The Crimson Dragon

Chapter 42

Update time 2015-8-1620:55:30 Words: 2364

The red dragon constantly returns to the flight, always letting the seafarers who are scared and scared to see his figure, so that those guys will not give birth to any luck - in fact, there is no need, the speed of the world's ships, they are impossible Escape the attack range of the red dragon flying in the sky. About a day later, under the threat of Claudius, they were forced to take out a third of the water and food, and Claudius spent hours transporting the food back to the island.

The dragon tooth soldiers are quite rich in the experience of famine. They hide in the valley of the mountain, wrap themselves in a cloak to reduce the calorie consumption, and at the same time take a part of the water to quench their thirst, they are very consciously controlled. Your own desire to reduce the need for drinking water to a minimum. From the point of view of Claudius, this group of dragon soldiers may really rely on this water for two days. But now they don't need them to be so bitter - the water and dry food that Claudius shipped back to them to get them free, and then the red dragons turn back again - and surely Ambrose's believers are not small, they quietly Turning the bow to an angle, trying to sneak back to the original route - or an inhabited island, because in the Isle of Israel, as long as there is a place to live, there must be an altar of Ambori.

Claudius found this, but he did not punish the first time, but ordered the crew to hand over the second third of food and water. After a few hours, when Claudius returned and returned, he launched an attack.

But at the same time as he attacked, a few long, thick, tentacles with sucking discs with sharp teeth were extended from the sea. "Hey, is it the favor of Ambry? The moody mad woman....." Claudius thought about this problem, but the action was not slow, and the body was lifted very quickly, letting it The roots are too touchless.

The next moment, the rush of flames came to the fore, and the first to bear the brunt was the unfortunate giant sea octopus. This sea monster does not reveal its body. It just extends the tentacles out of the sea, but the tentacles of the light are longer than the body length of Claudius. The size of this huge sea octopus is also conservative. More than 50 meters. But no matter how big it is, the sea monster can have no flame immunity, so its tentacle quickly turns into a roast octopus leg in the flame... originally the sea monster's thick skin is enough for the general flame Even spells like fireball can't do much, but Claudius's high flame temperature is something that this octopus has never seen before. Therefore, its tentacles quickly appeared the smell of barbecued scent. The high-speed brushed Claudius easily tore off the inactive tentacle, chewing and praising the delicious taste of the octopus tentacles. .

The octopus that was hit hard was angry. The big bald head exposed the sea and made a low roar. "The broken octopus has no vocal cords, and there is no gas storage in the body. How is this cargo screaming?" Laudius filled his mouth with octopus meat and said vaguely. The next moment, the guy spit out the meat in his mouth and re-entered the dive - the target is the other tentacles that the sea monster stretches out and the frozen air and ice arrows that come along with the cold ice.

After the burn-out field was fully opened, Claudius used the speed and air pressure to compress a large amount of air into the lungs and airbags during the dive. Then the guy came up with a beautiful pull-up action, which was directly after the emergency stop. The cone-shaped flame spits. The high-temperature flame swept the surface of the sea, and even the canvas of the ship that was not within the attack range burned. The ropes were blown off one step earlier, and the sailors exposed on the deck fell on the deck and painfully rolled. They had burns on their skin, but they tried to scratch their throats—because their respiratory tract was burned by hot air, and the swollen throat couldn't breathe.

The target octopus is even worse. If this guy does not retract to the sea at the fastest speed, then the octopus head will become the charred protein and turn into carbon ash, just like its tentacles. This is no longer the case. The grilled octopus legs that can be imported are completely bitter coke. As for the frozen gas and the ice arrow, they are vaporized in the flame, the sea surface is rolling with bubbles, and the surface water is boiling. Claudius swayed his head and fanned his wings, fanning the hot steam to the unfortunate sailboat.

At this time, a huge whirlpool and sea tornado suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky suddenly gathered together. The temperature began to drop, and a salty atmosphere filled the nose of Claudius. "Oh, it’s not right." The red dragon sighed. At this time, there was almost no living on the ship. The red dragon rushed down. The broken wood flew and the deck was torn open. In the eyes of Claudius, there was magical light in the captain’s room in the tail building. The red dragon shattered the tailgate, where he found a box and a metalwork with a fish head that flashed with magical light, like a hand pump on a well. On another day, Claudius did not find any magical light, and this time the storm is about to appear, Claudius also has an ominous premonition, this guy grabbed the treasure chest and the big faucet, quickly fanned The wings were out of the storm's range with the fastest speed - behind him, the rolling Thunder roared and chased Claudius, but after all, he could helplessly let the red dragon out of range. At the moment of disengagement, Claudius could swear that he heard the scream of a woman hysterical...

If you change to other dragons, the eight achievements can't run, but Claudius is madly accelerating, and in spite of the danger of straining his muscles, he can increase the speed to 400 kilometers in a short time. Above every hour, this is a first-class flight speed in addition to magical transmission in the world of Feren. The red dragon didn't think about anything like a circle. He flew straight back to his lair. "Even if it is the power of Ambry, it is not easy to let a stone island fall apart - unless the mad woman descends and adds the power of her hoe." Claudius is like this. It is not easy to think that even God is trying to do it in the main material world - in this respect they are not even as powerful as the masters of the main material world.

Claudius, who returned to the nest, was delighted to find that the faucet he had with the hand pump was actually a magical thing - a pump that never dried up. This wonderful thing communicates with the water element, providing endless fresh water and providing one thousand gallons of fresh water per hour. This is definitely an nautical artifact. I don't know what the captain who got hanged without knowing the name got from the place, perhaps the gift he got from pleasing his goddess. Claudius’s ability to evaluate tells him that the price of this thing is about 30,000 gold coins.....

As for the treasure chest, this guy opened the box that looked like a jewel and found that it was literally a box of gold coins. Claudius knew at a glance that it was about 3,000 gold coins, with clear and beautiful gold coins. Switching to any red dragon will be greedy for the first time and then put these gold coins and the endless water pump into your deepest nest. But Claudius has another idea.