The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 416: Control method

Did Xia Cangzu witch teach Ye Xi what means to control slaves?

Chief Qianqi was overjoyed, and asked without knowing it.

Ye Xi laughed: "How is it possible?"

Xia Cangzu witch has devoted his life to uniting human races, how could he create a witchcraft that enslaves the same kind, and the tribes in the era where Xia Cangzu witch was located were scarce. .

"...What's the solution?"

Chief Qian Qi was puzzled.

Ye Xi did not explain, but asked them to take out all the tentacle from the package on the white turtle's back.

Tentacle is an indispensable tool for hunting. It can be used to make traps or tie up prey, so each tribe brings a lot of it.

Ye Xi looked at the piles of tenacious vines on the ground, bent over to pick up one and tugged, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the tenacious vines of the tribes in the Nu River Basin were of very good quality, not only thinner but also tougher, he just used it. Ten percent of the strength did not pull it off.

"The way is very simple, it is to tie the feet of the prisoners of war with these tenacious vines."

Ye Xi looked at the pile of tenacious vines on the ground, and said, "These tenacious vines are extremely tough. If a first-level fighter does not have a blade, he can't break the tenacious vines with her own strength."

Chief Gongtao still didn't understand what to do, and wondered: "But if they tie their hands and feet with tenacity, they won't be able to work?"

What's the use of raising them.

Ye Xi beckoned and motioned to the Alliance soldiers to bring five first-class prisoners of war over.

"Five prisoners of war are in a group. First, use Tendon to connect each of them with their feet, leaving between the feet about half a step."

After the Alliance soldiers tied their feet firmly, Ye Xi continued.

"Then the five of them will be **** with Tendon to each other, and the Tendon between the two should be about half a step in length."

The Alliance soldiers were stunned, and quickly followed suit.

The last five first-degree prisoners of war were all strung together by Tento.

Ye Xi said to the five prisoners of war: "I will give you ten breaths. If you can run 20 meters, I will release you."

The five prisoners looked at Ye Xi in amazement.

Is there such a good thing? !

They are warriors, let alone running ten meters with ten breaths, it is not a problem even if they run two hundred meters normally! Although the feet are tied now, there is always no problem running 20 meters, right?

Seeing their suspicions, Ye Xi smiled and said, "What I say counts."

As soon as the voice fell, the Alliance fighters in front of them retreated one after another, making a wide passage for the five prisoners of war like Moses divided the sea.

The five prisoners of war looked at each other, looked at this spacious passage, then at Ye Xi, and suddenly rushed out!


Wow, as soon as they took a step, the five fell heavily into the dust and gnawed yellow mud.

It turned out that the five people didn't coordinate their steps and were tripped by someone next to them.

The five of them looked at the Tendon tied to their feet and quickly understood the key, knowing that they would trip if they did not match their steps, so they arranged for them to use the same steps to flee.

However, this is so easy to cooperate.

It takes a long time to run in, and it is not easy to walk now, let alone run away, and the five people fell together in a hurry. In the end, the five people gave up the toss and simply crawled.

But despite the amazing arm strength of the fighters, they can't climb fast.

After the final ten breaths, the five escaped only ten meters, and then they were surrounded by Alliance fighters. They could only lie on the loess soil, pulling their hair frantically with their hands in annoyance, regretting that they had missed such a good escape opportunity.

All the Alliance fighters and the chiefs who were watching were stunned. They looked at the five prisoners and then cast their eyes on Ye Xi who had come up with the idea.

Ye Xi blinked.

To put it bluntly, it is very simple. In fact, this is a two-person three-legged game, but he has increased the difficulty and restrained the individual's legs, leaving them only half a meter away.

This will not delay work in the future, but also effectively prevent them from escaping.

Even after the five people have a tacit understanding, they can't run fast, and the goal is so big, it is easy to be chased back. If he can run away like this, he can only say a word of admiration.

Of course, there is a disadvantage to this, that is, the efficiency of slaves will definitely be low in the future.

But this is also a desperate way, otherwise the Alliance will have to spend a lot of energy staring at them and not letting them escape.

Chief Gongtao said: "This method does work, but the second-level fighters and third-level fighters can break free from the tenacious vine, what should they do?"

Ye Xi suddenly looked at Azhi on the side: "Now I have to ask Azhi."

Azhi was surprised, pointing to the tip of his nose, and said in surprise: "Me?"

Ye Xi reminded: "Silk is very tough, and second-level and third-level fighters cannot break free."

Azhi turned to look at the densely packed prisoners in front of her, her eyes gradually dulling, she swallowed hard, and said, "You mean, these... are all **** with silk?"

Ye Xi looked at her eyes sincerely: "Please."

Azhi smiled bitterly.

More than two thousand fighters, this is the rhythm to hollow her out! Their silkworm girls don't have so many silkworms to vomit!

Azhi was forced to sit on the ground, sighing and pulling his hair, and finally realized with frustration that he could not refuse Ye Xi's request, and he started to spit silk.

Ye Xi looked at her for a while with a little guilty conscience and a little apologetic, and then ordered all the soldiers with more serious injuries to gather together, and then let Xiu step forward.

"Hey, I'm going to trouble you now. Let you use these three-level fighter captives to help our fighters heal the wounds, but don't let these captives die."

He thought thoroughly, looked at the black prisoners in front of him, and looked at the wounded soldiers. After a little pondering, he immediately understood Ye Xi's hidden thoughts, and a pair of cold beautiful eyes suddenly brightened.

Liu: "Do you do this to weaken their strength?"

Ye Xi glanced at her approvingly: "Yes, the third-level fighters are too strong after all. I can't bear their labor, but I am worried that I will be backlashed."

Liu: "Don't worry, the third-level fighters have strong vitality. They will only be weak for a while, and they will recover on their own in the future."

Ye Xi smiled: "This is better."

Looking at Ye Xi's pale face worriedly, he said, "I will heal you first, Master Xi Wu."

Ye Xi did not decline this time, but agreed.

Now the third-level prisoners are paralyzed, and all the fourth-level and fifth-level prisoners are killed. The resistance of the first-level and second-level prisoners is weak, and there is no need to worry about what trouble the soldiers will cause.

Seeing Ye Xi nodded, he was relieved, walked quickly to a third-level prisoner, squatted down, put his hand on his forehead, and closed his eyes.

The third-level prisoner was paralyzed by Xiaohua’s thorns. He could only lie there stiffly, staring at Liu’s movements. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he felt that it was definitely not a good thing. He spouted all kinds of unpleasant things. abuse.

Lai looked calm and let him scold.

Gradually, the prisoner's eyelids slowly drooped down as if sleepy, and the insults became faint.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the face of the third-level prisoner was getting grayer, and his eyes were sunken, as if he hadn't slept for half a month.

After ten breaths, Lai finally withdrew his hand.

Unlike the previous vitality needed to heal trees, Ye Xi was seriously injured, so this time Xiu absorbed more vitality.

When Lai retracted his hand, the third-level prisoner closed his eyes completely, his breathing was weak, and he did not know whether he was asleep or unconscious.

Zhang stood up, walked to Ye Xi's side, and gently pressed his slender jade hand to Ye Xi's chest.

That is where the flame print is.

The breeze blew, and her hair and skirt were gently raised. In the next second, Ling's body radiated a light green glow that only a witch could see.

The decayed scars on Ye Xi's face quickly closed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the brows that had been gently frowned from the severe pain stretched out.

After Li let go, Ye Xi's complexion had returned to ruddy.

"Thanks a lot."

Ye Xi smiled and stood up from the low stone, only feeling that he was alive again.

Yu Yongwu looked surprised, and looked at her repeatedly like the first time she saw her: "This is..."

Seeing other chiefs and Wudus looking confused, Ye Xi smiled and explained: "The Ye Tribe witch disciple, can transfer the vitality of other wild beasts and raptors to heal the ability is very precious. In order to protect her, the Ye tribe witch has always forbidden her to show this ability during her migration.

This is the first time she has shot in front of others.

The pastoral tribe witch is also a medical witch. After returning to his senses, he took a deep look and exclaimed with a complex expression: "I didn't expect Ye tribe to have such a talented witch disciple. This ability, even a great witch-level medical witch. It may not be possible to do it, it is all based on personal talent and understanding."

Healing witches usually uses their own witch power to heal others, and only a handful of witches who have a great comprehension know how to transfer vitality.

Healing the wounded in this way consumes less magic power and is more efficient, which is a skill that many healers admire very much.

In such an age, there would never be a defender who suddenly jumped out and accused her of inhumane treatment.

Yu Yingwu glanced at Ye Tribewu with jealous eyes: "You have accepted a good disciple!"

Ye Tribe Wu caressed his beard and smiled.

While watching the amazed gazes cast by the chiefs and Wu, there was no particular reaction, but he nodded slightly, not arrogant or impetuous, as if the breeze was blowing.

At this time, Chief Qianqi suddenly reacted and asked Ye Xi: "You mean, use those third-level slaves to save our people? Let them absorb their vitality?"

Ye Xi nodded.

Chief Qianqi said excitedly: "A good way! It can make them too weak to escape, but also heal our people!"

"Yes." Ye Xi looked at Zhang, "It's just going to work hard."

Liu shook his head slightly.

Ye Xi looked at the other six healing witches again: "After all, the witch power of one person is limited, and most of the wounds depend on you. Please now please go and heal our people immediately!"

The six healers responded in unison: "Yes!"