The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 83: Laughter

   The sky is getting darker.

   But everyone did not enter the cave, but lit a large bonfire in the middle of the Red Grass Valley.

   The bonfire was blazing, and from time to time a little flying flame escaped from the bonfire and drifted around.

   There are many young men and women around the campfire, dancing briskly and talking and laughing from time to time.

   Tushan fire.

   Tudor dolphins are cleaning up the firewood and food debris after burning on the ground.

   The youngest guys like Cone and Dahe couldn't help but walk towards the campfire.

   Seeing that the darkness has completely fallen, everyone still has no intention of leaving the venue. Instead, more and more people are dancing. Ye Xi asked Cangpan in surprise, "Isn't it dangerous at night? We don't need to find a place to spend the night?"

   Cangpan looked up at the sky: "Look at the sky."

   The incandescent sun in the sky has already set, leaving only a red moon.

   In the night, I saw that red moon was covered by thick clouds, and only faint red light emitted through the clouds.

"The reason we chose this day is because the clouds are the thickest in the past few days of the year. But sometimes if we are unlucky and the clouds are not thick enough to cover the red moon, we have to hide in a cave. went."

   "Hiding the light of the red moon, is it not dangerous at night?"

   "No, it is also dangerous, but the degree of danger will be reduced." Cangpan pointed to the entrance of the valley, "We are guarding people over there, enough to deal with it."

   Ye Xi thought of going to the Heize Tribe, the night in the woods, waking up the next day, the ground was densely packed with corpses, and asked: "Red moon affects the worms?"

   "Yes, the ancestors found that the red moon would excite worms. Most giant worms like to appear at night, so it also makes the jungle at night extremely dangerous."

   Ye Xi suddenly.

   There are already many men and women dancing by the campfire.

   Ye Xi and the others packed up the wreckage and walked towards the bonfire.

  Beside the bonfire, the flames reflected young faces with smiles.

   Ye Xi watched their dance, imitating the posture of the bull's top horn for a while, imitating the action of the tiger against its prey, shaking the **** vigorously for a while, and then fell to the ground and shook his legs like a rabbit that was thrown by an eagle.

   As everyone dances, they will make a wavy sound in harmony, as if they are beating the beat.

   is ugly and not beautiful enough, but everyone dances very enthusiastically and hard, and a sense of primitive beauty blows across the face.

   They danced very happily, suddenly seeing Ye Xi not moving, they said enthusiastically: "Ye Xi, dance together!"

   Among the people dancing around the bonfire, Ye Xi, who was standing still, was very conspicuous, so Ye Xi smiled and imitated their dance.

   This dance movement is simple and easy to keep up with, but this movement is too funny for Ye Xi, especially the movement of lying on the ground imitating the kick of a rabbit, so at first Ye Xi couldn't help but laugh while jumping, almost unable to do it.

   This is simply the awkward dance in the awkward dance!

   But he danced, Ye Xi also gradually found interest, and it seemed quite interesting to dance like this.

   With the cry of wow, all primitive people suddenly reached out and took the hands of those around them.

   Next to Ye Xi were two Tushan boys. When he was about to reach out and hold it, a soft hand suddenly gripped his palm tightly.

   Ye Xi was stunned, then turned around to see that it turned out to be 桫椤.

   桫椤 has a bright smile, just like other primitive women dancing passionately.

   "Let's dance together!" Jupiter said passionately, with no grudges in his eyes, and no trace of anger at all.

   Ye Xi secretly said, the women of the primitive tribes are really cool, and the anger comes fast and goes fast.

  Because of this refreshing spirit, Ye Xi couldn't help but develop a good feeling for Alsophila spinulosa, but this good feeling is not related to Fengyue, just appreciation, just like admiring a beautiful flower.

   He didn't refuse this time, he smiled, and took the hand of Jade.

   Everyone held hands and formed a circle, while jumping around the campfire, turning around in a circle.

  All the people of the Blackridge Mountain tribe have forgotten the contradictions and conflicts between the tribes at this moment. They seem to be the same tribe, loving each other.

   Some guy suddenly sang loudly:

   "Bright eyes with curvy eyebrows.

   dark skin, strong legs.

   Your beautiful smile makes my brother drunk, drunk my brother.

  Don't be afraid of the scary beast or the evil beast, sister, brother is willing to throw his head for you.

   Beautiful girl, my brother is willing to sprinkle blood for you~"

   The singing voice is loud and deep, and the ending is long, hooking like a hook to the opposite girl.

   The girls laughed.

   suddenly a girl sang:

   "Hey Yo! Which one is your sister and which one is our brother.

   Which is rare for your head, ah which is rare for your blood.

   I have hands to pick fruits, I have feet to climb trees.

   The tribe brothers will throw their heads for me, and the tribe brothers will spread their blood for me.

   It's better to guard Father Amu, never separate, never separate. "

   The women burst into laughter, and the men continued to laugh and dance without being annoyed.

   The juniper beside him suddenly cleared his throat and sang loudly and crisply:

   "There was a young boy who had a cruel heart.

   Girl, I'm as beautiful as a flower, and rejected me too. "

   Tushan everyone burst into laughter, and the Cangpan next to him raised his eyebrows teasingly.

   Ye Xi was a little embarrassed and didn't say a word.

   These primitive women are too bold!

   Amidst the laughter, men and women look at each other, and their eyes flow with affection.

   Suddenly a woman ran up to a man, grabbed his hand and took a bite.

   The man was not angry but rejoiced, laughed, and carried the woman, left the campfire, stopped dancing, and walked to the corner.

   The woman who was carried on her shoulders didn't struggle, she just twisted the man's back and was carried away obediently.

   In the Red Grass Festival, if a woman loves a man, she will bite him, which means that the man has been determined in this life. If the man is interested, the two can go to the grass.

   This seemed like a signal, and more and more women began to move their After finding the man they liked, they bit down.

   The unselected man patrolled the crowd eagerly, longing for a woman to bite him.

   Feeling a sudden force coming from his right hand, Ye Xi immediately turned his head, and saw the silver teeth opened by Sylvia, with a fierce expression of wanting to bite the back of his hand.

   Ye Xi didn't avoid it.

   桫椤 bit very hard, almost like to bite off a piece of his flesh.

   Ye Xi abruptly resisted the instinct to shrink his hands, letting her bite.

   This strength... If he weren't for the totem warrior, I'm afraid he would really bite the flesh.

   After biting it, he blinked and looked up at him.

   Ye Xi looked back at her without any movement.

   桫桫 snorted in his nose, and bitterly said: "I knew you didn't respond, that's why I bite so hard! Humph, I just want to hurt you!" After that, he flung his braids and left.

   Ye Xi looked at the tooth print on the back of his hand, good fellow, it won't fade every night.

   Suddenly another woman ran over and looked at him with bright eyes.

   Ye Xi shook his heart and took a step back.

   The women laughed and jumped on to bite him.

   Ye Xi was suddenly pulled by the corners of their clothes, and the snakeskin clothes were torn apart, revealing the fair skin of his chest.

   The women saw their eyes brighter, and they wanted to bite.

   Ye Xi's fair skin is too conspicuous among the black skins, so there are women who love white skin and handsome teenagers, and they have long aimed at Ye Xi.

   Ye Xi saw that they still wanted to bite, and could not pay attention to the unclosed skirts, stepped back embarrassedly, and ran back in a hurry.

   He doesn't want to have tooth marks all over his body!

   "Hahaha..." The people in Tushan had never seen Ye Xi be so embarrassed before, and they laughed out loud.