The Coercion of Scum

Chapter 154

When I tremblingly propped up the tabletop with my hands and planned to start the fourth time, I finally couldn't help it. Impossible, did I have a bad stomach? But the ingredients at home are all fresh ones I bought myself, which makes no sense. If this continues, I will definitely get hemorrhoids, first find out what's going on.

Enduring the pain of tumbling in my stomach, I opened the refrigerator.

First check the leaves of the spinach inside and make sure that there is no residual smell of pesticides and no insects on it. Then take out an egg and put it in the water to make sure it is not spoiled. Of course, the half-cut raw meat also took a look no problem.

And it seemed that most of the ingredients in it ended up being the dishes that I ate with Jasmine. It didn't make sense that I had diarrhea.


Holding my stomach, I was puzzled until my eyes shifted to a few bags of milk in the refrigerator.

With the mentality of whether this is the case, I pulled a package to check the production date.

-! !

It's actually a futures.

I bought those packets of milk last week, and it seems to have expired on the day of purchase. During this time, I drank most of them every day.

Chapter 132 The Treatment of Pregnant Women (Alternate) and Self-Reflection

While enduring the tumbling in my stomach, I unbelievably grabbed the expired milk.

Impossible, impossible, how could I make the mistake of buying milk without looking at the date of production, and I drank it last week without any problems. Why is it so coincidental that I have only started to respond now?

(Could it be that even the past can be tampered with before being confirmed?)

Ah, no, I can't stand it anymore.

Go to the toilet again!

Sitting on the toilet, besides worrying about my stomach and intestines, I began to worry about something more serious.

Bletilla is serious. This guy really used all-pervasive means to detonate the mines I once planted. For example, the recently expired milk that I bought was all right after I drank it last week, but I got diarrhea this week.

For the same reason, Jasmine and I did that one last week, so this week shouldn’t


I felt a chill.

Well, because of the punishment of fear and impulse, I felt cold in my lower body.

Take Zeyu, you have to be strong. Otherwise, I would also persuade Jasmine to be strong, if it is the worst situation. Draw a possible conclusion in my heart, and my face began to become the most ugly in the world.

the next day.

huh huh huh huh"

Although after yesterday’s inexplicable things, I was a little worried for Bletilla striata's ability, especially the so-called "Let the bombs planted in the past detonate all at once" makes me super uneasy, which means that I have been cautious during this period of time. It's useless, it seems that the curse will go back to the past, making me pay for the carelessness before.

But, but ah, this is definitely not the reason for me to give up, because I was in a good mood after I slept, and I planned to kidnap Jasmine into my chariot.

Yes, I have already decided that if things have already happened, I will carry them all down.

It's not that I want to be a responsible man, but if I don't have any reason to comfort myself and hypnotize myself, my fragile heart will be shattered.

Anyway, the dust hasn't settled yet, so it's okay to be fully prepared before eliminating the possibility of my fear. After adjusting my mentality, I got up early and decided to go to school to face Bletilla striata and meet her provocation.

In short, because of Bletilla's trouble, it was impossible for me to break up with Jasmine.

Most people know that if she unfortunately has two lines, then I can't break up with her, if she doesn't, then I won't be afraid of Bletilla striata*

In short, today is probably the earliest day I wake up. Although Jasmine used to wake up early to cook after spending the night at my house, in order to cope with her possible pregnancy, I went out to the nearby vegetable market to make purchases. "early

Luckily, after I finished the last dish, Jasmine's bewildered voice came from behind, probably just waking up.

Looking back, it is indeed the sleepy Jasmine. She is also wearing a light purple printed nightdress, with small flowers dotted on the skirt, and soft black hair tied behind her long eyelashes with bright sparkles. Mo pupil.

She greeted me while rubbing her eyes, still muttering in her mouth.

"You really didn't need to do anything special when you started today. Um, I was so tired today. When I heard her shouting tired as soon as she woke up, I felt a little bit in my heart.

Really, there was no intense exercise yesterday. Why did a girl wake up so late? It was an hour and a half later than me. Is Guoguo really pregnant? ? ? ?

Hello, early Jasmine! "

Although the panic waterfall sweat dripped from my heart, I enthusiastically scooped the winter melon soup from the pot into the big bowl, and smiled refreshingly at Jasmine.


In response, her brows trembled slightly, and she tilted her head to look at me inexplicably.

"What's wrong, kiss and love one by one"

"It's disgusting, you don't have to act with just two people, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, you eat. (Although not sure, potential pregnant women should take care of their health!) With hidden lines in my heart, I went over to help her pull out the chair and tried to hold her waist. Let her sit down.

"these are

When she sat in her position, her eyes widened, and then she made an incredulous voice at me. Of course, I have to try my best to be an understatement.

"It's just a normal breakfast. I'll give you a massage first."

Jasmine finally couldn't help but shook off my hand, pointing to a table of dishes and screaming.

"Wait a minute! What are you doing? Do this early in the morning."

emmm, because I have to take an exam, I simply intend to supplement nutrition. For example, pig blood can replenish iron (blood), orange can replenish VC (qi), black chicken soup can nourish the kidney and fetus), and winter melon soup can promote blood circulation (warm palace). Crucian carp can promote absorption (pass milk). "

"That's the problem! Why did you do this early in the morning? And I always think there is some subtext in your words!" Jasmine showed a disgusting expression and shuddered and hugged her body.

And I still smiled at her like a spring breeze.

"Don't mind, these are just for the test."

"You are really disgusting. Yesterday I was inexplicably hugged and washed first.

She muttered, running away silently.

Sitting alone at the table, I showed a somewhat unpleasant look.

Wouldn't she see it? No, no, I pretend to be very good, just to meet the exam.

After all, did she have an accidental pregnancy? If I don't find a pregnancy test stick, I would be very entangled.

With my heart numb, I slapped myself on the cheek to stay awake, and then started sighing again.