The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 508: .THIS IS

For Tom Granger, the trip to the snow-capped mountains was an episode during the Chinese New Year.

After the end of the Spring Festival, "Once Upon a Time on Earth" was also resumed.

Due to the time difference, when the fifth episode aired, Tom was here just in the afternoon.

He took a nap, got up at the alarm clock, and opened the Chuyin Video Network.

The loading speed of the web page is a bit slow, probably because of cross-border reasons, but nevertheless, Tom feels that he is much better than many of his friends.

For example, in some countries on the other side of the ocean, in order to prevent China's Internet penetration, they have established a large firewall for themselves. Not only can they not directly log in to China's various social networking sites, but even the Chuyin Video Network and the steam platform have been "walled". I have to spend money to link to an agent to watch it, and it’s uncomfortable to buy games.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Tom looked at the screen.

The beginning of the fifth episode is a party.

As the first stage of the three-body game was cleared, Wang Miao was invited to a party. The participants of the party included famous scholars, popular figures, TV reporters, etc., who were all social elites.

Although Chinese is spoken in the animation, the overseas version has corresponding subtitles, which Tom is still very easy to understand.

Think about the fact that many countries can't watch Chuyin Video. Even the subtitles don't have their own language, and they can only wait for the translation of the private subtitle groups. Tom feels that his living environment is much better.

Ever since meeting Xu Rui in Mount Albers, Tom has been thinking about what Xu Rui meant when he pointed to the sky.

He felt that the three-body game might really be an extraterrestrial creation, and what appeared in the game was probably the history of the development of the three-body civilization.

Before Tom could think about it, the animation directly told him the answer.

The murderer who killed the previous suspect was the person who presided over the meeting. His name was Pan Han. He told the social elites attending the party that the three-body game came from an alien world, and this world is real.

At the same time, he also answered some questions from the participants, including the shape of the Trisolaran, the principle of the human column computer, etc. Finally, Pan Han asked the participants of the party what their attitude would be if the Trisolaran civilization were to come to earth.

There was a disagreement among the participants. Some people think that the earth's environment has become extremely bad because of humans, and that external forces need to intervene to purify the world.

Some people think that Trisolaran civilization is an external civilization after all, and its impact on humans is likely to be devastating.

The two parties were in a quarrel. Pan Han asked Wang Miao's attitude. Due to the task, Wang Miao nodded in favor of letting the Trisolaran civilization intervene on the earth.

Pan Han asked those who refused to accept the three-body civilization to leave, and then said to the rest: "We are comrades."

Wang Miao returned to the three-body game again. A long time has passed in the game, and civilization has been destroyed and reborn. Only this time, Wang Miao looked at these civilizations and felt a little frustrated.

They have learned that their galaxy is a galaxy composed of three stars, and the results of various calculations show that

The Trisolaran world has decided to advance to outer space. They have built a spacecraft that can reach one-tenth the speed of light and fly to the nearest star, which is only four light-years away from them.

"Four light years?"

Wang Miao was a little surprised.

Because the closest star to the earth is also four light-years away.

After contacting Pan Han before, Wang Miao finally understood the meaning of his question.

It turns out that the Trisolaran civilization is really going to invade the earth.

After the fifth episode, Tom was still immersed in the shock of the last scene. The huge pendulum torn by gravity dragged a long shadow in the sun. The civilization that had experienced hundreds of rebirths finally moved towards the stars. , But who knew that the destination turned out to be the earth where Wang Miao was.

Through the previous three-body game, Tom has already learned a lot about this civilization. He was impressed by the civilization's will to survive through hardships. In contrast, the earth is really in a very favorable environment.

It was only then that Tom suddenly realized that the real purpose of the three-body game was this.

If an extraterrestrial civilization wants to cultivate the internal response of the earth, then it is necessary for these people on earth to let go of the extraterrestrial civilization, and even develop a sense of identity, and present their own civilization development history in a simple and understandable way, and let them Mankind's own exploration is the best way.

What's more, those who participate in the three-body game are all elites in the society. They have the ability and ideas, and they are the best candidates.

The plot of the fifth episode unfolded suddenly, and the war between the two civilizations seemed to be close at hand.

A week later, the broadcast of the sixth episode surprised Tom even more.

The Trisolaran Earth organization ETo organized a gathering. Their slogan is "Eliminate the tyranny of mankind, and the earth belongs to Trisolaris." They have a lot of financial assistance, and they have developed offline all over the world. It seems that they have become a huge organization.

Such an organization will naturally have a commander in command.

What made Wang Miao who attended the party felt unbelievable, the supreme commander of ETo turned out to be Ye Wenjie.

Ye Wenjie, who looks amiable.

And if Wang Miao remembers correctly, Ye Wenjie’s daughter Yang Dong is one of the physicists who committed suicide because of the disorder of microscopic particle motion.

Ye Wenjie denounced Pan Han's behavior, which made Wang Miao truly realize that ETo is not united. In addition to internal divisions into different factions, some people try to use ETo to gain benefits.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The armed forces raided the meeting place. Except for a small number of ETo personnel who resisted and were killed, all the rest were captured.

Ye Wenjie was tried.

After some routine inquiries, Ye Wenjie talked about his past many years ago, about why he became the commander of ETo, why he hated humans, and why he was able to connect with the Trisolaran civilization.

But these are the contents of the next episode.

Tom felt that one thing he didn't understand was why the people of ETo would want to destroy human civilization. They were obviously social elites and upper-class people.

In European and American cultures, he has always received an education to treat everything well. Simply put, it is the Virgin. Humans should not harm each other. Even at the very beginning, Tom still has a trace of luck for the Trisolaran civilization, and he thinks that he might end up. Like in some movies, everyone reached an understanding and jointly developed a new home.

Unexpectedly, ETo has already started to attack humans first, killing many innocent scientists, and even trying to destroy the development of human science and technology.

Sure enough, in the face of such disasters, intrigue between people is always inevitable.

After watching the sixth episode, Tom sighed.

Looking out the window, the sun was shining brightly outside.

But who knows, under such a peaceful scene, is there a hidden danger of destroying the world?

He was even more curious about what kind of experience it was that made Ye Wenjie what she is now.