The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 497: Green Sea Flower Sea

In order to prevent the two mutant prairie otters from finding Xicheng's revenge and destroying the city wall they finally built, Ye Xi took nearly a thousand sting insects and nine cursed witches to the prairie to kill the two monsters the next morning. .

After so long, the poisoned mutant earth otter has woken up, and as soon as he woke up, he took the other earth otter to the Thorns tribe for revenge.

Of course, they were empty there.

The two monsters couldn't help the Thorn tribe people in Xicheng, so they went crazy and stepped on the thorn bush to vent their anger. They still didn't calm their anger, and went to find other tribes for revenge, but they were also empty.

In the huge forest, the two mutant earth otters could not find one person, only the green-haired skeletons of the Tianmang tribe were still lying quietly in the ruins.

The two earth otters who failed their revenge can only return to the prairie with anger and hunt other prey to vent their anger.

When Ye Xi and the others found two mutant land otters, they were slaughtering a group of herbivorous dinosaurs on a large area. The grass was blood-red with blood, and the smell of blood rose to the sky, and the surrounding creatures were chilling with fright.

Prairie land otters are so powerful and brutal that they are rare.

However, no matter how powerful these two mutant earth otters were, they still died without suspense under the siege of nearly a thousand extremely poisonous sting insects in Xicheng, and the joint spell of nine witches.

This time it was completely dead.

Ye Xi was not interested in their corpses. It took some time to find the big meteorite that caused them to mutate.

The hiding place of the big meteorite is very hidden.

The terrain of this prairie is not completely level. There is a low-lying place in its northwest corner. During the heavy rainy season of the prairie, the rain is abundant, and all the waterfall-like rainwater flows there to accumulate.

Over time, it became a grassland swamp.

The meteorite that made the two land otters stronger fell into this large grassland swamp and plunged deeply into the mud, so there was no grassland fire, and it was not easy to find traces of the meteorite.

Ye Xi and the others dug this huge meteorite full of mud from the swamp and brought it back to Xicheng.

Although the three tribes of the Spiny Tribe and the Liao Tribe knew that the two mutant earth otters were dead, they did not propose to go back because no one could guarantee that there would be more terrifying monsters. They decided to take root here.

With the addition of the Thorns Tribe in Xicheng, things have become much more convenient.

After Ye Xi moved the meteorite back to Xicheng, he immediately ordered the Thorns tribe to ride the thorn finches and search for mutant monsters like the earth otter to find the trace of the source stone.

With Xicheng as the center, they searched all the places within a hundred miles around, and found a total of eleven monsters suspected of being mutated by meteorites. After touching their nests, they finally found one, two and three meteorites.

In addition, they also found eight small tribes.

Ye Xi asked the Ji tribe people to invite these eight small tribes and invite them to join Xicheng.

This time the situation was not so urgent. The eight small tribes wanted to come to Xicheng. Naturally, Ye Xi would not object. He immediately sent people to meet the representatives of these tribes and arranged for them to live here for a period of time.

Now these representatives have gone back after visiting Xicheng, and they don't know whether to accept the invitation.

Xicheng, farmland.

Ye Xi looked at the scenery in front of him with his hands held, her eyes soft.

Countless waist-high corngrass are woven together into a green sea. The tops of the corngrass are covered with ears, and the ears are full of heavy and plump grains.

With the strong wind blowing, countless corn grasses connected to the ears surging like waves of wheat, and bursts of faint fragrance pour in, which makes people feel refreshed.

Ye Xi walked slowly along the edge of the farmland and came to other fields to see other crops.

The toon tree has fully grown under the ripening effect of aphids feces, and the branches are lush and green, but the weather is hot and there are no young toon leaves to eat.

The lettuce in the lettuce field grows very tall, more than two meters long, the leaves are tender and large, and one piece can be picked to cover the whole person. The leaves are very tender and taste very good. A single lettuce leaf can make Ordinary people eat round belly.

The only trouble is that these large emerald green leaves are very popular with insects. There are always insects coming out from nowhere. The slaves in charge of this field have to clear the insects with the willow branches every day.

There are also pepper vines.

The pepper vine fields are neatly inserted with wooden pillars. These pepper vines are wrapped around the wooden pillars. The wooden pillars are densely covered. No trace of brown is visible. At first glance, these pepper vines are like overgrown. Weird dwarf tree with leaves.

All the crops are lush and full of vitality.

Ye Xi finally came to the place where the red mangoes were grown.

Here has become a sea of ​​flowers.

Countless red mango flowers hang down from the wooden shelf like a waterfall of wisteria flowers. Whenever there is a strong wind, it will be a rain of petals. The fragrance is rich and the beauty is intoxicating.

In the past in the Tushan Valley, Tushan people only planted on a small scale, but now, here is definitely worthy of the word "flowers", and the scenery is even more beautiful.

In fact, this place has become the most popular wild place for men and women in Xicheng.

That's right, it's not a dating place, but a night meeting place. Primitives are so rude and direct, they don't engage in dating.


These sea-like red mango flowers also attract giant bees in the mountains.

Ye Xi is now standing under the flower shelf, with a thick carpet of petals under her feet, but there are countless fist-sized giant bees buzzing and flying around her body. When she looks up, she can see the corner on the top of the wooden shelf. It is dotted with huge honeycombs.

The red mango flower blooms three times a year, and the flowering period is long, almost except in winter.

So these bees simply built nests nearby, collecting nectar from red mango flowers.

This is also a good thing. If the honeycomb is installed in Xicheng, the honey can be cut at any time. Therefore, Ye Xi ordered everyone not to expel these bees, so that they can settle down here.

In fact, in order not to injure these bees by mistake, the willow trees for catching insects are not planted in the farmland. Instead, people hold the branches of the insect willow and slowly deworm them.

Some big bees gradually regarded humans as nothing, and even kept their feet under the eaves of the big beehives and stone houses as neighbors.

In fact, they just look bigger and look a little scary. As long as they don't take the initiative to hurt them, they won't hurt people and are very gentle.


The thorn finches flew into the flower stand with its fangs and flew down in front of Ye Xi.

The strong fragrance of flowers piled up like waves, the petals rained, and the feathers trembled and the feathers shook off the petals falling on the body, and then he sneezed firmly.

Ye Xi smiled: "Are you back?"

Jiaoya jumped off Feimao and bowed: "My lord, I will be back in the morning. I heard that you are here, so I came here to report to you."

Ye Xi: "I remember that you sent someone from the Tuo tribe, how about it, do they have an answer?"

Qiuya looked a little angry when he heard the words.

"The chief of their tribe discussed with the witch for a night, and finally decided not to join us in Xicheng."

The longer he stays in, the more he likes it here, so he feels that the small tribe of Tuo tribe is a little bit ignorant, and Xicheng kindly gives them a place to take refuge, but he is not willing!

The more Qiuya thought about it, the more angry he asked Ye Xi: "My lord, do you want to teach them a lesson?"

Ye Xi laughed and said: "Now we have cleaned up all the mutants around. They don't want to leave their homeland, and it is common for them not to join Xicheng. As for the lesson, there is no need to force them."

The Tuo tribe is too naive.

Even if they wiped out all the mutant monsters around them, the source stones were also cleaned up, but it didn't mean that this place was absolutely safe.

The hunting range of extremely powerful fierce beasts is as high as hundreds of miles. The hundred li they cleaned up is nothing at all, and what if some mutated fierce creatures are missing by them?

When they encounter danger in the future, they will naturally beg to join Xicheng, and now they are attacking, struggling and unpleasant.

Now that these tribes can know that there is such a place as Xicheng, the goal has been achieved.