The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 380: Silkworm Girl Azhi

After a while, when Ye Xi turned around, Chengbi's sky had become empty, and there was no shadow.

Perhaps the people of the Xuyang tribe were afraid that there would be more twists and turns on the road, so they all left and no longer besieged Silkworm Ridge.

Ye Xi stood there quietly for a while.

Then, stepping on the broken branches and leaves, slowly walked towards the main ridge of Silkworm Ridge step by step.

The surrounding suddenly became very silent.

I can only hear the sound of the twigs being stepped on.

In this extreme silence, Ye Xi uncontrollably recalled the quack bit by bit.

Thinking of the way it was rushing to sew animal skin jackets when he was born, thinking of it shrinking in his arms, looking at the world curiously, thinking of it being close to him like a small heater in winter , The appearance of running over to claim credit when he caught the first prey, and the appearance of carrying himself in the air with great effort...

Quack is not only his pet, but also his child, and a contract war beast that will accompany him throughout his life.

I usually think it is too clingy, but I feel empty when I leave suddenly.

He didn't want Gaga to remain in this young bird form. Although Gaga didn't show any frustration, Ye Xi knew that Gaga was very eager to grow up, so he often looked at the big buzzard and deliberately wanted to get it.

It was only three or four miles away from the main mountain, but Ye Xi froze like a snail crawling until dark, and stayed here for one night.

Early the next morning.

Under the mulberry tree.

With the last spark in the bonfire extinguished, Ye Xi, who was sitting on the pile of dead leaves, finally figured it out.

He patted off the morning dew, and he stood up and let out a long breath.

It's no big deal, if you really can't bear it, you can wait until your strength becomes stronger in the future, and then go to the Xuyang tribe to grab Gaga back!

Isn't it a super tribe?

Wanting to understand this, the haze in Ye Xi's eyes disappeared. He no longer felt sad for Quack’s departure. Instead, he became motivated. He even started to have the mood to admire the beautiful surroundings with morning dew, and then take a deep breath of the freshness of the morning. air.

After eating something at random, Ye Xi strode towards the main mountain.

Now there is no Huyang bird's siege over the main mountain, and it seems very quiet, not even a bird singing or insect singing.

The closer to the main ridge, the thicker the surrounding ancient mulberry trees and the denser their branches and leaves. Apart from fallen leaves, the ground is covered with the dead silkworm babies like raindrops.

——The sound of the birdsong of Xuyang Bird is not something these soft little bugs can handle.

The corpses of the silkworm babies were too dense, and Ye Xi could only walk over them.

All the way, just listen to the popping sound of puff puff.

The sun was obscured by thick flowing clouds.

The ancient mulberry forest suddenly became gloomy again, with a ghostly feeling.

But going further, there are fewer carcasses of silkworm babies on the ground. The vigorous ancient mulberry trees are full of white and tender silkworm babies, lying on the mulberry leaves and gnawing them.

And Ye Xi's nose suddenly appeared a crimped silk.

This silk was extremely thin, and at first glance it looked like a transparent one. If it weren't for Ye Xi's good eyesight and always vigilant around him, he couldn't find this slightly invisible silk, so he bumped it.

Ye Xi flicked her fingers.


The silk hummed like strings.

Ye Xi's fingertips hurt, and when he looked down, he discovered that a blood drop appeared.

"I am already a fifth-level fighter, and my skin is much stronger than ordinary people. This silk is so sharp that it can cut my fingertips at once!"

Ye Xi was taken aback.

Flowing clouds drifted slowly across the sky.

The golden sunlight once again passed through the gaps of the lush mulberry leaves and projected into the ancient mulberry forest.

Ye Xi looked ahead and suddenly took a breath.

I saw that the densely packed front was irregular, tight silk!

These silks are shining brightly by the sun, and the deeper the inside, the denser the silk. The deepest part of the shining light is even connected into pieces. It is impossible to count the number of silks. The otherwise unremarkable Silkworm Ridge is now full of cold murderous intent.

These silks are so sharp that if someone is running here, it will definitely be the rhythm of broken corpses.

Ye Xi took a deep breath, pulled out the tooth knife and swung the knife towards the silk.


The blade was cut on the thin silk, and it felt like it was cut on the steel wire.

Ye Xi just cut the silk and walked forward step by step. After walking like this for five minutes, suddenly, he stopped looking ahead.

I saw a silkworm girl sleeping quietly on the mulberry branch in front.

Long snow-white hairs hang down from the branches in a haphazard fashion. With the gentle breeze, she has pale and tender skin, and her body is covered with snow-white silk like spider silk, as if it has been maintained. Sleeping in this position for thousands of years.

Suddenly, the silkworm girl's eyelashes trembled and opened her eyes.

I saw that her iris was light gray, and if you didn't look closely, it was like only white eyes and a little black pupil.

And Cannv stared at Ye Xi with these light gray eyes for a few seconds, and suddenly she lay up lazily from the branch with her arms and stretched her waist to the sky.

The brilliant silk covering her body fell down one after another.

"So slow, you finally came."

After a big yawn, she said slowly.

Ye Xi became vigilant, and clenched his tooth knife: "What do you mean?"

The silkworm girl sat high on the branch, shaking her legs, looking down at him curiously: "I am waiting for you here at the order of our king, but you are too slow, I waited until I fell asleep."

The voice was soft, with a little girl's characteristic shrill and complaining tone.

"Your silkworm king asked you to wait for me? Why?"

Cannv tilted her head and blinked, and said innocently, "Ask I don't know wow."

Ye Xi frowned slightly.

At this time, the silkworm girl suddenly jumped down from the high branch.

When she flew into the air, she saw a silk rushing out of her belly button to wrap around the branches, slowly lowering her to the ground like a hanging force.

She was still entwined with scattered fine silk, which fell off in the process of landing, revealing the white silk clothes she was wearing.

This silk garment is naturally made of silk, and the tailoring is casual, but it has a unique sense of beauty.

Ye Xi kept staring at the thin silks that had collapsed in the mulberry forest, like steel wires.

Because he found that after the tough silk touched the silkworm girl’s skin, it turned out to be as soft as cotton candy silk, without causing any harm to the silkworm girl’s tender skin.

After the silkworm girl landed, she walked to Ye Xi.

She curiously touched the corner fabric of his clothes, and stretched out a finger to poke the tooth knife.

But Ye Xi didn't let her touch the tooth knife, and stepped back slightly to avoid it.

This weird silkworm girl was not angry, but blinked her eyes and started to wrap her up close: "I am Azhi, what is your name?"

"Ye Xi."

Cannv Azhi: "Your clothes are not very good, but your sword is really good-looking, can you show Azhi?"

Ye Xi didn’t know the silkworm people well, and didn’t know the attitude of Silkworm Ling towards him at this time. How could he give his blade to the silkworm female, but he didn’t want to offend her. You take a look."

This sentence also has a tentative meaning to see if Silkworm Ridge is malicious and will let him go down the mountain.


Azhi was actually very happy.

She patted her hands and happily circled in the forest, causing the corners of her silk clothes and waterfall-like snow-white hair to follow along.

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