The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 665: Layers of reform

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The big sacrifice is over.

Everyone walked out of the Colosseum.

Everyone’s emotions were very excited, or clenched their fists, or looked excited, or had complicated eyes. They were shocked by the spectacular sight of the great sacrifice just now, obsessed with the brass city card, and felt for the future of Xicheng Worry.

Among them, only Ye Xi, who came out surrounded by witches, looked calm.

The sun at the end of autumn is not very hot, but it brightly shines Ye Xi's white silk robe as if to shine.

The cool wind blew his broken hair.

Showing his calm and sharp eyes.

In fact, it was not accidental that the Red Earth Society took the oath in public when the brass city plaque was awarded in the great sacrifice, but he arranged it in advance, including the oath of Huibeak and Hulu later.

These are all small means to increase cohesion and inspire people.

Effective and necessary.

Ye Xi emptied his messy thoughts, turned around and waved to Chief Tushan, motioning for him to come.

Chief Tu Shan approached in a flattering manner against the sight of the witches.

In fact, he had doubts about the Brass City card and wanted to ask Ye Xi, but now Ye Xi was surrounded by witches and great witches, so he didn't dare to come and bother.

In front of the witches, Ye Xi bluntly said: "There are more and more tribes in Xicheng. There are now sixty-three. There are no great migrations, or those who have not experienced a catastrophe with Xicheng. The tribe’s sense of belonging to Xicheng will be weaker, and the cohesion will be weaker."

"They will think more for the benefit of their tribe."

After saying this, the lotus tribe witch, mussel tribe witch, Zhuoshui tribe witch, and other newly joined witches all looked at each other. But they are all old people who have experienced weather and frost, and the expressions on their faces have not changed much, as for what they think in their hearts.

Ye Xi calmly said: "Without enough cohesion, Xicheng is just a handful of loose sand. It's just a compact settlement with many small and medium tribes."

"If you encounter a real disaster in the future, it will be torn apart with one blow, and then be defeated one by one."

Chief Tushan understood this truth, but Ye Xi said that he understood the seriousness of the matter better and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xi: "In the new year, you..."

Halfway through, he swallowed the words again, and after a moment of indulgence, he said: "No matter, let's gather all the chiefs and witches together. Let's discuss it together in the Chamber."

Inside the spacious chamber.

Hundreds of witches and chiefs were seated in order.

The design of the Senate Chamber is very special. The outside is one step and one high steps. The ground inside the courtyard is made of stone bricks, which is several meters higher than the ground level outside.

In the empty space, at the very center is a huge, three-story funnel-shaped inverted stone platform.

It is like an upside-down three-layer cake, layered on top of one another. The difference is that they are not in the form of concentric circles like cakes, but stacked together along the sides, with the same contact point.

At the highest level, the circle with the largest area, seated the chiefs of the tribes.

The middle is slightly lower, the circular area is slightly smaller, the stone chairs are more refined, and the tribal witches are sitting.

At the bottom, the one with the smallest circular area, the stone chair is extraordinarily tall and covered with soft animal skins, and the Xicheng Great Witch sits.

And at the contact point of the three-tier circle, a larger, more majestic stone chair with armrests is placed on this unique location.

Seated above was Ye Xi.

Ye Xi personally designed the design drawings in the Senate.

Because there are too many witches and chiefs in Xicheng, there are a hundred people in total. It is not realistic to sit on a round table or a rectangular stone table. Both the round table and the rectangular table have to be made very large. OK, and you have to shout.

A design like a classroom is even worse. They all face the same side, and the meeting is like being taught, one row looking at the back of the other.

Therefore, Ye Xi designed the council in this way.

The advantage is that during a meeting, everyone can see everyone’s faces and hear everyone’s voices.

Sitting on a stone chair, Ye Xi looked at the crowd with a calm and strong voice: "I don't need to say the importance of enhancing Xicheng's cohesion? I will give a few comments on the method first. If others have more ideas, Additions are welcome."

"If you don't understand something, don't hold it back and bring it up together."

After a short pause, after giving everyone room to digest, Ye Xi’s clear and powerful voice resounded in the Senate: “One, Xicheng has its own city song. I hope that in the future, the Intermediate Hunting Team will stand before the hunt. Facing the rising sun on the city wall, we sang the city song vigorously together."

Chief Qian Qi immediately had a question: "Master Xiwu, are you just an intermediate hunting team? Can the junior hunting team sing the city song before hunting?"

Ye Xi's gaze slowly swept across everyone's faces, and said: "I hope that singing city songs loudly on the city wall will become an honor and a motivation to encourage low-level fighters to become stronger. Therefore, only members of the intermediate hunting team Qualified to sing."

"Of course, if Xicheng has the strength to form our own advanced hunting, then the advanced hunting team is more qualified to sing the city song."

Chief Gongtao hesitantly asked: "Can the hunting team formed by my own tribe sing the city song before departure? What if their strength is above level 4?"

Ye Xi stared at the Chief Gongtao: "The regulations I propose now are to enhance the cohesion of Xicheng. Therefore, no, only the Xicheng hunting team composed of warriors from various tribes is qualified to sing the city song."

Chief Gongtao's heart tightened: "I understand."

Ye Xi retracted his gaze and looked at everyone and continued: "Second, I hope to draw the totem of Xicheng on all the soldiers."

All the chiefs and Wu were shocked, their faces changed.

Ye Xi met the tight eyes of everyone, paused for several seconds before slowly adding: "However, it is not for the soldiers to remove the original tribal totem, but to draw the totem of Xicheng on the back."

Everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, their expressions relaxed.

Totems are the lifeblood of every tribe. If the totem representing the tribe is to be erased, it will be a heavy blow to every tribe. Even if they reluctantly agree, they cannot explain to their ancestors.

If you don't get rid of it, everything is fine, what is the Xicheng totem painted on the back, they are also Xicheng people anyway.

Ye Xi: "The third one."

The calm and majestic voice echoed in the empty chamber.

"From now on, neither the residents of the outer city nor the inner city will be able to gather together in the form of tribes. All tribes must be broken up and live here in scattered places!"

Everyone's eyelids trembled.

If the rules of the first two are relatively mild, then this one is like a sharp sword, sharp and dazzling, piercing everyone's heart.

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