The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 119: 1 beast 1 drink bar

  ‘Boom! ’

   "I said, what are you doing so hard! Also! Can you pay attention to me anyway? There is a big living person behind you!"

   quietly walked to Gu Zheng behind Xiao Jiro. At this time, with a face full of help, he threw the brick that had just been thrown on the back of Xiao Jiro's head. After the collision, it fell to the floor and picked it up again.

   And the muffled noise just now was not the first collision between the two masters in the field, but at the moment when everyone's atmosphere was the most tense and concentrated, it was a street attack in Gu Zheng style.

  Throw bricks!

   The brick that was originally intended to deal with a beast was taken out by Gu Zheng in advance, and it was difficult for him to tie the brick to his calf and cover it with a large robe for a long time.

"you you you!"

   The protagonist who was attacked, the crazy demon Kojiro turned his head in disbelief, his long eyes like bullseye, just staring at Gu Zheng, who now seemed harmless to humans and animals.

   "You... sneak attack... the spirit of the samurai is not like this." As a trembling finger pointed to the tip of Gu Zheng's nose, Kojiro slowly turned his body in front of him.

   "Gu Zheng, be careful!" Dad Caifeng in the stadium lowered his voice nervously to remind, and he and the others began to run in the direction of Gu Zheng.

"It's okay!" Gu Zheng, who was very confident about his sneak attack, showed a triumphant smile, and saw that he rolled up his sleeves, raised his arms, and pushed towards Kojiro's forehead: "Put it on me! "

And as soon as he said this sentence, the forehead of the seemingly bullish Kojiro began to slowly shed bright red blood, two strands, faster and faster, and in the end it turned out to be like Baotu Spring. The springs are like a spring, bursting out.

   Next to this funny scene, Kojiro rolled his eyes and fainted straight up.


   There was another muffled sound. This samurai family member, known as the first swordsman in the country, was planted under a brick that was caught off guard.

   Randomly punching the teacher to death, this is quite reasonable.

I thought I would face a fierce battle, but in the end it turned into such a situation. The dumbfounded father Caifeng shook his head helplessly, and came to Gu Zheng to give a final reminder: "It's the last step. Go in by yourself. Be careful when you do."

   "Don't worry!" Gu Zheng smiled at all those who were watching him in the court, and strode to the door.


   "Who!" The noisy music inside was interrupted abruptly by Gu Zheng's knock on the door, and I could hear that General Yi Beast's mood also deteriorated.

   "It's me... General, our boss specially asked me to sing a scene for you, saying that it was to cheer you up."

   "Oh? You, the owner of Dongli Tea Garden, is the most sophisticated boss I have ever seen. This is indeed worthy of praise."

   After hearing Gu Zheng's voice that can soften people into the bones, the response of the beast general inside also became gentle.


   The door of this room was opened by him from the inside out.

   At this time, the outside of the house is quietly dark, but the inside is shining brightly, but the beast standing in front of the door feels that the scene in front of him is exactly the opposite.

  The scenery beside Gu Zheng is as dazzling as day, no matter how dark it is, it can't hide the light of his body.

   Seeing that the door was opened, the musician in charge of playing the music had already withdrew from the house with vision from Guo Yanguo’s boss in advance.

In today’s room, as soon as the irrelevant person evacuates, only the half-awake white lotus with tears in his eyes just because of being filled with alcohol, a beast with an idiot and drooling face, and a half-reliant. On the door frame, Gu Zheng was infinitely graceful.

   "Why? General Yiju won't let me in?"

   Gu Zheng, who leaned against the door, now had a spring-like smile on his face. With his sparkling peachy eyes, he stared meaningfully at a beast in the temple like a dementia.

   "Oh oh oh," General Yi Beast, who was interrupted by Gu Zheng's words, made a please gesture toward the table inside.

   The drunk beast was in front of Mei Se, and he simply forgot how the adjutant outside the door had let an irrelevant person to knock on his door.

   "Welcome to the extreme. It is an honor for me to invite someone like Mr. to cheer up."

   "I really didn't see it. It turned out that Boss Gu had hidden himself. It was my fault. I really didn't know the true face of Mount Lu. I was only in the middle of this mountain. Sit down, Boss Gu quickly sit down."

   Gu Zheng, who was let in, was not welcome. He swaggered and walked to the already slightly messy banquet. With a fart, he sat beside Bai Lian.

   After they had just sat down, taking advantage of the time difference before the beast returned, the two exchanged information quite tacitly: "How much did you drink?"

   "A lot, UU has three bottles of sake."

   After hearing this amount, Gu Zheng glanced contemptuously at the hypocritical Japanese sake on the table, no matter how large the capacity? In front of Gu Zheng, the wine king, this kind of wine with little strength is scum.

   "Well, let's follow my arrangements."

   After finishing this sentence, the Yi Beast General immediately followed and sat in, sitting right between Gu Zheng and Bai Lian, separating the two people from continuing to communicate.

Bai Lian, who was already a little drunk, curled his mouth in disdain. This junior was still so naive. He broke in alone and didn't know who saved him. Don't capsize the ship in the gutter. If someone'cleans up', then they will be happy.

   After all, thinking of this, Bai Lian unconsciously looked at the bulging waist of General Yi Beast, this Japanese native has...gun...

But she was contemptuous here for only a second, and the next moment it turned into a stunned surprise, just because now Gu Zheng started drinking and chatting with the Yi Beast general, and the other side did not delay with her. Communicate ideologically.

That's right, Gu Zheng forced Laughing and Forgetting to shed tears and began to try to communicate with the White Lotus system. However, the two systems that were also not very reliable did not know how the frequency came into contact with each other, and they were formed. Created a perfect idea communication channel, connecting Bai Lian and Gu Zheng's consciousness call.

   "Oh, laugh and forget the book, you can still play like this, the first time you find that you are still useful, keep it up, try to tap your potential, I am optimistic about you!"

   The unlovable Xiao Wangshu didn't want to answer any words of the host at all. It kept the most power-saving posture, and continued to stand tall.