The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1011: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (40)

A wave of people used the forces in reality to build power gangs on the rivers and lakes.

After using the money offensive and the adventures of individual players to obtain a martial arts cheat that can be formed into a sect, it is smoothly formed into a martial arts sect composed of all players, with ambitious plans to be in this new world. Compete with the old gangs in the original arena.

The other wave of people is heading towards larger cities and steeper mountains...

Because there are six gates under the imperial court in those prestigious capitals, and in those famous Sichuan mountains, there are many schools with rather weird entry conditions, and there are some unbelievable surprises among them.

And the Xiao Nai whom Gu Zheng wanted to compete with in the game was one of the Xiaobo people.

This is said to be a genius who developed a holographic online game. As soon as Gu Zheng entered the game, he knew that it was Xiao Nai's reputation that had been given to the empire or even a large global company.

This kind of fidelity is extremely high, and Gu Zheng suspects that it is a real-world game. It is definitely not a computer science student who has not graduated from a university and can be independently developed.

As for why Gu Zheng is so sure, it is because this senior Xiao Nai is now playing the role of a great **** in a gang formed by players.

His role should be clarified.

In this game world’s player wasteland team, it acts as a mascot and a benchmark.

Let all the players who have poured into this world take a look. As long as you are exploring hard and constantly digging for new resources, you can be as awesome as the Great God Xiao Nai.

But if Senior Xiao Nai chooses this path, then Gu Zheng would have to choose another path for his next path.

Although the latter wants to achieve its goal and eventually reach the top, it is obviously much more difficult than the former.

But at any rate, Gu Zheng claims to be a martial arts master, and his own conditions are very good. It shouldn't be a difficult task to find a better sect to join in!

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, was also very neat under his feet. After replacing a bag of copper plates with corresponding silver coins in Wutou Town, he began to move towards the destination he had considered again and again... Go ahead.

So after studying for a long time, where did Gu Zheng finally choose?

That is, in the heart of the entire Daxia Dynasty, the Baiduling Cliff is known as the four forbidden areas of the rivers and lakes.

Listen, listen, what a bullish name.

Accompanied by this kind of name, there must be a breathtaking martial arts legend, a lonely old man who has not seen anyone, no matter how bad, under the cloud-filled cliff, there will definitely be some top-notch children that are not discovered by outsiders. Martial arts cheats.

Don't ask how Gu Zheng knew, what else could be wrong with the collection and analysis of the data that Xiao Wangshu grabbed?

After a sneer, Gu Zheng picked up a simple suitcase and embarked on a journey of upgrading while walking.

When Xiao Nai's gang opened up wasteland, Gu Zheng was exploring the way among the thorny mountains and forests.

When Xiao Nai and his friends were drinking and chatting in the bustling town of the largest town, Gu Zheng fought in chaos among the group of golden monkeys at the entrance of the forbidden area.

With a strong force, and after level ten, Gu Zheng automatically unlocked his martial arts skill talent. It took him less than a month to reach the empire server and rank ranking list. top ten.

This Gu Zheng who entered the rivers and lakes a step later than the others, with a strong posture, hung the name of his hideous swordsman in front of everyone.

He still disdains to make his game name anonymous. Gu Zheng believes that playing a game is a good profit.

In the arena, it is to become famous.

Without showing the mountains and without dew, it is as tasteless as a night walk in Jinyi.

Angry Horse Xianyi, young and frivolous, can be worthy of this magnificent arena, and worthy of a life different from the past.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng reached the twenty-eighth level and successfully squeezed a hapless one on the ranking list, he frankly... revealed his existence.

Of course, he, a person who has never shown up before, just showed his face on the list, and there was news to collect the little talent, known as a modern player, and put his personal information on a paid sale. In the bar.

Among his poor and only information, the video he showed in the Novice Village was naturally preserved intact.

Because this is the only one that can be determined among the existing players, and is a living player with master-level forging skills.

Whoever thinks it, Gu Zheng's entry to the list this time completely broke the illusions of some of the guild leaders of these player gangs.

Still thinking about high-paying digging, UU reading is persecuted by the forces?

They have grasped their combat power and life skills, and they are much more capable than you so-called guild leaders.

So, Gu Zheng, the most successful player among the population, is his current situation really as beautiful as others have said?

How can it be!

He is not the protagonist!

Gu Zheng's current situation is like this.

At this desperate mouth of Dutou Cliff, didn't he have a fight with a group of monkeys?

Then, he discovered a very embarrassing thing, that is, the clothes on his body, after being torn by the crowd, finally could not maintain the original durability, and broke into pieces.

But now he needs to walk for three days to the nearest town.

After seeing the indistinct guillotine cliff in the Jedi, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, pulling the ragged clothes down the ground, and plunged into the dense forest smoothly. bingo.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, in order to prevent the appearance of backpacker players who enter the game specifically for sightseeing, Gu Zheng entered the forest to pick some big leaves, hunt some animal skins, and cover himself, and then Keep going.

Why is this river and lake so realistic!

Except that the basic measurements are digitized, what is the difference between the rest and the real world?

Gu Zheng, who was doing needlework silently holding a branch, wrapped a freshly-baked skirt of pure natural and pollution-free leaves around his body, and headed towards the destination of his trip.

It's near, it's near.

After all the hardships, what will be waiting for him?

When he stood at the bottom of the cliff, Gu Zheng was so cold.

This is the so-called top of the four forbidden areas?

This is where the legendary mysterious sect that only allows entry and never exits?

This is for fun!