The City of Terror

Chapter 1436: Remnant limbs are born again!

Today is the first day of the new February! It is also the fifth day! I don’t know if everyone is sleeping like a poor road. The biological clock is confusing.

When the physical attributes are raised to 140 points, the first feeling of Wei Xiaobei is that his body is full of vitality!

This kind of vitality is different from the previous vitality, just like the various organs in your body have their own lives, full of infinite vitality.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei knows that this should be an illusion.

This situation has often occurred before, as long as the property promotion crosses the 20-point mark, this illusion will occur.

But then, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was a new rule in his body!

Well, this rule has some ambiguity in its ability to be modernized. It is difficult for Wei Xiaobei to describe it like a power tide.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was moved, and a whirlwind appeared around the body, and Wei Xiaobei was asked to hold it up.

Looks like it should be the rules of the wind or speed?

Wei Xiaobei discovered that it is not only his own thoughts that he can control the wind around him, but more importantly, he seems to have a wind in his body. As long as he moves gently, the speed will accelerate from static to extremely fast!

Well, well, when Wei Xiaobei came to this conclusion, he had already flown out of the Central Mountain Range and hit one of the space barriers at the edge!

The speed is too fast!

Completely uncontrolled!

peat! Wei Xiaobei has some nieces, and the power tide is not much to say. This new emergence of a rule has the ability to be instant, and this bird problem!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei faintly feels that this rule has the ability to be modernized. It is not just the rules of the wind. The wind is just the external performance situation.

Its essence seems to have something to do with the tide of power, or a rule attached to the tide of power.

But now Wei Xiaobei can't master this ability, let alone research.

As long as Wei Xiaobei moves, the ability will be activated, and then Wei Xiaobei's speed will be accelerated to the extreme, and finally hit a space barrier, like a meatloaf on the glass, slowly slipping down.

Fortunately, this speed is fast, but Wei Xiaobei is not too active, so even if it hits the space barrier, it is not too much trouble. At most, the face is broken, and the nose turns into meat.

But the 140-point physical attribute is not a joke.

Such an injury can be restored in a blink of an eye, and Wei Xiaobei does not have to worry about becoming a faceless man.

In addition to the speed that can not control this trouble, Wei Xiaobei is still satisfied.

At least, after the physical attributes have increased to 140 points, the ability to create life seems to have been strengthened.

Well, to be precise, Wei Xiaobei is not only able to create creatures with his own vitality, but also to create creatures with a part of his body!

For example, after Wei Xiaobei hit the space barrier once, the little finger of his right hand was accidentally hit and flew.

As a result, the little finger fell to the ground, and it didn't take long for the parts of the hands and feet to grow, and then ran into the grass and ran away.


what's going on?

Although the little finger that was knocked out grew back in a blink of an eye, the scene in which the little finger ran away still appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei feels awkward.

With his control of Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei finally grabbed the creature whose little finger changed.

After a little inspection, Wei Xiaobei came to the conclusion that the creature that the little finger turned into has become an independent new type of organism.

If it is divided according to the biology in reality, it should be divided into the genus Larvae of the Chordate!

It has five facial features similar to humans, with symmetrical hands and feet, and the brain occupies no less than the chimpanzee in weight.

The most important thing is that there is a small Tintin underneath.

Wei Xiaobei gently fiddled a few times, and was surprised to find that this little blush.

As can be seen from the above characteristics, this small point has a gender feature, and may be able to reproduce the offspring, if there is a corresponding female, and it has a little wisdom.

Ok, that is to say, Wei Xiaobei’s little finger created half a creature race.

However, the next moment, Wei Xiaobei will pinch this little bit to death.

This is not Wei Xiaobei's cruelty, but he considers that this kind of creature may cause a lot of trouble if it really breeds in the green wood.

It is important to know that once any creature has wisdom, there will be emotions. Once a sufficient number of populations are formed, a series of conflicts may occur with humans in Aoki.

This is not a joke.

When two smart populations meet, they often appear as wars and hatreds, not peace and friendship.

This also brought some minor troubles to Wei Xiaobei, because Wei Xiaobei should pay attention to it in the future battles. Otherwise, the parts of the body fall too much, and it really forms a race, whether it is in reality or Aoki Fudi is a trouble.

One thing to note is that after the physical condition was raised to 140 points, Wei Xiaobei's control of the power tide increased by a little, which made Wei Xiaobei have some expectations for the next attribute improvement.

If you can completely control the tide of power, it would be great.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei's attention was concentrated on the charm attribute.

This time, with the improvement of the charm attribute, the changes that Wei Xiaobei appeared were mainly concentrated on the skin.

Wei Xiaobei was able to see some golden lines appearing on himself.

As the fascinating attributes continue to increase, these golden lines begin to combine to form a golden rune of the size of the head.

When the charm attribute is raised to 140 points, the golden runes on the skin are completely formed, and then they disappear into the skin and disappear.


Wei Xiaobei then looked inside and found that the golden runes did not really disappear, but hidden under the skin, only need their own mind to move slightly, these golden runes will reappear.

And my skin will become tough with the appearance of these golden runes, even the guns of the sun gun are difficult to penetrate!

I have to say that this is an unexpected surprise.

As for the muscles, the golden runes above the heart have been reduced to the extent that the naked eye can't directly see them. When Wei Xiaobei is in the internal view, he needs to concentrate and zoom in to the cell level to see it. The form of these golden runes.

A significant portion of those golden runes have begun to be embedded in cells, causing some changes in those cells.

As for whether this change is good or bad, Wei Xiaobei tends to be good.

These golden runes are transforming your body!

However, this process should be slow, far less than the ability to directly promote attributes with evolution points.

After the fascinating attribute is promoted, the control of the tide of power has indeed improved a lot, and the ability of the rules of the wind attached to the tide of power has become clear.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that he had an extra ability.

This should be a vigorous and enhanced advanced version. The main effect is that when Wei Xiaobei only has a small part of his body, Wei Xiaobei can re-grow a complete self through this small part of the body!

Well, the name of this ability should be called rehabilitated!

The emergence of this ability will undoubtedly make Wei Xiaobei's survivability a big step.

That is to say, even in the case of encounters against the enemy, even if only a small finger is left by the enemy, Wei Xiaobei can regenerate through this small finger!

Wei Xiaobei’s brain responded quickly. In a flash, he thought about how to use this ability to further enhance his chances of survival!

For example, if you save your own short finger in Aoki Fudi or somewhere else in advance, then when you encounter a desperate situation, this small finger can play a big role!

Even the enemy will kill Wei Xiaobei! Wei Xiaobei can also be born again!

Of course, one problem that needs to be solved in this way is how does Wei Xiaobei control the preserved fingers and not change themselves into a new creature?

Otherwise, this method will not be implemented.

Undoubtedly, when Wei Xiaobei thought of this, his brow wrinkled.

The result is that he did not think that the ability acquired before will actually interfere with the latter ability.

Well, between the moments and a half, even if Wei Xiaobei has six minds, he can't quickly come up with a solution to this problem.

Temporarily letting this matter down, Wei Xiaobei then looked at the remaining evolution points, and there were 46,300 points.

These evolutionary points should be a lot of wealth when Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world. But now, for Wei Xiaobei, it can only be said that it is a little bit.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei’s evolutionary point of gaining the risk of entering the high Tianyuan was almost exhausted.

However, the next moment, Wei Xiaobei took out a giant sword from the storage ring.

This giant sword is the possession of the country's long-lasting life. After the country was suddenly bound by the mutant creeper in the quagmire, this giant sword naturally became the trophy of Wei Xiaobei.

This is not a true artifact. Its quality is only a perfect fairy. But when Wei Xiaobei grasps this sword of great life, he can feel the vitality of this giant sword and A little divinity!

I have to say that this light, this giant sword is also worthy of the precious word in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei originally intended to bring this sword of great life to his own use. After all, there are only three forms of sun-guns, big guns, bows, and gloves, and Wei Xiaobei needs a weapon for close combat.

But with the removal of this giant sword, Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly feel the greedy appetite from the life altar in his left hand.

Undoubtedly, the altar of life is now eyeing this giant sword.