The Crimson Dragon

Chapter 116

Update time 2015-12-2418:03:04 Words: 2392

The construction of the city of Rome has never stopped, as in the past memories of Claudius - of course, mainly in pictures and Baidu Encyclopedia, I have seen the true "Eternal City" of Rome on the planet of Minerva. Her wish is to build a city that is more than a hundred times more magnificent than Rome on Earth on this continent of Feren, and to build a true "eternal city" on this continent.

But unlike the earth, there is no city wall in the entire Roman city of Rome. There is no one-centimeter wall. Instead, it is a vast flat playground and a neat barracks. Huge buildings are always under construction, and there are no stops for gardens, fountains, or small squares. Minerva has a strong interest in sculpture art. The ancient Greek-Roman style sculpture is her favorite art. Of course, she proudly used her image as the original shape of the sculpture and was named by Claudius. The last part of the Temple Square of the Pantheon.

As for Claudius himself, he said that he was very humble and did not need to turn his image into a sculpture, and that the relief of two walls would be fine. But this Pantheon with its magnificent dome is not just a statue of the local gods of Ferren. These gods are placed in a rather sad way. The statue of one person can only be said to be embellished. Directly below the entire circular vault - is a statue of a strong middle-aged male with a beard on top of the throne, with a lightning scepter on his left arm and a male on the upper right arm. The eagle, the thick hair is also the crown of gold. This is the statue of Jupiter that Minerva has carved the dragon tooth soldiers - but there is no **** on it, and finally it is just a beautiful and majestic statue.

There are statues of the twelve gods of Olympia, but they can only be said to be magnificent statues, which exist as the peak of classical art. Claudius has more than once turned into a human form to appreciate such art, and he always leads his female slave - Ilya Lhasa will accuse the Red Dragon of not fearing the gods every time he sees it. - Because he puts the gods of justice, not only the human gods, but also all kinds of evil spirits on all sides as decorations, without any awe. And the twelve huge statues far beyond the gods of the Ferenc are the ones that make Ilya Lhasa feel a little confused. "Is this the **** of the bad guys?" But the next moment she was in the eyes of Claudius It is concluded that this guy also does not take these statues seriously.

Recently, Ilya Lhasa did not understand whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to be arrested by Claudius as a female slave. In view of the goodness and love of justice and freedom of Yinlong, the evil red dragon caught the female slave and was also Everyday strong #奸的 is not a happy thing, it is totally intolerable, but from the point of view of the true dragon of greed - she has her own room, also has a very gorgeous decoration, and in the first few days that Valkyrie After seeing her, the next day, there was a strong dragon tooth soldier who poured the whole box of gold coins and gems directly onto the floor in her room. Ilya Lhasa had no bed, but a thick layer of gold coins and gems. It became a bed, and this feeling is a very good day in the dragon's perception... The only thing Ilya Lhasa can confirm is that she still hates the **** Claudius Red Dragon, she just wants I want to knock down the face that doesn't care about Yan Zhang.

The room in Claudius is a normal person's decoration. Although it also has gold foil and silver foil, there is no gold coin on the floor. The marble floor tiles and the agarwood floor are far more valuable in the red dragon's eye than in the silver dragon room. Thick gold coins. Every time Claudius saw the fascinating look of Silver Dragon in her own room, and the sorrowful eyes of the gold coins in the room when he was dragged out, he couldn’t help but laugh. "The instinct of the dragon is really sad! Gold coins can only be used as a small biscuit to adjust the taste..."

Yinlong has become accustomed to being promoted by Claudius in the daytime and publicizing prostitution. In the red dragon's eye, the ancient Rome on earth is not the tone. The history of ancient Roman love has not been seen. And he also obeys the custom, all in the public bathroom and the temple to do this, at least not on the main road and the square... This Roman city is steadily on the road to the Eternal City - However, as far as Ilya Lhasa is concerned, the red dragon Claudius is nothing more than a leisurely idler who has nothing to do. He has not seen the power of this guy driving the city owner or the head of state. He saw this guy traveling all day long. Dragging her to meet the **, but the red dragon also has a little bit to make Yinlong feel pretty good - generous, and generous, more than once a businessman who has to pay taxes or a dragon tooth soldier who transports coins to pile money in him In front of me, this guy is only awkward in most cases, saying a few words to "Minnie." Even if it's done, but never stop Ilya Lhasa from grabbing a handful of gold coins or gemstones in front of him - change Any one other dragon, will not tolerate this kind of thing.

"Ms. Dawn Light is captured by evil!" This news has already spread to all four parties, especially the entire Kingdom of Tesell. Her previously well-respected shrines, as well as many righteous organizations and adventurers, are in contact with the preparation of a rescue team to save Ms. Yinlong from evil--although the red dragon's movements are magical and prophetic spells. Unpredictable, but Silver Dragon can. Among them, a bard group called "The Harper League" is particularly enthusiastic - Ilya Lhasa is one of their high-level and a considerable sponsor..... Silver Dragon is completely complete in this respect. Not like a greedy dragon.

Not to mention the rescue operations on the mainland, the movements of the Centaurs also caused great attention in the Kingdom of Tesell. These “gangsters” have looted more than fifteen villages and towns, local guards have died almost half a hundred, and the aristocrats of the fief have almost died – they always lead the soldiers to stand on the first line of resistance to robbery. The brave and powerful aristocrats were also the first to die under the bow of the cavalry of the Centaur. The Centaurs have no casualties, but their actions are unprofessional in the real eyes of the bandits - there is a light robbing of some food, and not arson and no hijacking of women, it is an insult to the term bandit.

But no matter what, the Centaur came to the beach as fast as possible. Looking at the vast sea in front of him, the leading Centaur Warriors began to think about the way to cross the sea and go to the Hell Island, which has a top and a smoke column. "It seems that we have to manage to get a boat, or two? And we still need enough sailors to trust... How much do we have now?" The Centaur thought for a moment and asked the people behind him. . "Now we don't seem to need to think about this... because there are troops that can't get used to our 'levy' action." A female centaur turned over and glanced at it.