The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 585: The flower in the flesh

Everyone was silent.

Ye Xi looked at the turbulent crowd in front of him, and said loudly: "You all get up, don't kneel."

He didn't enjoy the feeling of kneeling by thousands of people, and these people's expressions of fear and awe did not make him feel happy.

Everyone immediately stood up when they heard Ye Xi's words, but when they looked up and saw the terrifying fowl that was beyond their imagination, their knees softened and knelt down, their heads buried and shivering, and they didn't dare to stand up anymore.

Ye Xi saw that they were really afraid of the birds, so he could only say to the birds,

"Quack, you go outside first!"

The flock snorted, a pair of arrogant phoenix eyes glanced at the crowd on the ground, flapped its purple wings and flew towards the top of the mountain.

After the birds disappeared, these people with bare buttocks around the leaves finally stood up tremblingly.

Ye Xi stopped paying attention to them and looked around.

The peace and wealth here is like a paradise. Although the sun is scarce due to the geographical environment, the vegetation is no less sparser than the outside world, and the flowers and trees are growing vigorously. Maybe it's because of the humidity and darkness. There are a lot of mushrooms in the giant mountains. Half-human mushrooms are everywhere, and there are many varieties, and most of them are non-toxic.

These mushrooms alone are enough to feed tens of thousands of people.

Ye Xi also found that on the grass, in the crevices, on the trunks, and even on the mushroom canopy, there are small white flowers growing everywhere. The flowers look like Lycoris flowers, but they are much smaller, only the size of fingernails.

"what is this flower?"

He asked the young girl beside him.

It is not uncommon for flowers to grow on the grass, but it is stranger to grow on the mushroom canopy, and it can be seen that this parasitic flower absorbs the vitality of the mushroom, and the mushrooms where it takes root are relatively sluggish.

Qingnv: "We call it Jihua. It can grow anywhere. The more fertile the roots, the better the growth of Jihua."

Speaking, she turned to the west, pointing to the distance and said: "Look, isn't that piece of flower growing beautiful?"

Ye Xi looked in the direction that Qingnv said.

It is about 800 meters away from here, where the grass is green, and the palm-sized light red flowers bloom brilliantly in the grass. There are so many of them that they have even become a sea of ​​flowers, and the breeze blows. , All the flowers sway gently with the wind, the picture is extremely beautiful.

But Ye Xi clearly saw that among the green grass, under the light red flowers, lay a bunch of shriveled and rotting corpses.

The beautiful flowers lined the twisted corpses, looking terrifying.

"That's... where you hide the corpse?"

The young girl didn’t prevent Ye Xi’s eyesight from being so good, she could see the corpse hidden in the grass in the distance, and then said, “Yes, when our people die, the corpse will be thrown into the grass, and even the guilty Will be thrown there and used to nurture the flowers."

Ye Xi grasped the key point: "Cultivating Jihua? What is the role of Jihua?"

Qingnv: "It's almost useless to eat the light-colored dipper, but the reddish dipper can increase your strength after eating."

In fact, because of the lack of meat and physique of the people in these huge mountains, they could not have the strength to climb and pick bird's nests. Now the men are not weak and can still compete because of the flowers.

However, the strength of the young girl is not because of Jihua, but because of sheer talent.

Ye Xi looked at the sea of ​​flowers with interest in her eyes.

Seeing Ye Xi's appearance, the young girl burst into her heart.

An absurd and terrifying thought suddenly spread in her heart, that is, should this mysterious alien visitor kill all of them in the next moment and use it to cultivate the flowers?

So she hurriedly said: "The effect of cultivating flowers from human corpses is limited, and it is better to use powerful birds to cultivate them."

"I heard that a half-human corpse fell down in the mountains several decades ago. At that time, our patriarch was not the patriarch. He picked up the corpse of the beast bird with good luck. He thought it was unusual and used it. Cultivate the flowers."

"In the end, a total of three Jihua were cultivated, and the blossoms were as red as blood, as big as a slap. After eating, he greatly increased his strength and killed the former patriarch in one breath, thus becoming our patriarch."

Ye Xi raised her eyebrows.

It sounds like this seemingly ordinary flower should be a special kind of exotic flower. The more extraordinary the parasite, the more extraordinary the flower that grows.

With a thought on his mind, he summoned the flock to let it catch a beast back immediately.

The flock is very efficient, and after a while, he brought a mammoth-sized king-type beast.

In the horrified eyes of everyone.

There was a loud bang.

The corpse of the king-kind fierce beast was thrown down from mid-air, raising countless dust and gravel. After the dust circle was annihilated, the corpse of this fierce beast with a terrifying aura still lying quietly in the pit.

The green girl looked at it with straight eyes and swallowed hard. For the first time, she felt that her previous idea of ​​wanting to climb out of the mountain pass might be wrong.

This is really scary outside!

Ye Xi picked the dipper flower on a mushroom and asked, "Please tell me how to plant the dipper flower. Do I sprinkle the flower seeds on it?"

The young girl was dumbfounded: "Huh? Oh..."

After two seconds, she regained and said: "Yes, just sprinkle flower seeds on it. If you cut the flesh and blood, bury the flower seeds inside, and it will take root. It will tie faster!"

Ye Xi took out the black dagger, leaped gently onto the giant king-type fierce beast corpse, cut its flesh and blood, and buried all the flower seeds in it.

Ye Xi squatted on the corpse of the king-kind fierce beast, turning his head to ask the young girl, "How long will it take for the flowers to sprout?"

"The more fertile the place it grows, the faster it will sprout...look!" Qing Girl's eyes lit up suddenly, and she pointed to Ye Xi's feet excitedly, "It has sprouted! So fast!"

Ye Xi looked down.

I saw a small bud with viscous blood drawn out of the flesh and blood. It grew taller and taller at a speed visible to the naked eye... However, when it reached a height of five centimeters, the bud suddenly withered and crooked. The head is lying weakly in a pool of blood, this is a failure of cultivation.

The young girl was at a loss: "What's going on...?"

She had never encountered such a situation.

Ye Xi looked at the withered little bud beside her feet thoughtfully.

The fierce bird that fell in the huge mountain a few decades ago should be a fierce bird of relatively weak strength, and this king-species fierce beast is too strong for Jihua, so it cannot be absorbed.

Ye Xi stood up and called the buzzard again: "Quack, go and catch a weak beast, one of mixed blood or pure blood."

The flock screamed unwillingly.

It's been a long time since it caught such a weak beast.

But he didn't like it anymore, he went, and when he came back, he grabbed two four-toothed red-skin wild boars of pure blood level with each of his paws. They are still alive, but their bodies are pierced by sharp claws, and they are dying.

Ye Xi buried the flower seeds in the flesh of two pure-blooded wild boars, and then waited patiently.


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