The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 261: .Life winner

In November, Ningjiang was already a lot colder, and the bleak autumn breeze blew the fallen leaves, making the park a golden layer.

During this period of time, Hatsune Video Network was not surprised. The biggest news in the company is estimated that Liu Xueyan's wife Zhang Ke was pregnant in October and finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Originally, Liu Xueyan wanted to name her daughter Hatsune. , But was stopped by the weak Zhang Ke. In the end, the two of them fought and decided to take one word for each of them, and named their daughter Chengyin.

Zhang Ke naturally took a break from maternity leave, and Liu Xueyan also had to take care of his wife. Many of the work of Chuyin Video Network fell into the hands of the people below.

During this period, the website was mainly engaged in the publicity work of "The Last Survivor". The first console game of this Hatsune game is awaiting. The video website has also assembled the live videos that the major anchors have tried before. Build momentum.

In the live broadcast group of Chuyin, Liu Xueyan posted several photos of her own children, which attracted a burst of envy. At this time, his deputy, Lin Xiong, who had been there since the beginning of the establishment of the Chuyin site, spoke.

[Panda]: @All members, the recruiting anchor of "The Last Survivor" released on December 1st, specifically requires me to post an announcement in the group. Anyone who is interested can come over and apply.

[Bite people and do not die]: You can apply for any application, even if you don't apply, we will also broadcast this game.

[Victoria Cat]: That's it, I don't have an SN4, any kind-hearted brother can give me one.

[Meat-eating rabbit]: While going, the one who was online with us last night was your elite handle?

[Feng Jiazhemu]: Can I just apply for this?

[Qin]: What, is there a legal thing to fish?

[Herbal tea does not get hot]: I am going to broadcast the game all night by then, and I have already asked for leave.

[Meat-eating rabbit]: Yes, December 1st is a working day. I envy you those who want to ask for leave and ask for leave. Social animals can only play after get off work.

Wang Xudong, the man whose ID is [meat-eating rabbit] removed his hand from the keyboard, drank a sip of tea, and he became a ghost [BEEP——] The video started, and the most famous video is the "You Playing Game Like" during the establishment of Hatsune Video. After Yang Fan, Wang Xudong also had several good videos and went to the New Year's Eve.

However, as he grew older, he had already washed his hands and became an anchor.

After all, as an employee of a state-owned enterprise, he works regularly every day and also wants to have the passion to create ghost videos. It’s a bit difficult, but every night or weekend when he is free, he can play the game live, relax and earn some pocket money. money.

After watching the group's water for a while, he immediately clicked on the announcement.

This is a document about some promotional activities after the release of "The Last Survivor".

This includes events in the live broadcast area.

"...All live broadcasts of "The Last Survivor" will be directly doubled according to the benefits of heat settlement!?"

When Wang Xudong saw this, his eyes suddenly widened.

The anchors who have signed a live broadcast contract with Hatsune Video Network will get a guaranteed income if they broadcast for a certain amount of time above the specified heat each month. At the same time, if there is an algorithm between the relevant heat and the live broadcast duration. Calculate the extra bonus. If the popularity is very high and the live broadcast is very hard, then the extra bonus may be much more than the guaranteed income.

This event in the live broadcast area is equivalent to doubling the popularity, and if the popularity doubles, the extra bonus will naturally double.

Simply put, it is to send money.

Because of the expected value of "The Last Survivor", most of the anchors will broadcast the game as soon as the game is released to gain popularity. Even if there is no bonus, Wang Xudong will definitely broadcast it. Now he has a little more income. Very happy.

According to the document, this event is for all anchors, and small anchors also have the opportunity to make more money. Wang Xudong can’t help but think that on December 1st, all the game anchors of the entire Chuyin Video Network will broadcast this game, even those Those who sing and cook will also start broadcasting.

At that time, it is estimated that it is really to see which anchor has high fan cohesion.

Wang Xudong pre-ordered "The Last Survivor" early. The physical CD he bought was used for collection. The release day and the next day are both working days. Wang Xudong can only play this game on weekends. Thinking of this, sadness comes from it. .

The live broadcast area soon made an official announcement. Not only that, but the game area, illustration area, article area, as long as it is related to this game, all have launched their own activities. For a while, the game's popularity has arrived again. To a new height.

Even the topic of the new work by the director of Wu Yi was once suppressed. In forums, Weibo, and QQ groups, many people have to repeat every day "There are still XX years to play "The Last Survivor"" "There is no "The Last Survivor" I’m going to die if I play."

There are more soul P pictures, P has a lot of emoticons, circulated among the crowd, even players who don’t have SN4, or don’t have much access to console games at all, will casually say "The Last Survivor" World No. One".

This powerful publicity has made this game a household name, but it also made some competitors feel scared.

In the past, game announcements were only made among gamers. It was only known by the promotion of game stores and the introduction of related magazines. TV advertising was only done by very wealthy companies, and the results were minimal. In the end, ,, which determines the sales of a game, is still word of mouth.

But now, Hatsune Games has gone through several tests to increase its popularity, coupled with the co-ordination of the anchor, and the publicity method of virality through memes, but it has completely subverted the common sense of the game industry.

Of course, some people think that the higher the blow, the harder the fall. Now that the Hatsune game is so overwhelming, if the quality of the game is a little worse, then it will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame, and it will even be pulled out many years later. Whip the corpse.

There are even many people who have this kind of idea. Some are stakeholders in the industry who charge money to talk, some are people who simply like to disagree with the public, and some are people who have never been in touch with games. Up.

After all, the game has been tested three times, and the entire gameplay and game effects have been very clear. It is precisely because of this that everyone dares to play and is willing to play.

November is like a year for many people, but Liu Xueyan was very happy. At the end of the month, he returned to the company and sent a wedding candy. After two weeks, he planned to invite the full moon wine, and also hit Xu Rui and Yi Qianqian side by side.

The weather is getting colder and colder, just when the cold wind blows the last ginkgo leaf beside the main road of Ningjiang University, December 1st arrives.