The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 706: kowtow


There was no more standing clan on the messy rocky ground.

Only Ye Xi, who was covered in blood, stood alone among the gravel with his fists and panting. He lowered his head, and the wind blew his black hair into a wild dance. No expression was visible, except for the sticky blood dripping from his mottled fists.

After a while, Ye Xi walked towards Yangzejiao step by step.

At this time, Yang Zejiao was still slumped at the bottom of the big hole in pain. The broken bones all over his body made him unable to lift his fingers. A large pool of blood drenched around his body would smash every broken rock. They were all dyed like soaked in blood.

"You... giggle..."

Yang Zejiao stared at Ye Xi who came over with his eyes splitting, his cheek muscles quivered, and he wanted to talk, but he choked his throat with a big mouthful of blood. He became more embarrassed and could only stare at Ye Xi with bitter eyes.

Ye Xi looked down at him.

At this moment, not an inch of Ye Xi's body was not splashed with blood, even on his hair, with blood-colored eyes that did not fade, he looked terribly like a murderer from hell.

But at the same time, his expression is calm.

He grabbed Yang Zejiao by the scalp, dragged him out of the bottom of the pit like a dead dog, and then dragged him back to the depression step by step, and then violently threw him in front of the corpse of the mink.

The spiteful Yang Zejiao was forced to bump into the charred bone, his eyes were just facing the two hollow eye holes of the bone, and his expression was stiff for a moment.

Before Yang Zejiao could react, Ye Xi grabbed his scalp again, pressed him abruptly and banged his head against the bones of the mink!


This hit extremely hard.

Yang Zejiao's originally intact forehead bones were suddenly knocked out of a **** pit.


Yang Zejiao's throat gurgled, his cheek muscles quivered, and his eyes became scarlet. At this moment, his resentment towards Ye Xi reached its peak, and he couldn't even dispel his frustration. He is not afraid of death, but as a clan, he does not want to suffer such humiliation in front of the tribe!

Ye Xi didn't know what he was thinking, but said indifferently: "The one who insults others will always be insulted."

Just hit Yang Zejiao's head with one foot!

Click! Yang Zejiao's head was crushed and cracked like a watermelon, and the expression of resentment has since solidified. The white bones, gray brains, and red blood all splashed out in an instant, splashing the charred bones of the mink. Body.


The fine snow kept blowing, and Shufeng whimpered.

Ye Xi looked at Mink's bones in silence for a moment, and finally only said softly: "...has revenge."

After that, he picked up a broken stone spear, bent over and dug a deep pit next to it.

No soil can be seen in the Dashixu market. They are all large or small rocks. Just after a great battle, all the rocks in this depression were violently smashed into gravel and dust, which can barely be counted as soil. Burial for Diao.

Ye Xi put all the bones of the mink and the bones of his war beasts into this big pit.

Then violently tore off the brass city card on Yang Zejiao's body.

Yang Zejiao didn't know what kind of string he used to hang the brass city card around his neck. It was very strong and was not burned by the white flames at all. Its glory was as before. Under Ye Xi's violent pull, the string was not only unbroken, but instead Cut off Yang Zejiao's neck.

The brass city card was burned by the white flames, but it melted a lot, and the surface was black, and the totem of Xicheng had been completely blurred. Only the word "mink" engraved on the back could be recognized.

Ye Xi put the brass city card on Mink Bone's chest.

Two bones were broken in Mink Skeleton's chest, and as soon as it was put on, the brass city card immediately fell into the rib cage along the gap.

Ye Xi's throat astringent.

The life that was once alive, once walked out of the Blackridge Mountains, fought side by side, experienced countless partners, and became the appearance that is now incomplete, which is really uncomfortable.

He stopped looking, and slowly filled the gravel beside him into the pothole.

The gravel was pushed down little by little with dust.

The scorched human bones and dinosaur skeletons in the bottom of the pit were slowly buried by gravel and dust. Eventually the ground became flat, the two skeletons were no longer visible, and the last trace of the mink on this piece of land disappeared completely.

"Quack, come down!"

Ye Xi summoned the flock in midair.

There was still Yang Zejiao's stone knife stuck in the back of the bird, and the blade was not half way in. But in fact, this kind of injury is not too serious for the bird, because it is too big. But in spite of this, Ye Xi still had to take out the blade, and the stone knife stuck in his back could not be taken by Yan Yun.


Following the blood arrow shot by Biao, the heavy thick-backed stone knife was pulled out.

Ye Xi completely healed the wound with witch power, then walked tiredly to the only large rock in the depression and sat down at the leeward opening.

He hasn't retrieved his tooth knife yet.

But just after a thrilling, **** battle between life and, it is not exhausted. Physical injuries can be healed immediately with magic power, but mental exhaustion is difficult to recover immediately.

Ye Xi sat quietly with his back against the rock for a while, suddenly felt uncomfortable in his eyes, and then realized that because of the fight in the violent wind just now, his eyes were stained with a lot of dust and small stones.

So he took out the canteen, raised his head to his eyes and rinsed it.


In the ears, the violent wind screamed sternly, and the gravel wrapped in the violent wind smashed into the huge rock uninterruptedly, making a sharp scratching sound, so tyrannical that it seemed to destroy this gloomy stone market.

Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be only this depression, and there was a moment of calm behind the huge rock that Ye Xi was leaning on.

The dust and pebbles in his eyes were washed out little by little.

Ye Xi lowered his head, and in his dim vision with water drops, a densely dense horned monster suddenly appeared strangely. The number was so large that there were so many insects coming.

Ye Xi blinked.

The water droplets in his eyes suddenly fell, and his vision became clear.

Seeing the scene at the end of heaven and earth clearly, his heart missed a beat.

In the tyrannical gray wind, there are indeed densely packed horned monsters rushing here. At first glance, there are thousands of them. They landed silently when they ran, and they moved very quietly. They were not as shocking as they were when Yang Zejiao appeared. , Coupled with the howling wind, so he didn't notice it before.

In the sight of the great witch, the team was full of strong and dazzling blue light, which meant that their vitality was very strong and their strength was very strong.

To make matters worse, he seems to have found several great witches and a Yuan witch in the team!


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