The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 509: The last silkworm girl

Ye Xi borrowed the canaries of Qiuya and Dong Muying, and they rode two king-breed birds with enough mulberry leaves, and rushed to Silkworm Ridge in the rain and snow.

The reason for borrowing a canary instead of riding a big buzzard is not to dislike the big buzzard, but that the speed of the canary is faster, which can shorten the journey time.

One month later.

Braving the harsh north wind, Ye Xi and Azhi returned to Silkworm Ridge.

The treetops of the ancient mulberry trees in the Silkworm Ridge were covered with thick snow, except for the sound of wind and snow, as silent as Ye Xi had expected.

But there are also things beyond Ye Xi's expectations.

Originally, he thought that the branches of the ancient mulberry trees would be covered with giant white cocoons used by silkworm girls to sleep, one by one, falling over the mulberry branches, forming a strange scene, but now he has no white cocoons. see.

Two canaries braved the wind and snow through the intertwined branches and landed on the ground.

Ye Xi jumped off the canary's back.

Standing on the mottled snow, he turned his head and looked around.

The leaves of the ancient mulberry trees around were gone, and the wind and snow passed through the bare branches from time to time, whizzing and blowing onto the body. There was white snow under their feet, but in some places, because the branches blocked the snow, the thick yellow dead leaves could be seen vaguely, and the scene was extremely cold.

Ye Xi frowned slightly.

The last time he came here, he saw endless baby silkworms and first-generation silkworms on the tree, but now, he can't find one, even the fat and huge silkworm king.

It doesn't seem to be a place.

For an instant, Ye Xi wondered if he had found the wrong place.

Azhi was very panicked.

The joy of going home disappeared without a trace, and the desolate scene here seemed like a sap hit her head, completely stunned her.

What happened, where did everyone go?

"Crunch, crunch..."

Stepping on the dry leaves and branches covered with snow, Azhi walked in a panic in this quiet place.

Soon she found that there were many broken branches on the ground. Some ancient mulberry trees were broken by the waist and lying on the ground like giants. She looked carefully and found that there were spots of blood on the dark brown trunks.

All the shiny silk used for defense was cut by some kind of sharp blade, hanging down weakly like spider silk, and blowing away with the cold wind.

Everything seemed so barren.

Aori felt a chill from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, oozing out along the pores of her whole body, and her heart beat violently.

She opened her eyes blankly and turned her head around.

Why is there no one?

Why does it look like this here? In the end what happened? !


She felt that she had stepped on something and quickly lowered her head.

——I saw a stiff, gray finger, passing through the thick dead leaves and snow, twisting out of the ground.

Azhi's pupils shrink.

Then, she knelt on the ground with a puff, and slowly began to plan the snow and dead leaves around her feet with both hands.

In the end, the corpse of a silkworm girl with a gray-black body and highly decaying marks on her face was scraped out. This female corpse had only one arm and four fingers, which were twisted and mutilated.

Azhi froze for a while, realized something, and went to plan other places.

A corpse of silkworm women with rotten, mutilated and twisted limbs was dug out.

"No, no!!!"

The more Azhi digs, the more afraid she gets, and a huge sense of fear grabs her heart.

With trembling hands, she continued to plan the dead leaves under her feet, and more and more corpses were being planed out, and there was almost no need to find them. Everywhere she digs, a female body can be dug out. It turns out that every inch where they stepped on, there was at least one silkworm girl buried beneath them!

Hundreds of corpses were exhumed.


Azhi looked at these corpses, covered his head, and let out a scream of collapse!

Ye Xi was also digging.

When he dug up a corpse, he froze there. After a long time, he called Azhi arduously: "...Azhi, come and take a look."

Azhi got up in a muddled manner and came over in a muddled manner.

The body was twisted and stiff. The body was full of scars. The body was covered with stab wounds. One leg was cut off. The exposed skin was highly decomposed and looked terrible.

It was similar to the corpse that had been excavated earlier.

The difference is that she is...A Sang.

The moment Azhi saw it, she fell to the ground as if she had taken out all her strength and lost her soul. The mad sobbing and screaming stopped in an instant.

Crystal tears rolled out one by one from her blank eyes.

Azhi's hands trembled violently. She slowly hugged Asang's body and gently buried her face on her stiff and cold chest. This was her friend, her sister...her Eminem.

Azhi held it for a long, long time.

For a long time, snowflakes covered her with a thick layer, and she closed her eyes, like a sleeping snowman, still reluctant to stand up.

Ye Xi didn't disturb her, but stayed by her silently.

In the end, Ye Xi was afraid that Azhi would be frozen to death, so he pulled her up, and then took her to dig out all the silkworm female corpses buried in the snow and dead leaves.

They dug day and night.

All the tens of thousands of silkworm female corpses were excavated, including the corpses of silkworm female infants. None of the silkworm female silkworms survived, all lying quietly in the dead leaves.

In addition, Ye Xi also found a lot of broken yellowed cocoons, and a lot of dead insect willow branches.

Seeing these worms and willow branches, Azhi's face was distorted by hatred, and finally understood why Silkworm Ridge became like this.

It turned out that the Chongliu tribe attacked them!

Ye Xi suggested: "Maybe the Silkworm King is still in the hands of the Chongliu tribe, shall we go find them?"

Azhi naturally has no objections.

The two of them rode canaries and spent half a month in this rainy winter. However, the Chongliu tribe seemed to hide, the world was vast, and they couldn't even find a trace.

Riding on a canary, Azhi's heart is extremely cold with a vast expanse of white under his feet.

Ye Xi was afraid that Azhi could not think about it, and promised her: "Let's go back to Xicheng first. I will send falcons to find the traces of the Chongliu tribe."

Azhi had no other The cold made her body more and more stiff, so she nodded and returned to Xicheng with Ye Xi.


Canary on his back.

Ye Xi was rushed towards her face, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes made her eyes hard to open.

He brushed the snowflakes on his eyelashes, turned his head and glanced at Azhi, who was lying on the back of another canary, with worry in his eyes.

The corpses of foreigners rot more slowly than ordinary people. In fact, Silkworm Ridge has disappeared for a whole year.

Perhaps, in the cold last year, the Chongliu tribe attacked the Silkworm Ridge on a large scale while the silkworm girls were sleeping. They did not know **** all the silkworm girls and swallow all the first-generation silkworms and ordinary silkworms.

There was silence on the Silkworm Ridge at that time.

And Azhi next to him may be the last silkworm girl in the world.