The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 68: Here again?

Oh. It turned out to be cockfighting.

   For Gu Zheng, who lives in this year and month, it is really a Western scene.

   "What's the matter, I have something to do, stop for a while. Wait for a while to finish the matter, can't you come to a strong son?"

The person who was turned into a strong son by the smoking gun glanced at General Hua, who was still bleeding on his body, and waved his hand very distressedly: "No, no, no, wait until I go back to raise, and find someone else. It's a cockfight that is not a concierge, let's fight again!"

   "This is what you said, strong son, I am waiting for you here, how can my cockfighting in Dazhongyuan be comparable to those in remote mountainous areas."

   "Aren't you the so-called General Flower still a so-called Vietnamese species? Isn't it a silly thing?"

   "I don't care wherever you find it. It's a business to find Huang Mao and pay the venue fee first!"

   "Oh!" Qiangzi sighed, watching his master waved to drive away, he could only touch his pocket distressedly, and followed Huang Mao away with General Hua in a hug.

   Nowadays, only Gu Zheng and the smoke gun are left in the courtyard.

   "Gu Zheng, what are you?"

   Seeing that he handed the chicken to the other kid next to him, Gu Zheng quickly took two steps forward: "Brother Yanqiang, I'm here to discuss business with you."

   "Oh? What kind of business can I have that can be taken care of by your brother Gu?"

   "It's about the mobile vendors in the market..."

Gu Zheng's words haven't fallen yet, and the face of the cigarette gun has a tendency to droop down: "Oh, hey, you can't come to me for this matter, yes, some of my brothers occasionally come out to set up a stall. But it doesn't appear there every day."

   "Want to find me to charge the market fee for the smoking gun? I think you Gu Zheng is full, right?"

   "No, Brother Boomstick, first look at the thing in my hand and then you can say the next thing?"

   "Oh? What is it?"

   is the plan of the temporary market of the village in the city.

   The drawings drawn manually by Gu Zheng, if it weren't for the old neighbours who have lived here for a long time, I really don't understand it.

   When the cigarette gun on the opposite side saw this precious hand-drawn version of the plan, he was no longer as cold as the horizontal eyebrow he had when he faced Gu Zheng.

   Good fellow, if the plan of the guy opposite can really be done as he envisioned, then these old stubborns will no longer have to play with these things and look financially tight.

   This is the best way to combine their fun with making money.

"Can you make this plan? If you can really organize it, I will run for you at the neighborhood committees and street offices in the villages in this city." Looking at the smoke gun with complicated thoughts in the drawings, it looks like the age is not right in front of you. A very big man.

   He has long heard that in the village in the city, Gu Zheng has the most flexible head.

   I didn't expect this kid to be more daring than he thought. This is the plan to build this place into the second Panjiayuan in South City.

   It's just that Pan Jiayuan sells antique jade, and their Hongmen Grand Collection is the legacy of the older generation of crickets, thrushes, cockfighters and dogfighters.

   This route extending from the back of the regular big market will neither affect the traffic on the main roads in the city, nor will it affect the basic travel of the residents in the villages in the city.

   Once they are refurbished according to the drawings, in addition to the vulgar life stalls at the mouth, the setting of their brother's stalls will allow those who come in to have a sense of freshness in exploring the secrets.

   "This matter, you want me to think about it. After all, it is a big project. If you listen to your hands, then our brother will have to fold all our energy into it."

   "Let me think about it."

   "Okay." Hearing this answer, Gu Zheng knew that the smoke gun on the other side was moved.

Gu Zheng, who took it up when he saw it, looked at the sky, and then at the spectators who were beginning to probe their heads in the outer courtyard. Then he planned to leave quickly and leave: "The smoke gun brother, I will go back first, you will consider it slowly. what."

   "Okay, hey, Gu Zheng, this plan will be left for me to leave the scene and then take a closer look?"

   "Okay, Brother Smoker, look at it first!"

   Gu Zheng, after finishing talking about the matter, handed the drawing forward, and after nodding around, the numbness dazzled.

   If he doesn't leave, he will be executed by Ling Chi's eager eyes like a real murder.

   Three steps and two steps, leaving the bustling courtyard, Gu Zheng returning home, the mood on the way is all joy.

   His beautiful life rushing to a well-off life, maybe it will start here?

   But as the door approached, his mood changed one by one, and he became disheartened.

   There is also a Laughing Forgotten Book in the study room at home who has concealed a lot of things from him. Before going to bed, he has to go over and ask the thing that doesn't want to live, whether it wants to live or die.

Xiao Wangshu, who thought he had escaped, is now lying on the desk bathing in the moonlight of the night, feeling the beautiful scenery, he was creaked and pushed the door, and walked in front of it without the light turned on. , Was taken aback.

   "You, what are you going to do?"

   This tone is as pitiful as an old lady who is about to be treated inhumane

   "Explain, what happened to the scene I saw when I came in in the evening?"

   is here, but I still haven't escaped.

   The system that has been frightened by Gu Zheng's Yu Wei, obediently gave a detailed answer to this function.

   "You mean, the world I once turned over will have an automatic scene replay of the subsequent results of that world after returning?"

"Yes." Xiao Wangshu nodded, and quickly explained to Gu Zheng: "This function has a playback function, but it is extremely energy-consuming. I won't remind you at the beginning. I really don't have any other ideas. I'm afraid your old man will treat me as a DVD."

   "If this is the case, let alone travel to the world behind, it is hard to say whether my system can continue to survive in the world."

   At this point, Xiao Wangshu didn't care about the problem of energy consumption, and began to cry loudly.

   Gu Zheng, sitting at the desk, suddenly showed his big white teeth in the darkness without light.

   "Don't worry, I still have to rely on you to continue my life. The two of us have been together for a long time. Look, this is not, I plan to earn energy for you again?"

   After finishing speaking, Gu Zheng in the dark didn't even bother to turn on the light, so he started to act.

   "Wow, it's deep, a big drop of blood came out, and it's a loss. The third world, leave you."

   was automatically turned over by a page of laugh forgotten book, at this time, his heart collapsed.

   I'm going, come again?

   Haven't seen the host who does three missions before the day arrives!


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   "Entertainment City Adventure King"

   Introduction: I may be a fake traverser.