sent him in his body, and no parasite is as powerful as this jellyfish.

Even if the Yunxia jellyfish is not good, the parasitic disease can be cured by the means of healing witches, so he simply let go of his scruples and drank water as much as he wanted.

The river is as clear as glass.

There were a lot of small silver-gray fish swimming around. Seeing that Ye Xi didn't run away, these small fish leaned forward, squeezing and squeezing curiously, and from time to time, they caught Ye Xi’s soles. Ye Xi was tickled and almost laughed.


Ye Xi drilled out of the water.

He stroked his wet hair and sighed, "Have fun!"

The cool and icy water takes away the heat and sweat. It is really refreshing to take a dip in the water and swim in such arid and hot weather. It feels like the pores of the whole body are opened.

After washing up enough, Ye Xi noticed that many soldiers gathered downstream in a bustling manner, so he swam over curiously.

The water downstream is shallower, only as deep as a person’s chest, because the terrain changes more rapidly than upstream.

Ye Xi simply walked to the crowd.

In the clear and turbulent river water, he saw many sawfish shaking their heads and wagging up against the current.

These sawfish are silver-gray, about eight meters long, with a flat body and a long, saw-like mouth, which is somewhat similar to a swordfish.

Thousands of warriors stood in the waist-level clear river, forming a human body dam, intercepting these sail-sawfish that spawned upstream, and then holding spears, stab them excitedly.

Numerous giant sawfishes were jammed here, shaking their heads and tails, stirring the river water.

When Ye Xi swam there, he happened to see Chief Falcon holding a spear and stabbing a sawfish with a puff.

The strength of the chief falcon was so great that the spear penetrated directly through the body of the sawfish and plunged deeply into the gravel under the riverbed.

The Sawfish was pinched by a huge force and fought desperately. The nearby river was stirred so that it was filled with gravel, and the water splashed violently.

This kind of fish has very powerful jagged teeth. There are barbs on each tooth. Although the chief falcon stabbed it, it is still alive and vigorous. He shook his head and continued to attack with his jagged teeth, successfully scoring the chief falcon’s legs with blood. Dripping.

But Chief Falcon didn’t care. He hunted for so many years. This kind of injury was just a small injury to him. When Ye Xi came over, he smiled and said, "Witch Xi, you see that the fish here are really big. We'll have a good time later!"

Ye Xi also smiled: "Well, this fish should taste good."

The Sawfish has the body characteristics of both swordfish and ray, and it is estimated that the taste is similar, and it will not be bad. The luck of their team is not bad, they can find such a place.

Standing next to the chief falcon, the Uighur falcon raised the bone knife high and stabs the vigorous sail-sawfish one by one.

The blood of the fish was smudged in large groups.

Soon, the struggling movement of the sawfish became smaller.

The Uighur falcon relaxed and asked the chief falcon curiously: "I haven't eaten fish yet, and I don't know how the fish tastes, how good is it?"

"It's delicious!" Chief Falcon replied with a smile, "My black wind once caught a small fish for me from the lower reaches of the Nu River. I put it on the fire and grilled it casually, and the taste was not good. It’s white and snowy, and it tastes very different from beast meat. I can’t describe it. Anyway, it’s so special that people can’t wait to swallow their tongue."

"That little fish has many scales and a lot of spines, but the taste is still beautiful. These big fish do not have long scales, they are still big and they must be more delicious!"

Hearing what Chief Falcon said, he couldn't help but flooded his saliva. He swallowed in his throat, dragged the tail of the dying Sawfish and strode towards the river bank.

Chief Falcon didn't intend to leave. He looked at the sawfish that swam to the other side and raised his spear to stab him again.

The other fighters were also full of enthusiasm, even if their legs were bloodied by the sawtooths of the sawfish, they insisted on stabfish.

Numerous sawfishes were blocked here by the soldiers and they were not allowed to go upstream. The blood of the fish stained the water downstream.

Ye Xi found that Xiao Broken Ling was also catching the sail sawfish not far away.

He didn't have a spear, so he bent over, plunged his arm into the water, and stared at the big fish in the water motionlessly, as if he was planning to catch the fish with his bare hands.


Just listen to a violent sound of water.

Broken Ling's small body actually hooped a sawfish more than seven meters long from the water!

The Sail Sawfish is several times bigger than the Broken Ling. After being suddenly picked up from the water, he struggled desperately, with incredible strength. The fine teeth pierced the broken Ling's skin, making him bloody.

But Broken Ling did not let go, still holding the sawfish firmly.

However, the seven-meter-long fish is too fierce after all. It cannot be controlled by the little first-class fighter, the Broken Ling. Seeing the sturdy fish tail of the Sawfish, the broken bird staggers and will be brought down. .

Ye Xi moved and wanted to step forward to help.

At this moment, Duan Ling's body suddenly broke out with a strong breath fluctuation.

And the Sawfish that was about to escape into the water was dragged back abruptly, and was firmly shackled in Broken Ling's arms, unable to move anymore. This big silver-gray fish was held tightly by the broken feathers and walked to the shore step by step.

Ye Xi raised her eyebrows in surprise.

After staring, he found that the flame pattern on Duan Ling's left chest had changed into two lines.

He took a slight breath.

How long did Duan Ling awaken and break through to become a two-tier fighter!

But thinking about it, this is normal.

Broken Ling itself has excellent aptitude, and the quality of the fierce beast core used when awakening is good, and Ye Xi also gave him a walnut-sized source stone for him to carry next to him.

Adding these three factors together, it is not surprising that Broken Ling can break through so quickly.

Duan Ling spotted Ye Xi who was standing not far away. His eyes lit up and he looked up happily and said, "Witch, this big fish is for you! I caught it!"

If Broken Ling had a tail, he must have already shaken it cheerfully and proudly.

Ye Xi was a little touched by Xiao Duanling's filial piety, touched his shaved little bald head again, smiled, and accepted the thought happily: "Okay, Duanling is really amazing. Wu hasn't eaten this kind of fish yet. "

This gigantic Sawfish was almost dead by the force of the broken It threw its tail weakly.

"I'll go to the shore to make a fire!"

Duan Ling's eyes lit up, and she speeded up to the shore.

He didn't even mention his breakthrough, as if breaking into a second-level fighter was just a small matter, and grilling fish for his own witch was a major matter.

While Ye Xi was sighing, he felt his shoulder was poked by something soft.

He looked back and found that Xiao Hua was tiptoeing over at some point.

It was standing in the river, two long vines firmly tied a sawfish stiff with numb, and the other vine was gently poking Ye Xi like a finger.

The huge sawfish was **** by the vine and handed it to Ye Xi.

Seeing the big fish handed to him, Ye Xi was surprised and happy: "Give it to me?"

Duan Ling has always respected and loved him, and it is not surprising that he can give him the fish he has worked so hard to catch. However, Xiao Hua has always been protecting food. Suddenly he has such filial piety that he can't think of it. Ye Xi's heart is very beautiful, and she feels that her children will feel distressed.

However, as soon as the voice fell, seeing Xiao Hua's huge and gorgeous flower plate shook quickly, as if he was afraid of Ye Xi's misunderstanding, he shook it again.

He also moved the Sawfish back, as if it would be snatched by Ye Xi.

Ye Xi: "!"

At this time, the Hong Diao who took care of the little flowers in Tushan Valley came over, and she squeezed out an embarrassing smile and said, "Master Xiwu, in fact, it wants you to cut the fish apart. It can't swallow it in one bite."

Xiao Hua nodded repeatedly.

At the same time, the big mouth at the stamen split, and the translucent green juice dripped out.

Ye Xi instantly turned into an indifferent face, and gave Xiaohua two big characters: "Haha."

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