The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 61: 61

Chapter 61

Gu Yanzhi's expression softened and lowered his head to kiss the lips of his loved one: "It's not too early, (sleep Shui)."

He wanted to deepen this (kiss wen), but he was afraid that (kiss wen) (kiss wen) would not be able to restrain his **, so he just stumbled on it.

Xie Yishu glanced at the time, did not turn off the light, but asked Gu Yanzhi: "Do you want to submit a resume? Or just go to the interview?"

If you cast your resume, you may scare the staff responsible for screening your resume.

Gu Yanzhi: "My friend said that he had greeted people from the personnel department and asked me to go to the interview tomorrow morning."

"Because it is interview security, the threshold is not very high." Gu Yanzhi explained, "so not so strict..."

"Still prepare in advance." Xie Yishu paused, proposed, "I will accompany you to simulate tomorrow's interview?"

Their behavior is strictly speaking through the back door.

Although he felt that Gu Yan was fully capable of being the security guard of that company, he still had to prepare for the interview. After all, Gu Yan also has no experience as a security guard. If the interview is embarrassing, it is easy to leave a bad impression on others.

Xie Yishu opened his brain and searched for "problems that may be asked when applying for security" on Xingwang. While browsing, he said to Gu Yanzhi: "It should be very simple, let's simulate it once, and feel sleepy (Shui) ."

Gu Yanzhi, who holds the power of the company and has a deep sense in his heart: "... good."

Xie Yishu summarized several questions shared by netizens, played the interviewer, and asked Gu Yan's questions.

President Gu Da patiently practiced with his lover.

Xie Yishu compared the reference answer and felt that Gu Yanzhi's answer was better. He safely shut the light brain, put it on the nightstand, and reached out to turn off the light: "(sleep Shui) feeling. Remember to wear that shirt without washing the mark tomorrow, I closed it in the closet."

He hadn't had time to buy Gu Yanzhi a better shirt.

At present, only the shirt that had been changed by him was put on and looked decent and formal.

Buy tomorrow, buy five or six pieces, and buy two pieces for the pup.

Xie Yishu wanted to lie down while thinking, and as soon as he lay down, a familiar warm body overlaid from behind.

"good night."

"good night."

Despite saying good night, Xie Yishu did not immediately (sleep Shui) feel.

He has some concerns.

He actually didn't want Gu Yanzhi to be a security guard. But he also knew that with the money he earned now, it was not enough for them to take the cubs to live on the main star. Gu Yanzhi couldn't stay at home with peace of mind, or do what he wanted to do.

Xie Yishu pursed his lips. He remembered a question he saw during a mock interview with Gu Yanzhi.

He didn't ask that question.

If you want to ask, the question will be filled like this: Mr. Gu, your resume says that you graduated from the Finance Department of Nanxi University. Why did you choose to become an auto mechanic after graduation, instead of doing more matching work?

Xie Yishu didn't ask this question. The first one was that he wouldn't ask this in the interview tomorrow.

The second is because he can probably guess the answer.

Gu Yanzhi did not work immediately after graduation.

Instead, go to him first.

I missed the best time for employment. When I need to work to support myself and my cubs, I can't find my counterpart.

Forced to live, I can only start with an auto repair apprentice (dry gan) and work in the store (dry gan) while learning the knowledge of auto repair, slowly enrich the knowledge reserve and car repair experience, and become a store Senior auto mechanic.

If it were not for his sudden disappearance, Gu Yanzhi should now be working in a bank or an employee of a large company.

Xie Yishu felt guilty.

The breathing of the men around him was gentle, and it should be (sleeping Shui).

Xie Yishu let go, covered Gu Yanzhi's hand at the waist, and said softly: "Gu Yan, I love you."

He will not let Gu Yanzhi always be a security guard.

When he earns a little more money, he will open an auto repair shop for Gu Yanzhi, let Gu Yanzhi be the shopkeeper, take a break if he wants to rest, and work if he wants to work.

Or Gu Yanzhi wants to try other industries, and when they have enough savings, Gu Yanzhi can also let go. Go to a bank, go to a company, or start your own business.

Gu Yanzhi can do everything he wants to do.

As soon as the words fell, Xie Yishu noticed the man's breath behind him.

Not (sleeping Shui)?

Xie Yishu's cheeks burned.

Before he let go of his hand, his hand was caught by the back. The other party's fingers passed through his fingers (cha), and the arms around his waist tightened a little: "Xiaoshu..."

Gu Yanzhi was distressed.

He knew that the lover might just say something casually, or think of something that suddenly sighed, with no other meaning, or some idea, but he was still reacted by his movements and his voice.

"Don't (enter you) to confuse me."

In the face of Xie Yishu, he could not control it.

The man's voice was deep and hoarse, with a slight sigh at the end.

Xie Yishu's first reaction was to refute, "I don't have" three words have not been spoken, close to the back (chest xiong) of the bore and left.

Xie Yishu listened to the sound of Gu Yan getting out of bed and opening the door, pulling up the quilt, covering the cheeks that started to flush red, and only (a small amount of) black (colored) hair came out.

After Gu Yanzhi calmly returned from the bathroom, Xie Yishu was already (sleeping Shui). Gu Yanzhi pulled the quilt down so that he would not be bored.

Gu Yanzhi sighed at the lover who was puffing her cheeks in the bed (sleeping Shui).

Three days before the weekend.

Gu Yanzhi gently dropped it on Xie Yishu's closed eyes (kiss wen), reached out to hug the young man, closed his eyes, no longer had any other ideas.


In the early morning of the next day, Xie Yishu woke up in a strong embrace, opened his eyes, and faced a pair of dark eyes.

"Gu Yan? You woke up early today..." Xie Yishu pushed away the man and sat up, sitting on (bed chuang) to wake himself up for a while, picked up the light brain on the bedside table, and looked at the time, only to find out that it was not Gu Yanzhi woke up early, but he didn't hear the alarm today.

The alarm clock showed that it had sounded before a quarter of an hour.

It was turned off.

Xie Yishu didn't respond for a while: "You hear the alarm ringing? Why don't you call me to get up?"

Gu Yanzhi got up and kissed a confusing lover: "I want to make you (sleep Shui) a little longer. I don't have to catch the bus today."

Xie Yishu, who was thinking about whether he could catch the bus that he usually sat on, stopped to calculate.

He remembered that they bought a car yesterday, and now they have a car.

Gu Yanzhi thinks that the lover who has not been fully awake is particularly cute, and can't help but kissed again: "Can I still (sleep Shui) for another quarter of an hour, and (sleep Shui) for a while?"

Xie Yishu looked at Gu Yanzhi, and then looked at the time on the light brain, and finally chose to get up: "No (sleep Shui), and (sleep Shui) can't get up again."

Xie Yishu not (sleeping Shui), Gu Yanzhi also got up with it.

Two adult men huddled together in front of a small sink to brush their teeth together.

Xie Yishu looked at himself and Gu Yanzhi in the mirror, remembering the days when he lived in the rented apartment in Lin Jiali.

It is also such a small sink.

He and Gu Yanzhi got up when the last alarm sounded, hurriedly changed clothes, washed their meals, had breakfast, had early lessons, had no morning classes, and had a part-time job.

At that time, he thought that when he earns money after work, he must buy a house with a big bathroom.

"Gu Yan, when we have more savings, go to see the house. Buy one with a big bathroom." Xie Yishu paused, changed his mouth, "buy with two bathrooms."

Gu Yanzhi (gougou) cornered his mouth: "Okay."


Puppy was the last one to get up.

He woke up once midnight last night, knowing that his parents were in (sleeping Shui), did not disturb them, went to the bathroom and used the toilet, and came back to play for a while (milk Nai) (奶 Nai) gave him his car and played Sleepy before returning to his small (bed chuang).

This caused him to be a little sleepy when he was woken by Gu Yanzhi.

The three had breakfast and drove to the kindergarten.

Piao learned in the car that his father was unemployed last night. Today, he is going to Jingsheng to interview the security guard. He is not sleepy at all: "Is my father a security guard in the future?"

He just (sleeping Shui) for a while, and his father became a security guard?

Chubby Dun was deeply puzzled.

Xie Yishu corrected his statement: "It has not been decided yet, it depends on the results of today's interview."

He paused and said to Gu Yanzhi: "If the interview is over, if you can get results, you will send a message to me."

Gu Yanzhi said warmly: "Okay."

Xie Yishu added another sentence: "Then ask the working hours, if there is night shift, or too hard, we will not do it. We can find other jobs."

He can also care for Yan Zhi.

Although they had no savings after buying the car and paying off the loan, he now earns a monthly salary of more than 10,000, and the money earned there can also subsidize his family. Even if Gu Yanzhi cannot find a job temporarily, they will not live a life. Too difficult.

Gu Yanzhi smiled: "Okay."

The car stopped at the gate of Yunshan Kindergarten.

After Xie Yishu said "See you at night", he took the puppet in one hand and carried the things he used to make handmade soap in one hand and got off the car.

Gu Yanzhi watched the large and small backs and waited until their backs disappeared in his field of vision before starting the car again.

He drove to the car change shop, where the assistant and driver were waiting for him.

He returned the car to the store manager and told the store manager that he would not work here.

The manager knows that the big boss in front of him will one day experience enough life as an auto mechanic, so he is not surprised. The assistant heard the boss saying that he would not work here anymore, and he had the urge to cry.

Every time I heard the boss say "call the driver to prepare the car and go to the car to change the store" "Bring the work clothes in the store, I will wear it at the time", it is a huge impact on his young mind.

But he was not happy for too long. The car drove to the company. He heard the boss in the back seat calmly told him to "bring a new security uniform later."

Security uniform?

Mr. Gu, this is to experience the life of an auto repairman. Is it time to experience the life of security?

The assistant asked out inattentively.

Gu Yanzhi glanced at him, and the assistant immediately muttered, daring not to ask more.

The light brain shook.

Gu Yanzhi picked up Guangnao and glanced at it, and found it was the bank's payment notice.

Xie Yishu transferred him 3 million.

At the same time, Xie Yishu also sent news.

[Xie Yishu: Have you received the money? I changed it last night, but it seems that it was just accepted. 】

[Xie Yishu: Take it to pay off the loan. 】

Also sent an expression pack.

Kitten claws holding a black card with the words: swipe casually.

Gu Yanzhi raised his mouth unconsciously.

He typed: [Xiaoshu, let's pay back a part first, and I can return the rest slowly. A portion of three million will be used for financial management. 】

After sending the message, Gu Yanzhi glanced at the assistant again.

He was waiting for an assistant to ask him why he was in such a good mood.

But the assistant just asked what should not be asked. Now that I see Gu Yanzhi's mood getting better, I dare not ask Gu why he is in a good mood.

Gu Yanzhi didn't hear the assistant ask him, frowned, and looked at the driver again.

The driver was driving intently, not paying attention to his sight at all.

Gu Yanzhi frowned more tightly.

Assistant Cha looked up and saw Gu Yanzhi's frowning eyebrows, and then quickly lowered his head.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Gu's mood seemed to be worse again. ,,,51g...