The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

v8 Chapter 1354: Actually this is also growing

From the beginning, Lu Xi jumped into the kingdom of the bloodthirsty king. After completing the overthrow of Pakens, he killed a large number of senior members of the Orgrimmar clan alliance, including the "Lord of the Hundred Years", plus he got himself After a great "territory" and so on, many hours have passed.

Since it was on the battlefield, the coalition soldiers naturally did not care too much about Lu Xi ’s “missing” or that most of the soldiers did not even know that Lu Xi was “missing”, let alone he killed a demon by the way.

After several hours of fighting, the indestructible Thunder Bluff Fortress, its three walls were breached one after another, and all the fortresses, towers, and towers were also taken down one by one. We all know that the main body inside the fortress is actually hollowed out almost a mountain built in it, the terrain is as complicated as a dwarf maze city. The internal compartment is like the watertight cabin of those modern ships in Lu Xi's hometown.

The orcs are really worthy of the "never be slave" fighting race, or in the Thunder Bluff fortress, they were all **** members of the clan alliance. In short, in the case where the highest command has obviously been lost, and almost all the critical locations have been lost, it has continued to resist for several more hours.

However, this is just a meaningless dying struggle.

Now, before the coalition soldiers, it was the last resistance against a large stone room warehouse in the fortress city. The orcs have built temporary barriers on the narrow passages, and most of them have to be closed, so we just want to resist the end. Of course, this is actually the case. This kind of passage built in the mountain is very narrow and can only accommodate three or five people walking side by side. Several orcs were wearing giant shields and blocked the necessary road on the spot. The centaur archers started shooting, and for a time completely blocked all the road ahead.

The giant shield crossbowmen of the Kingdom of Milan began to try to shoot against the centaur archers, but with little success. The Pacers charged with shields, but made no achievements except for the loss of soldiers. After several offensives were repelled, the only one inside the fortress that was still outside the battlefield of resistance had been replaced by elite Nord heavy warriors.

"So, are they not ready to surrender?" Altoria Pendragono de Janor asked quietly.

She was still wearing that sea-blue furry cloak and robe, white and silver ornate plate armor with golden lace and enamel coat of arms, and her hands held the golden sword of victory. Her sword is a splendid artifact, even if 10,000 people are cut, it is difficult to get bloodied. However, after such a long battle, the gorgeous armor was indeed inevitably stuck with a little stains and blood stains, and even bone fragments. However, such a servant has nothing to do with her beauty and prestige. In other words, the heroic battle with ordinary soldiers and knights on the front line is the most favorable reason for Altria to be worshipped and admired by the people and to sit in the crown prince without question.

However, at this moment, the surrounding knights looked at each other for a while, and the atmosphere did not dare to show up. I don't know why, the sword is still that sword, and the person should still be that person, not much has changed. However, the knight princess stood there with a blank expression and a low voice, but everyone always felt that something terrible and unknown material was slowly gathering and condensing, and then formed a substantive coercion.

If the former knight princess is an idol that everyone loves, now it is really a king. Not only the majesty of the king, but also the decision of the king ... well, should this be an illusion?

A middle-aged Nord warrior who looked somewhat discreet looked carefully at the beautiful, unblemished side of Her Royal Highness, and then said: "If you attack, the loss is likely to be so touching. However, they still rejected our persuasion! "

"Really? Then you don't have to think about persuading to surrender anymore." Altoria paused, looked at the passage that can only accommodate three or five people in front of her, and turned back and said, "Please dwarf masters to seal this passage, Can it be done? "

"This is not a great project. It only takes three to five minutes at most." The dwarf warriors present made a package ticket.

"But what are you preparing for ..."

"Ask the mage of the Federation to cast some available magic. For example, poisonous gas or something." Altria's second sentence needless to say that everyone also understands that since all the passages are blocked, it is similar to acid mist. The magic of range, cloud, fire, cloud and the like will have the highest lethality.

The Nord knights were a little bit dumbfounded. It was not that there was anything new in this approach, but that it was proposed by Altria, and it made everyone feel a little subversive.

"... Your Highness, in addition to the dead orc soldiers, there are a large number of civilians, women, children and children in this stone room."

"and then?"

"No, it's nothing ..." The knight just opened his mouth slightly before closing his mouth quickly. He turned back, his face full of fanatic expressions, and shouted the soldiers behind him with a loud voice: "What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear His Royal Highness' order?"

Two and a half minutes later, the passage was blocked by the dwarves. The desperate roars of the orcs, and the crying of women and children, could not be heard anymore. Then, several combat mages of the Fourth Federal Army, led by a young general, quickly arrived on the battlefield.

"Happy to serve you, your esteemed lord." The Brigadier General's face hung with a humble but reserved smile, and the etiquette and manners also appeared perfect, very noble. However, Altolia always feels that the other party is in a pretentious manner, and the so-called perfect manners are more like being forcibly cultivated from a ceremonial crash class.

Artolia knows this young general named Rudolf Gezet. He is the chief of staff of the 4th Army of the Federation, and the rank may be ranked after ten in the current Federal Army (especially in the 4th Army and Major General Pascal Of the 13th Army of the United States), but the importance and order of the military orders are at least the top five.

However, the reason why Princess Cavaliers knew this person was not because the other party was famous, or because Her Royal Highness had already learned to deliberately remember the names and appearances of allied high-ranking personnel. Altoria only knew that the other party was Lu Xi's men, but Lu Xi was not too far to see him.

"Is the matter clear already?" Altoria's tone was a little careless, and she looked like a business official. She didn't want to chat with the other person to promote feelings.

"Understood, Your Royal Highness!" Gezette said with a smile: "The use of fire and thunderclouds in an indoor environment may cause too much movement and may cause a small-scale collapse. My suggestion is to use wind eye As long as the passage is closed, all the air in the stone chamber can be sucked away, and even the stubborn enemies will suffocate and die. "

"Just do it," Altoria said immediately, without any hesitation.

They are all dead, burned to death by fire and chopped to death by thunder, which is different from suffocating and suffocating without air. The Nords are never hesitant to use swords to kill their enemies, but they never torture their enemies. If they are in peacetime, they will definitely express different opinions. But at this time, they looked at the knight princess who had given the order, but they dared not say a word.

Wind-eye surgery is not a very difficult high-loop magic, and soon began in the stone room. Altolia stood on the spot, immobile, her face cold and frosty. With her hearing, even across the wall, you can hear the violent flow of air in the stone room, like a sudden wind blowing. The resistance in the room quickly realized what was going to happen, and suddenly screamed in panic. Some tried to cover that eye, but it was clear that there was nothing in it that could destroy the high-level power of magic; some simply rushed to the closed channel and hit the wall built by the dwarves, but it was meaningless.

Artolia stood face-to-face, listening to the voice of the people inside from panic to madness, from panic to despair. She was never a cruel killer, but she still forced herself to hear the last. She is telling herself that this is to let herself learn "the determination of the king" and "the ruthlessness of the king".

"So ... what the **** are you playing with." A familiar voice rang behind Altoria. The Cavaliers stunned slightly, feeling for a moment that their legs were a bit soft. She didn't even dare to look back, for fear it was an illusion.

"Looking back normally is not an illusion. In addition, I can do whatever I want to say. I opened the soundproof position and the visual guidance position, and I don't have to worry about the image being affected at all."

"No, even if it is so, it can't be too presumptuous in front of everyone. This is my duty." Altoria turned around and looked at Lu Xi who had walked out of the dimension door. . But she realized what she was doing, and quickly tensed her face, instantly switching to a cold and cold expression: "The father emperor said, the girl of the Royal Nord was not a sloppy little girl, but I Now I really want to punch you in the face. "

... Secilia is right! Where is Altria's line, it is indeed a bit schizophrenic. Lu Xi looked at Altria in earnest and made sure that the dull hair on his head was indeed drooping down. He walked forward and could not help but hold the knight princess Rouyi wrapped in iron gloves. Rouyi, probably squeezed into a punch on his face.

"Look, you have already hit it." Lu Xidao said.

"... Eh, how could this be!" Altoria showed a helpless expression of "you can still do this", and the stupid hair curled up again.

"...I've clearly discussed with Miss Nicole and Miss Cecile, and they will ignore you for at least a month with such a straight face." Princess Cavaliers finally revealed that Lu Xi was familiar, gentle and clear , A smile like the sunshine of spring. Then, with a straight face, she said seriously: "Although I know that Lu Xi does not want us to be in danger, nor does it want to drag us down! However, fighting alongside you is originally our choice. Throw us away Let us, like ordinary weak women, only hide at home and pray for your safety. Can you understand this sense of powerlessness? "

"Uh, so I also have the consciousness of begging for mercy on your knees." Lu Xi shrugged: "It's just, you have to understand, Altoria, this time the enemy is the devil."

"That is to say, I'm not strong enough to face the Demon God with you now, is that true? But Miss Wind is fine, is it?" She asked.

Uh, this is indeed a fact. Although you are already 10 gold, you are one step behind. In the face of the Demon God, the legendary strongman who crossed the gate of the Dao understood and grasped a trace of the root force, so he could use a certain degree of ability to resist the Devil God ’s rules and Gold 10 would not work. This is the general gap . However, if I say this, Altria will always fall out of favor ... In other words, when did she know the blast of wind?

"Of course I said." The sound of the wind rang in my heart.

"... It's a good method. I said you only started to show the skill of palace fighting at this time. Do you have to add a play to yourself?"

"I am a woman after all." The sound of the wind is still so natural.

"I understand Lu Xi's concerns. But he is still very unhappy." Altoria lowered her head. "Sorry."

"Why is it that you started to apologize, the more you lower your eyebrows and the more you look, I feel more self-confident!"

"Of course I apologized because of my waywardness." Her voice seemed a bit dull: "Actually, I understood a long time ago that a simple knight is never a qualified king. It's just that I really don't want to go Considering so many complicated things, I do n’t want to care about the ghostly thoughts of others, and I do n’t want to be cold. I do n’t want to be decisive and decisive like a real king. Is this actually a willful way? "

"This, can't say that the king must be cruel. Or that the statement that the qualified king must be cruel is not a kind of secondary disease?"

"But qualified kings must at least have the determination and consciousness to perform cruel things that violate their own nature for the sake of righteousness. This is always right."

"... Uh, so, is the bad luck in this room your determination? If it was Altria, at least he would find a way to let those old and weak women and children go."

"Yes. If it was me before ... But, I have persuaded many times that I have done my best in expressing the benevolence of the empire, but they still have to continue to resist the corner, then at least to all The orcs, and even allied soldiers, convey the iron hand of the empire. In this case, the civilians are poor, but they are by no means innocent. "

Indeed, how can a girl who is a superpower with her own talents and hard work really be a fool? The so-called "fear of power but not of virtue", radishes have to increase the stick, these are not too profound concepts. The reason why she doesn't understand is that she just doesn't want to understand.

"... But if Lu Xi is gone, I have to learn to grow up." Altoria raised her head and looked at Landi quietly. The dark green eyes were so deep this time, Filled with emotions that can't tell the truth, Lu Xi is heartbroken.

"This time, after seeing you disappear in that enchantment, I am really worried that I will lose you forever."

"Sorry, Altria ..."

"Really sincerely apologize?"

"Uh ~ ~ Sincerely sincerely, five-body investment! It really can't be more real, even if I let you dig your heart."

"Then give me a child."


"Is it possible, people, people would be very shy to say such things."

"Well, I've seen your face blushing with water vapor. But, has this topic changed too fast?"

"Well, I won't lose to that cow star in Oakland! Although it is only a little behind now, but it is a protracted battle. It will only be clear after the victory or defeat."

So, she also knows why this piece!

"Of course it's me."

"Thank you! Blast, thank you so much! If one day I was hit by a hatchet, you must bear 90% of the blame!"

"Relax, you are about to be hatcheted, and I must be the one who will do it."