The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 91: Half a silver dollar for 2 days

  Who would have thought, after leaving the garden, the shop Xiaoer, who had been running errands in front of him, was running over to report on his work, and he saw Gu Zheng and their boss pulling and pulling at the backyard gate.

   "Master Guo, Boss Gu, I just listened to it. In fact, this matter is easy to handle. Just ask me."

"ask you?"

   Hearing these words, Gu Zheng's intention to make a ball with Guo Yangun also stopped, and the two of them swept their heads in the direction of Xiaoer, waiting for his next words.

   "Fifteen tables are full today. That's sixty people. Among them, there are ten tables that order teapots, and the remaining twenty guests are single cups of tea."

   "This is 140 yuan."

   "Compote snacks, peanuts, edamame, and cold dishes are sent out for a total of 20 copies, which is 100 yuan."

"There were 30 stand-in individual visitors. The tea fee for one person and one bowl was charged 30 yuan, and the money rewarded in the backstage just now is in the hands of the small ones. It is about to be sent to you. The total is 66. Yuan, take the meaning of six or six great success, Boss Guo, this indicates that our tea garden is about to be released!"

   Looking at the clever shopkeeper on the opposite side, he told the income and expenditure of the last scene of the tea garden like the name of the dish. Gu Zheng and Guo Yan had only one idea in their hearts, talents.

   And the second generation ancestor who took the money from the shop, after considering it for a quarter of an hour, took out three silver corners from his pocket, and took another 16 yuan and handed it to Gu Zheng.

   The second generation ancestor was still a bit embarrassed in the process of "cough cough cough" giving money: "Master Gu, I didn't intentionally not give it to you. I just figured out how much money I want to divide you."


   This mental arithmetic ability is really weak.

Gu Zheng looked at Guo Yan with contempt, then looked at the smiling shop Xiaoer, carefully put the money in his pocket, shook his head and sighed, and ran out of the tea garden while shook his head and sighed. The back door of the child.

   Don’t hurry up, I’m so hungry that my chest sticks to my back. When I go to sing in the future, I must ask if there are any employee benefits and can I add dinner or something.

   You know, he is a real manual worker.

   Gu Zheng, who did not run two steps, once again saw the door of his familiar home. This time the night had fallen, and naturally there would not be a girl waiting for him at the door looking up at the alley while doing work.

   I don't know what to do, this is still a bit empty in my heart.


   Gu Zheng was a little self-deprecating at his own greed, and when he pushed open the half-hidden door of his house, he was startled by a dark shadow that appeared behind the door.


  Reflectively, the handrail of the car that Gu Zheng was holding in his hand was raised, blocking himself and the shadow.

   "Wow! It hurts! Oops!"

   As soon as he heard the voice of the dark shadow on the opposite side, Gu Zheng knew that it was accidentally injured, and that the dark shadow was Caifeng.

   "It's Caifeng? You weren't staying at home this night, running behind the door to hide and play scary? Let me see what's wrong with it? Did you touch it?"

   "Well, Gu brother, I hurt!"

   In the dark, I was crying when I heard the sound. I don’t know where I hit the armrest of the car I just raised?

   Panic Gu Zheng also couldn't help but fumbled and pulled up the sleeves of Caifeng's clothes and drew it toward his small room.


   The oil lamp was lit, and Gu Zheng looked at the tearful Caifeng under the lamp, and looked at it carefully: "Where is this? Let me see? Do I need to rub it?"

Caifeng's face flushed immediately, she faltered for a long time, as if she had gathered up her life's courage, and pointed her bulging chest with her round little index finger, like a mosquito. His voice said: "Here." Then this head was buried in his chest, and he didn't lift it up.

   Gu Zheng was stunned at this time. He swears with his conscience that he really didn't know that his hand was poking her breast!

   And rubbing that sentence is really just the care of a neighbor's elder brother.

   What he wants to rub is his head and eyes, well, it's really not a big breast!

   The atmosphere fell into a weird silence like this. As the air between the two people seemed to gradually heat up, Gu Zheng, who made a decisive decision, knew that he had to do something to divert his attention.

   "Ahem, Caifeng, let's not talk about this, you rub it yourself, why are you lying behind the door panel this big night?"

After hearing Gu Zheng’s question, Caifeng, who dared to raise her head again, immediately remembered her intention. Her red face was full of doubts: "Gu Brother, why did you come back tonight like this? Late? I've made dinner for you, waiting for you and not coming back."

   "I'm planning to open the door and search outside when I'm in a hurry, don't you just push the door and come in?"

   Hearing Caifeng's somewhat anxious question, Gu Zheng's heart warmed even more. The original owner of this world, He De He Neng, could have such a simple and warm girl thinking of him.

   Thinking of this, his tone was also gentle by three points: "Caifeng, I have a special situation today. If there are no accidents in the future, I may have to go home at this time every day."

   "Why is this?"

   "I found a new part-time job, easy to earn, not young or old."

   "Really? That brother is so good, I know that Brother Gu is the best!"

   Speaking of this, Caifeng hesitated and asked: "Brother, you are so late, have you eaten yet?"

   already took off his hat, Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the bed and taking off his shoes, patted his stomach and smiled at Caifeng: "No, I'm starving to death. I heard that someone cooked for me?"

After hearing this, the girl under the lamp was happy. She flung her braid happily, and only her voice was left in the room: "Brother Gu, wait, I will put the rice in the pot and cover it for you. The custody is still warm now." The man ran away.

   "Heh, this girl." Turning his head, Gu Zheng took out his sweaty money bag, climbed up, and stuffed the extra income from today into the small secret compartment on the roof.

   Now his assets have doubled, and he made half a silver dollar in just two days, which is enough for a family of three to live for four months.

   But this is not enough. It is far from enough. It takes more than a month to redeem the green eyebrows. It is considered good. Where can I pay the price of the more expensive Bailian?

   Gu Zheng, who changed his clothes while thinking, was shocked again when he turned his head again.

   At the small table full of two large bowls, Caifeng is quietly pinching her chin, looking at him with shiny round eyes.

   "Oh my god, Caifeng, you walk without wind! Also, your habit of not knocking at the door is too bad!"

   Yes, my sturdy upper body was once again seen.