The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

v8 Chapter 800: Aesop Night Talk (5?)

In short, Lu Xi and Karin's hunger ... Ah no, this pair of good children with pure male and female relationships, this time directly played the mahjong game directly into the early morning of the next day. "『 Actually, you all know what they did, but since the dimensional star beast that devours the world is still rampant in the multiverse, you must learn to understand the spirit. In short, since the window paper has been broken through, the energetic boys and girls will inevitably have a taste for this kind of thing. If you have n’t seen it for a long time, of course you need to make your body and mind happy.

As for Blast, Nicole, and Lime, woo, anyway, together with other friends, they were taken away by Karin ’s current servant manager, the lady in charge of taking care of her daily travel. She was said to be ready to Treat everyone from afar. Of course, I do n’t know whether Ms. Weiwei accepted the order of Her Royal Highness Princess, the world ’s first princess, and try to help the latter create an environment where she is alone with Lu Xi. Anyway, Lu Xi saw Karin made a very concealed look, and the beautiful mature lady with great charm and temperament also showed a clear look, a human-like smile, and even had a spirit to Lu Xi Make a guaranteed look.

In a word, both Nicole and San Wu Si Liu Dolls have hidden food eating attributes. Under the description of the lady ’s tongue and lotus flower, she was completely distracted by the Auckland food in the shape. Obediently followed the other party. The wind seems to guess what will happen afterwards, but there is no other expression. She just glanced at Lu Xi with a smile, with a sneer of "cheap you" in her eyes, and then used very The bold and bold movement turned around. He left without looking back.

Lu Xi feels that if something really happened with Karin today, the life will be very difficult in the future. The so-called arrow is on the string. If you do not send it out, it will definitely affect your health.

By the way, an off topic. The beautiful lady with the charm and wisdom of a mature woman is Karin's cousin, the daughter of Prince Callis, the brother of Gaius. Her appearance, and also holding a very important position under Karin's command, may mean that even members of the Royal Family of Holy Spring are increasingly inclined to the young world's first princess, Her Royal Highness, to win the final victory.

"Because of more help and less helplessness! Uncle Iken's popularity has always been bad, he is an unpretentious character."

"Do you think your relationship is better?" Lu Xi couldn't help but sneer: "If your relationship is good, you have already caught the big handle of your" Emperor ", why do most local lords still follow each other?" Where are you going? "

"Half of the reason is that I gave Sirokxia to my uncle. In the hands of many ignorant lords who have never seen the world. Who owns the imperial capital, who is the orthodox emperor, in this situation of unknown circumstances, can only follow the feeling Going away. The other half are 'smart people', knowing that only the uncle who has lived in the last century becomes supreme, their status and strength can be guaranteed. "Karin lay in Lu Xi's arms, using sorrow The voice that was too lazy to be like a cat said slowly: "This is actually a good thing! These loyal and suspicious guys with different thoughts gathered under the uncle's company, not only can not help, but also have to provide food and military rates. Of course. This also Will give the wooden head an illusion that he is the legally supreme illusion that is in the limelight, and hurriedly want to kill me, so this gives me an opportunity. "

"Yes! Then you can also take advantage of the mass extinction or reduce the nobles of Uncle Iken's line, leaving a lot of land as the central leader. This is more than trying to catch the nobles after you become the queen. Packing them up is much simpler and more straightforward. "Lu Xi kissed Karin's crystal clear shoulder gently. Only then laughed.

This time it seemed to itch the Royal Highness Princess, the world's first princess, and she giggled gigglingly. After a kiss from Lu Xi, it was said: "The central government order can no longer be hindered and constrained by local lords. This is the core of grandparents' political reform. Nobility in the city, it's nothing more than a condition. When I really defeated my uncle, the authority and strength of the central government will even exceed that of my grandfather's time, and then I have the prerequisites to fully realize his ideals.

It's a pity that Uncle Iken is also the son of his grandfather, but he just doesn't understand this, or that kind of person is unwilling to understand the people and things he doesn't agree with. "At this point, Karin couldn't help but sigh:" However, this is indeed to thank Uncle Wells and Mr. Wallis. Without the two of them taking the risk of escaping from the imperial capital and bringing the national seal and edict out, the uncle ’s enthronement ceremony would not be so deserted. He was in such a hurry to get the position, and I was caught by the handle. As a result, even the Great Church did not say a word about the legality of his throne. Haha, such a position, it is strange to do a stable job. "

"... If he can quickly overthrow you, the rebel army, and punish you, and take the opportunity to perish from the Duke of Stoke, a thief, maybe he will also be able to shape the image of a strongman's leader, and he will be able to stabilize his prestige So barely set up. "Lu Xi's hand slipped gently on Karin's skin like the best satin, and took a slight breath:" Unfortunately, by now, you have completely enlarged, need After all, the quick win is you, not him anymore. "

"Yes! I still have a lot of things to do. My grandparents' unfinished business must still be realized in my hands. Although we are still young, we have not spent so much time on such stupid things as the civil war." Karin Nodded: "So, I must take down Herin City as soon as possible, so that I can open the road to the Imperial Capital directly. Only in this way, those first-class gates of the Empire that have not yet expressed their attitude, will make a smart choice. "

"Did you mean the Duke of Euphoric in Eagle Rudder City, and the Duchess of Dilitha in Dragon Castle?"

The Draxley family in Dragon Castle, the Stromgard family in Eagle Rudder City, the Lancaster family in Kay Rock City, and the Stoke family in Winter City are the four gate valves of the Holy Oakland Empire. The pure family history is much longer than the Dimasia family of the Holy Spring royal family, and it is the first echelon of the aristocracy of the Oakland Empire. Both in status and in the central court have great influence.

Now, the Storka family has joined Karin's under a clear banner. The Lancaster family of Kaiyan City is, after all, an in-law's in-laws. Although the current parent, Duke of Tyrion, has ran back to Kaiyan City and gathered 100,000 troops to stand still, it is still regarded by everyone as the current "Emperor" force. . On the other hand, Eagle Rudder City and Dragon Fort still did not make a clearer bias.

"Hey, one is the old vulture that sees the wind and the rudder, and the other is a black belly sister who will never be seen through. They are my most headache type!" Karin sighed: "That old vulture is not enough. For fear, he is a wise man. He will not be stupidly standing on the side of the loser. Since I did not respond to my uncle when I was a soldier, I naturally would not ... "

"If your subordinates really killed the descending soldiers and abused Niahru, they might respond to you."

"Yes! So I thanked you just now. Isn't that enough?" Karin gave Lu Xi a white look with grace, and used a slender and elegant finger to make a circle on the other person's chest. But, the elder sister who has been smirking all the time, I am completely confused about the situation. "

"Well, what do you say?"

"The Draxley family is a branch of the Dracol family of the Fire Dragon Dynasty. Do you know this?"

"Except for the brain disabled and the bear children who have not received preschool education, who doesn't know?"

"They have played a lot of heroes in history, and they are also the most famous relatives of the Holy Spring Royal Family, do you know that?"

"You know. Including the queen of the Emperor Knuos, Elena, who is also one of the twelve heroes, and the Grand Duke Lynn, who has historically condemned the emperor Jezebes III. They are all from the Draxley family. member."

"They control a quarter of the navy of the entire empire and control the coast of the Chenhai in the south of the empire. And they have a griffin cavalry regiment with more than 10,000 people."

"I also know this! Hi, I want to say. How can the Sun King and his old people tolerate such powerful power of the local lords? The navy is fortunate to say that after all, it is a force that fights for national strength, but the Griffin is such a legend The airpower in China! How can it not be brought back to the central government early? "

"Because all the Duke of Longbao have contributed greatly to the country, and they were also gracious to their grandparents, not to mention, the tame and riding methods of the Griffon are the unsuccessful secrets of the Draxley family. "Karin laughed:" Of course, the Central First Corps and the Third Corps, known as the Imperial Forest Army, also retain a 5,000-person Griffon cavalry, which was built by Grand Duke Longbao to help his grandparents. "

That only shows that the Sun King and the Queen of Light still have a little bit of ethics. If it is your high princess, the world ’s first fearless princess, you might have already started.

"In addition, Grand Dilisha is also my grandmother, a disciple of Esthir in the Holy Light, swordsmanship, combat skills, and even the application of Templar magic, all of which were taught by the grandmother." Karin added. : "Everyone thinks Uncle Darren and Grand Duchess Di Lisa are the most powerful swordsmen in the Holy Oakland Emperor, but I always feel that Di Lisa is stronger than him."

The strongest swordsman in the Oakland Empire is obviously Hector, the current head of the Dragon Knights. After all, they still have the empire title. However, since he is already in that position, he is naturally not a secular person.

Lu Xi, Earl of Darren, has just met. A handsome man who is not as handsome as a human being, and his temperament always feels a little feminine. Looking at Karin ’s expression is not like a prince, he is more like a daughter, and his eyes are not. It is full of suspicion and critical examination of the guests.

Lu Xi is too familiar with this kind of gaze. He had seen him when he was a guest at the Skyrim Fort in Virginia ...

The strength of the Earl of Darren has reached the level of legend, juxtaposed with the "Eye of the Stars" Grissa Lady Saint, and Karin ’s uncle Marshal Gorros, all crossed the gate of the "Tao" and became the world's first The strongest extraordinary strength of Her Royal Highness faction. Of course, Marshal Gorros is the most senior Templar, and the martial arts of swordsmanship is naturally very good, but the strong aspect is more inclined to the Templar heraldry and the Templar magic of the united army. The only pure swordsmen are female swordsmen and Earl Dylan, but according to Ms. Grissa, she once had a discussion with Earl Dylan. After the two men fought for 300 rounds, she still lost half a move. .

"Her Royal Highness is so strong?"

"The grandmother once said that it was the best genius she had ever seen in her life. No matter what she learned, it was just a matter of course. Anyway, it was a character as clever as a demon." Karin shrugged and groaned. After a moment, staring at the landing giggled giggly: "It looks so similar to someone."

No, no, I must be more evil than her. Do n’t you already understand it?

"I originally thought that as a grandmother's disciple, she might support me, but now think about it, it is impossible for people to fight only because of their own thoughts after all, what is the word Lu Xi told me, um, class Limitations? It's too apt. "Karin shook her head:" Well, maybe, only if I wiped down the city of Hering thoroughly, she would make a smart choice. The Fort and Eagle Rudder City anyway, the Lancaster family and the little giant in the star-falling sea will no longer be able to return to heaven. "

"Then ~ ~ Your uncle they ..." Speaking of this, a shy and shy teenager suddenly flashed in Lu Xi's mind: "Karin, what would you do if you were completely victorious?" Treat your uncle's family? "

Karin stunned slightly, and for the first time a distressed look appeared on her beautiful face: "Woo ... Xiao Lu Xi, you really asked me." (To be continued.)

ps: Labor and management know that their books certainly do not meet the taste of many glass-minded straight men with cancer and small white-brain residues. Pushing the sister is not decisive. The protagonist is neither a human-shaped planter that must be pushed when seeing a good sister's paper. If you step on me, I will definitely chop up Long Aotian of your whole family, and I will not even have to face the plot with no brain in order to make a refreshing point, and occasionally play a little Wen Qing, but this is the book I want to write. Still that sentence, looking dissatisfied, I clicked the upper right fork and disappeared. If you feel that this book is poisonous, you can go to all the posts on the Amway yourself. You have to walk away a little white with a straight-hearted male cancer. I still think that the group of book friends is clean.

However, a coercion who looked at db dared to run into the book review area, so the coercion was really amazing.

I naturally welcome suggestions and plot discussions in good faith. However, the goods that are intentionally coming to disturb, and the goods that dare to install the uncle after reading db, the last time I advised, I disappeared, do not affect everyone's mood. u