The Crimson Dragon

Chapter 48

Update time 2015-8-2616:20:58 Words: 2439

When Claudius returned, the battle of the Dragonfighters against the port of Santa Cruz had begun. This is not a raid. The magical communication between the temples has already caused an unidentified armed force on the island—especially the fact that they have the dragon behind it. The three elite 100-strong team, this is not the military force that the total population of only two thousand Santa Cruz Port can resist.

The battle did indeed progress very quickly. The Dragonfighters recruited the livestock from the village and some of the farmers transported the equipment for them. Then after the assembly, they opened a few rounds of guns at the gate of the port of Santa Cruz. The port of Cruise declared unarmed, in other words, directly surrendered. An island in the district has a population of about 3,000 or so, and there are so-called nobles - such as the one in the Earl of Santa Cruz. But this is also understandable. After all, the island was discovered and named by their ancestors, and Santa Cruz is also the name of their family. However, all this has become a smog. The entire force of the Count of Santa Cruz is only 30 warriors. The dragons are professional soldiers...

This family has not been eliminated because they have no resistance. Not only that, they even did not lose the rule of the island in a sense - it was just a force on the top of the head. The dragon tooth soldiers, out of their own customs, only ordered the entire island to surrender in name, while paying food and servitude in a certain proportion. The walls of the port of Santa Cruz were demolished and the materials were used to build a military camp that could accommodate thousands of people.

How the Dragonfighters ruled the port of Santa Cruz, Claudius knew all this through mysterious soul connections. The strange thing is that he can feel the approximate action of the dragon tooth soldiers, but he can't feel any news of the so-called number one subordinate, the flame mushroom man. At present, the injury on this red dragon has already healed. Not only that, he found that his strength, physical strength, and speed have increased. As for IQ and charm, he can't judge. "In any case, as long as the power reaches a certain level, the so-called rhetoric is nothing to use." Thinking of this, this guy was very satisfied with the side of the hole in the wall. The flame ejected from the nostrils, forming a jet that was more than ten meters long and melted the wall into a pit. The interior of the cave where Claudius is located has long been pitted, and there are flow paths everywhere on the wall, which is the trace of condensation after the rock is melted.

It’s been a few years since Claudius’s main activity during this time was to sleep, and occasionally to use the claws to scribble things on the wall. As for the high-level stuff of magic, this guy is early. I lost it to Java Island - he said that he has recently awakened a spell ability called pathfinding, which can be used like a warlock. Other developments are that Claudius has finally turned all the zero-level tricks into spell-like instinct. The number of spells he has as a Dragon Warlock is quite large, and all the zero-level tricks plus a few Level 1 spells, if you switch to the same age range of humans, are already very good geniuses - there are not many people who can cast a level of spells at the age of sixteen or seven.

In the past few years, the storms on Hell Island have barely dispersed. The entire island does not need to worry about any fresh water resources at all. The daily rainfall is estimated to exceed 400 millimeters. This is already one every day. The record of the torrential rain. All the low-lying places on the island have now become ponds, and the coastline of the entire island is full of waterfalls, and the water around Hell Island - a few meters wide and dozens of meters wide. Become fresh water...

Now Claudius can hear the sound of rumbling under the ground. In the recent period, the earth is shaking very slightly every moment. Claudius understood that the big change was about to happen. "The interesting thing is that in the place called Santa Cruz, the woman's pastor of Ambori did not try to destroy the temple of the goddess of the earth. This is also a miracle. Perhaps Pedro played a role in it.” Recently, he was bored. While waiting for the change, he still had time to consider these issues. Of course, he mainly absorbed the knowledge that was not much in the Dragon heritage.

On this day, Claudius did not know how many months, his long-awaited change finally happened. Just as the sky was just a little brighter, the blue and red flashes illuminate the sky, and Claudius, who has been awakened by the swaying magical elements, stood on the platform in front of the cave and looked at the sky. "It’s spectacular!" The next moment, a huge shock came. Claudius also didn't know that this should be an earthquake of several degrees on the Richter scale. In short, he noticed that the whole island was thrown up by three or four meters, and then the island was full of huge cracks and landslides. The vibration lasted for about thirty seconds and then suddenly stopped.

At this time the entire island has been torn apart, and Claudius looked down from the sky, based on the center of the island, and the entire island has been split into four. Fortunately, this guy also rescued the endless pump in time. As for the gold coins that were thrown in the cave, the red dragon did not care about it. But now his cave is still intact, neither splitting nor landslide, just on the largest piece. Not long after, the greater vibrations recurred, and the sea that had been snarling and screaming with terrifying sounds was filling the huge cracks. Claudius looked at a huge dragon turtle that was helplessly swept in by the intense currents, and then was blown apart by the seawater that broke out in the next moment. The sea water boiled in an instant, and the huge cracks in the cross cracked constantly in the violent vibrations, and the split fragments continued to fall apart in the shock, and now Claudius’s lair has collapsed. The highest point of the original local prison island has now collapsed to only about twenty meters high.

But in the next moment, the fragmented island began to grow taller, accompanied by the thundering sound of earth-shattering, and the waves of the ocean that had never been seen before, spread to the surrounding. Claudius looked with satisfaction as a black spot in the sea grew bigger, and then in the sky-water vapor and hot stone explosion, a crater grew rapidly, and the dark red magma burst wildly. , boil all the surrounding sea water. The huge columns of smoke are connected to the heavens and the earth, and the islands that were originally collapsed are also growing rapidly. Under them, there are huge volcanic cones.....

The wonders of the blending of water and fire lasted for a whole day. When the vibration finally came to an end, an area of ​​about 40 square kilometers, the diameter of the crater reached more than 400 meters, and the huge volcanic island with a height of more than 1,000 meters has been formed. The island has a rather strange shape, with a tall volcano surrounded by low and steep rocky hills. The volcanic eruption has calmed down, thick volcanic ash covering the entire island, almost five to six meters thick, and the crater is still flowing out of the magma, constantly expanding its volume in the sea. When the torrential rain poured down, the rain clouds that were pushed open during the volcanic eruption shrouded again. The huge torrential rain rushed a large amount of volcanic ash into the sea, causing countless marine organisms to suffocate, but it also made the island bigger and bigger. The volcanic ash on the surface merges with the rainwater into a mud that flows through the island. "Now, this **** island is worthy of the name....." The red dragon, who had been watching the whole day with great enthusiasm, said that the thick sulphur smell in the air and the overflowing fire elements made this guy extremely comfortable.