The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 64: the most important person

When Qin Jue saw her, he was stunned for two seconds, and couldn't believe that she actually appeared like this.

He stretched out his hand in a daze and hugged the person out. When he felt her body temperature, he hugged him tighter and tighter, almost unable to restrain himself!

It was alive, not the cold corpse of his mother, it was alive and warm, she didn't leave him so cruelly, she was still alive!

Someone noticed Qin Jue's movements and exclaimed, "It's Master Xie!"

They ran over quickly, and then drew up Master Yan from below.

Because of being guarded by Xie Linlang, Master Yan just seemed to be stunned and there was no trauma. The place where the two of them hid was the blast furnace that Xie Linlang built to burn iron.

One side of the blast furnace was not sealed, just to allow them to hide in. This was also deliberately designed by Xie Linlang to prevent unexpected needs.

It’s just that when the accident happened, the explosion was so strong that even the blast furnace collapsed in half. She was still alive. It can only be said that she was dead.

All in all, Xie Linlang is still alive, which is a great thing for the people in the city!

Although many people were injured by the explosion, no one died. This is a blessing in misfortune!

When Qin Jue went back holding Xie Linlang, many people saw his fingers bleeding and wanted to help him, but he refused.

He walked back to the palace in this way, holding Xie Linlang step by step. He had experienced the same experience once before, but that time when he was holding the corpse of his mother, he only had the desire to destroy everything in his heart. , He just felt as if something was broken and reborn.

For the first time in his life, he discovered that being alive is such a meaningful thing, and for the first time in his life, he felt the weight of life.

After returning home, the government office closed the door and thanked the guests, and all those who wanted to visit couldn't get in, so they could only be anxious outside.

When Xiaoxi heard that the tin workshop had exploded, the whole person was so embarrassed that he almost fainted.

This will see Qin Jue coming back holding Xie Linlang, he couldn't hold back, rushing to hug them and crying!

On the one hand, Mr. Huang pulled him and said that both Xie Linlang and Qin Jue were injured. Then he remembered that he was going to find his medicine box, but because he was so panic, he even forgot where to put the commonly used medicine box. !

The entire government office was full of chickens, but when Qin Jue held Xie Linlang on the bed, his heart was extremely calm.

He looked at Xie Linlang, and looked at her seriously. At first he didn't understand why he was afraid to approach her, why sometimes his heart beats faster when she suddenly approached, and why she always gave him a sense of threat.

He couldn't figure it out before, but when he first looked for her, the words he blurted out made him understand...

He deliberately alienated her in order not to be too affected by her.

He was afraid of her approach because he cared about her too much.

He didn't dare to admit, he didn't dare to say his thoughts, because...he only had her in his heart.

This is a terrible thing for him. So many people have died, and so many hatreds are waiting for him to avenge him. He should be a puppet, a grudge without feelings. How can he care about someone? How can there be weakness?

But when did it start? There was her shadow in his heart.

Was it the day she stood in the flames and stopped him?

Or is she on the top of the sky, pointing him to the night of stars?

Or earlier, when she reached out to him and asked him if he would like to go together?

...Maybe from the first time he saw her, he had a foreboding threat, so he resisted her again and again, and involuntarily alienated her, but as a result, he couldn't help sinking down and was helpless. She dragged into the whirlpool...

When denying all this, he was restless, vigilant, and even hostile, but when he admitted all this, he felt that it seemed nothing...

If you care, care about it, and let it be your weakness.

What is she to him? brothers? Relatives? A dead friend? still is……


Xiao Xi suddenly broke in with the medicine box, and Qin Jue suddenly returned to his senses. Only then did he realize that his fingers were painful. It seemed that he couldn't hold the pen anymore during this time.

After Xiaoxi came in, Huang Lao and the others also came in. The room was noisy, making Qin Jue frowned.

He always felt that he had not thought of the idea just now, but when he had to think about it, he couldn't capture it again.


On this day, the people in the mansion went to bed very late.

After the tin workshop exploded, it would take a long time to deal with the aftermath, and those who were injured in the explosion also had to be comforted and treated.

In addition, the reconstruction should also be put on the agenda. You must know that the tin workshop is currently their main earning workshop.

In short, when there are too many miscellaneous things, people tend to be confused. Fortunately, Qin Jue is there. When Xie Linlang is not there, the steady and calm Qin Jue seems to have become their new backbone, and all the aftermath work is carried out in an orderly manner. , He couldn't write words with his fingers, so Xiaoxi ghostwriter, nothing happened.

It was already the next day when Xie Linlang opened his eyes.

Her ears were buzzing, and the top of her head was about to split. She probably had a concussion. Fortunately, she was not dead. Fortune telling her!

She opened her eyes laboriously, and saw Qin Jue sitting by her bed, looking at her steadily.

Seeing her awake, he was not surprised, but showed her a gentle and not gentle smile.

"Xie Linlang."


He stretched out his hand covered with gauze, touched her hair, and said in a very soft voice.

"From now on, you will be the most important person in my heart."


"Are you ready to be my most important person?"


Xie Linlang sat up with a bewildered look. If Qin Jue had no desire in her eyes, she would have thought she had been confessed!

What's the matter, is the way she opened her eyes wrong, or Qin Jue hit the evil? She finally survived a catastrophe. Shouldn't he kneel down and apprentice immediately if he wants to appease her?

Seeing Xie Linlang looking at herself ignorantly, Qin Jue suddenly took out a paddle ruler, and then held Xie Linlang's hand very carefully.


Before Xie Linlang got back to her senses, he was beaten with a ruler, and immediately stunned her, wait! Is she a sick person? Who is she? Where is she?

"This ruler is to hit you, knowing that it is dangerous, and deliberately committing a risk."

After speaking, he hit again, Xie Linlang still did not hide, but her eyes widened rounder!

"This ruler is to beat you recklessly, and lose your normal mind."

This time Xie Linlang finally recovered. Seeing that he still wanted to make a third shot, she quickly put her little hand behind her back.

"What are you doing? Why are you hitting me?!"

Qin Jue tilted his head slightly while holding the ruler, and his pupils were full of clarity.

"Because you are my most important person."

"So I have to discipline you, and can't let you mess around anymore."

Xie Linlang was stunned, young, you are afraid that there is a logic problem!

Also, what about her becoming a master? !