The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 660: Little flower riding a Jiao Jiao

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Ye Xi walked into the gate of the city in front of the crowd under the eyes of everyone.

The city gate is still a bit small for a behemoth like the bird. Seeing Ye Xi entering the city gate, it hesitated for a while and didn't drill through like a dog drilled through it. Instead, it spread out its purplish red wings to cover the sky and the sun. The city wall then flew directly to the red phoenix tree beside the star lake following the howling wind.

The flock flew away, and the few fiery red Huyang birds that followed naturally also left with their owners.

The thorn finch flocks and the broken feather eagles farther behind flew into the sky one after another, and went to play with the young blue-scale long-tailed pterosaurs and thorn finch chicks.

In Xicheng.

As soon as Ye Xi walked into the city gate, he enjoyed the feeling of welcoming the road.

The black and crushing warriors who were standing on the city wall jumped down one after another, and the waves rushed towards Ye Xi, and the Xicheng people who had not squeezed on the city wall even squeezed to this side.

"Master Xi Wu!"

"City Lord!"

"Master Xi Wu, you have lost weight!"

People in the inner city spend a lot of time with Ye Xi, knowing that he is approachable, so they are more lively and bolder, each with a bright smile, waving violently at Ye Xi, shouting loudly.

Although the autumn rain was bleak and the cold wind blew, the atmosphere in Xicheng was as hot as a sunny day.

There are also burly women who just squeezed into the front of the crowd, holding a clay pot and shouting at Ye Xi, "Master Xi Wu, taste the jam I made. It's fragrant! Master Xi Wu, taste the jam I made. It's really fragrant!"

Seeing that she was squeezing hard, Ye Xi didn't want to refuse the kindness, so he smiled and took it with both hands and thanked her.

With a sensitive nose, he immediately smelled the mellow blueberry scent in the clay pot, and recognized that it was a foreign-level blueberry produced in a foreign plantation garden, which had a brightening effect after taking it.

This whole jar of jam made from blueberries of this level is not unbelievable to ordinary people.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Xi thanked the women again.

Seeing that Ye Xi took the women's jam and seemed to like it very much, the others also came to their spirits, unwilling to show weakness and wanted to bring out something.

However, these people ran up as soon as they heard that Ye Xi came back. They were not as well prepared as the burly women. They felt all over their bodies and were stupefied as gifts that they could not get, so they could only put out the idea unwillingly.

Only one little girl rushed up with a tender lotus and handed it to Ye Xi with a smile.

This is from the lotus tribe. The lotus was just picked from the Xinghu Lake. The petals are delicate and fragrant.

"Thank you!"

Ye Xi knelt down to take the lotus flower and touched the little girl's head.

Ye Xi, who was holding jam in one hand and lotus in one hand, was a little bit dumbfounded. The posture of the people in welcoming him was too exaggerated. He felt as if he had become a general who had returned from a battle and had been fighting for decades.

But the heart is warm.

Ye Xi stood up.

Looking around, Xicheng is still so tidy. In this rainy weather, no weeds and moss can be seen on the walls of the bluestone city wall. All of them have been pulled out and shoveled. It shows how much Xicheng people love their homes. .

Not seen for a year, there are more tall buildings in the city.

Ye Xi was not surprised, because all these were built according to the model and design drawings prepared in advance according to his instructions before leaving.

The new square low tower on the left hand side is the decision tower, where Xicheng is used to judge offenders.

The majestic gray-black building next to the ruling tower is the council. When it comes to matters that require all tribes to discuss or agree, Ye Xi or other temporary administrators will summon all chiefs and witches to discuss in this council.

The rectangular building on the right, supported by many chimneys and white stone pillars, is a new public fire cooker. People in Xicheng don’t like to cook their own barbecue. They all like to go to the public fire cooker to save trouble. The public fire kitchen is very large...

At this moment, Ye Xi felt that the crowd outside the city suddenly became quieter.

With a heart move, Ye Xi quickly turned and looked around, only to see a huge black giant python holding its prey in the bitter cold rain, swimming here quickly.

What the giant python dangling was a ferocious beast of the king species, almost half the size of the giant python. It is not difficult to imagine the majestic and majestic one in his lifetime, but such a domineering beast of the king species was crushed all its bones, like a meat bag He was slapped in his mouth softly, but not a single drop of blood leaked out.

The python swims silently.

The metallic black scales were drenched in cold light by the rain, and the huge scarlet eyes were stained with blood, and they inadvertently exuded an icy and terrifying breath while swimming, making the originally immersed in excitement in the city quiet instantly of.

However, the inner city people were not quiet, but became happy, and one after another gave way.

"It's Master Xi Wu's Jiao Jiao back!"

"And Master Xiaohua!"

It turns out that there is a gorgeous piranha riding a horse like seven inches from the giant python. The ocher roots are densely wrapped around the giant python's smooth body. The petals are trembling in the wind, and it seems to be riding steady. is also very prestigious.

Jiao Jiao quickly swam in front of Ye Xi. He threw his prey aside and circled around him excitedly. The huge body surrounded Ye Xi.

Ye Xi was also very happy and opened his arms at them: "Jiao Jiao, Xiao Hua, I'm back!"

The little flower riding on Jiao Jiao's neck slammed out her own vines, and slammed into the ground like a whip, throwing deep cracks in the ground.

The vines had been drawn to Ye Xi several times.

Ye Xi paused, perceiving Xiao Hua's anger from the contract induction, and seeing that the dense thorns on the vine were standing up, knowing that it was really angry.

As for why he was angry... Ye Xi put down his hand and touched his nose, feeling a little guilty.

Every time he goes out, he only takes the two of them, whether in Tushan Valley or Xicheng, uh... it is indeed a bit unkind. The Jiao Jiao has a good temper and is not angry with him. Little flowers are different.


Xiao Hua's vines twitched the Jiao Jiao loudly, motioning it to go quickly.

Jiao Jiao didn't move, but still next to Ye Xi.

Xiaohua was so angry that he removed the roots from the Jiao Jiao, and spit out green saliva with a corrosive effect on Ye Xi's feet. The roots were like the slender legs of a spider, and they climbed to the sender with great flexibility. Jammed on the sturdy woman, and then stepped on the black head of the Xicheng people's Wuyangyang, and ran out of sight with small and flexible steps.

The guilty Ye Xi was also amused by Xiaohua's series of operations.

Now the surrounding people are all tightly packed, Xiaohua can't squeeze out, so he uses this kind of leather method, but Xicheng people dote on it, and they don't hide any of them, letting it step on its head.

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