The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 805: Ancient Corner Stone

Ye Xi was dragged by Cangwu to swim forward in the dark. After killing the sea monster, Cangwu not only did not slow down, but became faster and faster.

At first, Ye Xi was afraid of hitting the rock.

You must know that this speed is too amazing. If you hit a rock, the movement will be very large. Even if their skulls are as hard as iron, their brains might be smashed into paste.

But later he discovered that Cangwu could use ultrasound to explore the road like a bat, she could turn around in the dark accurately, and accurately took him to avoid the ridged rock, without hitting it once.

So all his worries were removed, Ye Xi closed his eyes and let Cangwu pull him forward.


Where the two passed by, the sea was pulled out of spectacular water vapor wakes and shock waves.

Too fast will cause the seawater to evaporate and produce a harsh sonic boom.

The sonic boom produced in the water is much more terrifying than the sonic boom produced in the air. Wherever it passes, the weaker marine life is all killed by the shock wave.

This undersea tunnel has been in existence for many years. In the dark depths far away from the sound wave attack range of the sharks, there are many ordinary marine life, and countless conch shrimps, crabs and fish.

These ordinary creatures could not pose a threat to the Shaman Race, they would only become food for sea monsters, but facing them, Cang Wu showed no mercy, showing a violent and cruel side. Either use shock waves to kill them, or use screams to exterminate them, or pass through the body to take life.

Anyway, where they passed, no living things were left behind.

Perhaps, when Cangwu entered the sea cave, she was the most terrifying existence in the sea cave.


The sea cave is closed, suppressed, and dark, blocking all light.

No matter how bright the eyes were, they couldn't see anything here, it was darkness that couldn't be described without reaching out to see the five fingers. In such a permeating environment, let alone staying for a few days, even if you stay in it for a few hours, you will feel fear and despair.

But Cang Wu and Ye Xi didn't know how long they stayed inside.

Like a month, like ten months.

Until one day when they saw the dim blue light appearing in the distance and felt the warm ocean current rushing in from the other end, the two people realized they had reached their destination in a daze.

Cang Wu slowed down and stared at the bright light, his voice was ecstatic and complicated.

"It turns out that it is really connected to another sea..."

How many years have passed since the sea lord of the mackerel tribe has been trapped by this passage! Her father, Eminem, guarded it all his life, and later died of it.

If she didn't make up her mind this time, she and Ye Xi would also be trapped in that passageway in the future, leaving nothing but boring for the rest of their lives, and no more interesting things or interesting scenery.

And now she finally found the source!

As long as you rush to that end and kill all the things in the sea, what will emerge from the hole in the future will no longer be monsters, but only blood and corpses!

Cang Wu's chest rises and falls, and the beast-like silver vertical pupils keep zooming, killing intent more and more, and his hands tightening.

It wasn't until Ye Xi heard the creaking sound of Ye Xi's palm bones being pinched that she suddenly woke up, let go of his hand, and asked, "How many days did we use here?"

Ye Xi pondered for a moment.

There is no day or night in the sea cave. The more you stay in it, the more muddled it is, it is difficult to calculate the time. He used his own hunger as the standard, and roughly forgot it, and said in disbelief:

"It seems... only eleven days?"

He suspects that many months have passed in it.

This closed and dark environment with no end in sight is really tormenting. In these days, he doubted his speculation several times, whether this passage really had no end, whether he was in the **** of myths and legends, he would feel crazy if there was no one to accompany him.

But after all, it was only eleven days!

Cang Wu closed his eyes, his voice suppressed: "It turns out that I could get here after a few more days."

Ye Xi comforted: "It's not too late now."

"you are right."

Cang Wu narrowed his eyes, and re-raised Ye Xi's hand in a murderous manner to rush out: "Go!"

Ye Xi used her strength, instead of being dragged by her to swim, she hovered her in place: "Be careful, let's get out slowly."

He pulled the palm of Cangwu's hand and drew a new round of hidden witch patterns in her palm.

Cang Wu turned her head and looked at the faint blue light at the entrance of the passage, her killing intent was boiling and irritable. Now every inch of her bones was eager to move, eager for blood, and a retaliatory killing.

She endured and endured, still suppressing the desire to kill, and after Ye Xi finished the painting, she slowly swam towards the bright place with him at an ordinary speed.

After swimming for three or four miles, the eyes suddenly opened up.

The opening of this place is no smaller than the original opening, and the widest part is more than sixty miles long. In the faint blue waters, he saw countless schools of fish, and countless sea monsters that had never been seen pouring from outside. The variety and variety of sea monsters deeply made them understand what a sea monster nest is.

Nearest to them, there was a huge ancient corner stone crawling along the tunnel wall, only a hundred meters away from them.

This ancient corner stone looks like a deep-sea squid carrying a giant chimney with a weird shape. The most conspicuous thing is its long lime-gray shell, which is more than two hundred meters long and covered with thick moss and sea anemones. Various small fish and shrimps live in it, forming a complete ecological chain.

Ye Xi looked up at it in amazement and couldn't help thinking.

"If this guy lives in the sea near Xicheng, he won't have to spend time building a tower, just hollow out its shell, it's convenient and beautiful!"

This ancient corner stone crawled while preying on the surrounding fish. Several tentacles with sharp hooks accurately wrapped up the big fish, and then stuffed them into their own mouths.

Because there were hidden witch patterns on the two of them, it didn't care about them. It only opened its giant eyes and crawled inside, as if there was something in the cave that attracted it.


The pointed snail shell cuts through the rock wall, which is very hard and sharp, and brings a lot of rubble.

After finally calming down, Cang Wu's pupils shrank from the sound of the sound. He was about to scream and kill all the surrounding sea monsters, but Ye Xi squeezed Cang Wu's hand and said to her: "Don't do it yet. ."

He looked up at the rock wall, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the world that Cangwu can't see, clusters of faint green witch fires burst out of the rock wall, and then follow the water flow, constantly rushing to the depths of the cave, like a ghost fire, the scene is mysterious.

Although these green witch fires are invisible and intangible, they are powerful and can continuously attract surrounding creatures like the song of a sea monster.

They chased the invisible witch fire, subconsciously pouring in, unconsciously drilling deeper and deeper, until they came to the other end of the passage.

Ye Xi swims over.

He pulled out the bone knife and slashed hard into the rock wall, and began to dig the rock wall there. Later, he found that the bone knife was not working well, so he simply raised his fist and smashed it hard.

Cang Wu: "What are you doing?"


After another the broken rock and dust fell down one after another, and a dent with a depth of several tens of meters was gradually smashed into the cave wall.

"You'll find out later."

Ye Xi didn't use all his strength, he digs broken rock with both hands with one punch, and digs broken rock with one punch, very careful.

A quarter of an hour later, the two of them held their breath uncontrollably.

At the end of the broken rock, there appeared an irregular black stone stele embedded in the depths. It was huge, heavy, and engraved with countless densely packed weird patterns. I don't know how long it has been lying here quietly.

Ye Xi took a deep breath of sea water, dug out the charred stone stele, and then carried it to swim outside the cave.

The dark sea monsters around seemed to feel something. After a while, they all turned around and chased Ye Xi.

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