The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 45: 45th

The adult body of Yomir is very different from the frailty of the cub.

Yomier in the puppy period, with white hair, brown eyes, no double horns, and weak like a puppy, this is the most frail period of Yumir's life.

But once the infancy is over, it enters the growth phase. Yomir will grow and become stronger rapidly.

The pure white fur in childhood will gradually change to black from the tip of the fur, giving birth to black markings. The double horns on the top of the forehead will continue to grow with age, and the longest can reach three meters. Its hardness and sharpness, It will never be inferior to Dragon Horn.

This is also one of the reasons why the Yumirs were able to become royalty.

Youmir in adulthood has almost no shortcomings in lifespan and strength. Their only weakness is in infancy, and only in infancy. Once they are allowed to grow up, a Ymir in its heyday is capable of fighting a well-armed army.

Each Yomir who passed away had a thick history of war and glory.

So even a huge black dragon with bat wings spread out and a length of 20 meters is just a clumsy cub in front of Rong Heng.

The huge Yumir lowered his body on the high ground, turned his head and urged the stunned little dragon cub, and said impatiently: "Come up."

The little dragon cub was covered in a strange green mud, dirty and smelly.

Let such a dirty little cub climb on his back, it is really a very challenging endurance thing.

Yomier's dark golden pupils were full of displeasure.

The little dragon cub tried to grab his fur and crawled on his back with four claws.

The back of the adult Yomir is so generous and full of security for the cub who was urged to grow.

The little dragon cub sniffed at Yumir's neck and smelled the same breath as Snowball.

He felt more at ease.

Dad said that Snowball's eldest brother is a good man.

Snowball is his eldest brother, eldest brother's eldest brother, and naturally his eldest brother!

The little dragon cub's claws firmly grasped the thick fur of Yumir's neck, the bat wings were retracted behind him, and the whole dragon was tightly attached to his back, which made him feel full of security. Even sneakily rubbed.

Rong Heng looked back at him, coldly said "Hold on", and dashed over the swamp like a gust of wind.

Yomir have no wings, but they have the speed of the wind.

The giant Yomir walked lightly and swept across the soft swamp like the wind, but not a single footprint was left.

The little dragon cub lying on his back closed his eyes at first, but then he couldn't help opening it again, looking at the fast retreating scene on both sides, he couldn't help exclaiming: "In the future, Snowball will also Will it be so great?"

No wonder Nota always said snowballs were great before.

Xueqiu's eldest brother is so powerful, and Xueqiu will definitely be very powerful in the future.

How to get this little stupid dragon out.

A dragon that can't fly and needs to be hoisted by a shuttle.

How ridiculous.

His Royal Highness can't afford to lose this person.

The little dragon cub didn't know his dislike, and the golden eyes were round and full of novelty.

At this moment, he has forgotten the despair of rolling in the mire before.

Rong Heng carried him on his back, crossed the Lost Swamp, and stepped back into the Feita Manor by night.

Morrie had arrived first and dismissed the manor in advance, leaving only two reliable people to look after Ruan Shiqing indoors.

Therefore, no one saw that the majestic Yumir, carrying a dirty black dragon, landed in the back garden of Feita Manor.

The little dragon cub has not yet escaped from such a novel feeling, and is lying on his back.

"Go down." Rong Heng flicked his tail and glanced at the little dragon cub on his back with disgust.

The whole dragon is not very smart.

The little dragon cub jumped off his back awkwardly. He couldn't master his body yet, and after staggering a few times on the ground, he could barely stabilize his body by leaning on the bat wings.

Looks incredibly clumsy.

Rong Heng gave him a horn with a horn to make him stand firm, and then said to Mori, who came over when he heard the movement: "Clean him up, I'll take a bath."

Rong Heng felt uncomfortable all over and couldn't wait to take a shower.

After explaining, he quickly reduced his size and hurried back to the room.

Morrie looked at his back and couldn't help but sighed in his heart that His Royal Highness the Prince was so kind to Master Ruan's family.

If this is replaced by someone else, let alone carrying it all the way back, if you can tie it with a rope and drag it back, it is a strong friendship in arms.

He looked at the little dragon squatting in the corner... Oh no, the giant dragon, keeping his voice as gentle as possible: "Can you change back to human form?"

The little dragon cub shook his head.

"Can I shrink a little?"

The little dragon cub still shook his head.

Morrie is speechless, how can this big dragon know nothing?

But on second thought, this giant dragon was in class at the cub school just a few days ago. It is a cub who does not understand anything. He can't be too strict, so he speaks well After some comfort, he called a few of his subordinates and asked them to bathe the dragon cub.

"..." The men trembled at the black dragon covered in mud, and they almost hugged Morrie's leg to beg for mercy.

Murray looked at the nearly ten-meter-high dragon, which was indeed quite bluffing at first glance. Ordinary people who dare to bathe this ancestor.

If one is unhappy, one paw can kill him.

It's a bit of a tough one.

Morrie thought about it for a while, and asked someone to bring the automatic watering robot in the garden, and discussed with the little dragon cub: "Can you wash it yourself?"

The little dragon cub looked at the robots in a circle and nodded hesitantly.

So Morrie let the robots on.

The robot formed a circle around him, spewing a stream of water, which washed away the mud on the little dragon cub. But the mud on the surface was washed away, but the stones and moss stuck in the gaps of the scales could not be cleaned.

The little dragon cub clumsily clawed at the scales.

At this time, the little mermaid and the little fox who heard the news rushed out, and the little robot 09 who was chasing after them also followed.

Ruan Shiqing came back first, they went to see their father first, and then they learned that the little dragon cub had also returned home.

The little cubs who heard the news rushed out excitedly and threw themselves on the huge black dragon without any scruples.

The little fox in human form couldn't even hold his feet; the little mermaid sat on the cart, but was only a little taller than the little fox.

The little robot, only a little over a meter tall, patted the tail of the little dragon cub and said with emotion: "It's good to be back, we are all worried about you."

The little dragon cub bent down and touched them carefully one by one with the tips of their claws.

Nota took advantage of the situation to hold the tip of his claws, raised his head and said, "I will also look so majestic in the future."

So the little fox asked Morrie for a towel and a brush, two cubs and a little robot, holding the towel and brush, hummingly cleaning the scales for the little dragon cub.

The little mermaid couldn't climb, so he was responsible for cleaning the legs. He carefully cleaned the moss and other foreign objects in the gaps of the scales with a brush. He also learned to control the water flow to wash the gaps of the scales without a teacher. ; The little fox nimbly climbed to the top of the little dragon cub's tail and cleaned his horns and head; the little robot was responsible for cleaning the two front claws and bat wings...

It was late at night, but the lights in Feita Manor were bright.

The huge black dragon squatted in the center, two cubs and a robot were busy around him. Brother Xiong, who didn't need to take care of Ruan Shiqing, also joined in to help clean up the tail of the little dragon cub.

Heilong maintained a motionless posture, lowered his head when he lowered his head, raised his arms when he raised his arms, and occasionally handed a towel or brush.

It was such a mighty and ferocious dragon, but at this moment, it showed a hint of simplicity and well-behaved.

Rong Heng stood by the window and watched for a while, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The washed dragon cub, but not so ugly.

"Mr. Ruan taught these cubs very well. Only the first generation of the four nobles of the Galactic Empire has such harmony and friendship." Noah said with emotion.

She is the AI ​​of Queen Farah, and she has seen too many conflicts of interest with the queen. Seeing that the four ancient clans who once jointly created the Galactic Empire, intrigue for the sake of interests, are heading for disintegration.

The four ancient tribes are no longer brothers who can fight together, but potential enemies who need to be wary of backstabs.

Thinking of those disgusting races, Rong Heng's face turned cold and sarcastically: "In such an environment, what kind of normal people can be taught."

The three ancient clans except Yumir, the dragon clan, look normal.


"Is anyone awake?" Rong Heng changed the subject.

"Still sleeping." Noah said: "Murray has asked the doctor to check, and the doctor said that the overdose of psychotropic drugs, coupled with extreme fatigue and nervousness, will cause drowsiness. When he has made up for sleep and his body has been repaired, he will be awake, and it will be fine."

"That's good." Rong Heng lowered his eyes, his eyes were blocked by the drooping eyelashes, so he couldn't see clearly: "I won't show up, when he wakes up, if he asks, let him Murray told him that I had something to leave."

I heard that Ruan Shiqing had entered the Lost Swamp alone before, and when the situation was unknown, he wanted to return to the B3024 star immediately; but now that he has found someone and confirmed that they are all right, he is inexplicably afraid to face .

He has never been so gaffe.

In the past 26 years, he has fought against the Zerg on the frontline battlefield, and has passed death countless times, and he has never lost his temper for a moment.

Such anomalies are unprecedented.

It confuses him and makes him want to escape subconsciously.

When Ruan Shiqing woke up, it was three days later.

The missing sleep was made up, the blue and black at the moment subsided, and his whole person was radiant again.

The cubs and the little robots rushed into the room upon hearing the news of his awakening.

The little fox lay beside the bed and asked, "Is Dad hungry?"

The little mermaid held his hand tightly. Although she couldn't speak, her eyes were very worried; Snowball was placed on the quilt and lowered her head to rub his arm.

Even the little robot asked eagerly, "Is there any discomfort, sir? Do you need water?"

Murray and the Xiong brothers who came in later could only stand on the periphery, stretching their necks to look in.

Glancing at them one by one, Ruan Shiqing sat up and said energetically: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Harry is outside!" The little fox pointed out the window and gestured with both hands: "He is too big to come in!"

Ruan Shiqing looked in the direction of her finger, and she saw a golden eye by the window.

The little dragon cub is too big to enter the house, so she can only stick one eye to the window and look in hard.

After careful cleaning by the cubs and others, he is now a majestic dragon with shiny scales, and is eager to show his father!

Ruan Shiqing got up and walked outside the house, and saw a majestic dragon cub.

The little dragon cub bent down hard and rubbed Ruan Shiqing's arm lightly with the dragon kiss.

"Good." Ruan Shiqing touched his nose soothingly, then turned back to Mori and said, "Thanks to your help this time, in the future, whatever I can do, you can speak. "

He only regarded Marin as a temporary partner before, but he was somewhat guarded.

But after this incident, Marin is his friend.

Morie was excited: "It's all trivial, it's all trivial, it's really nothing to worry about."

The two were polite to each other, and Morrie invited Ruan Shiqing to lunch.

Thinking that the house was still in chaos, Ruan Shiqing did not refuse, and took the cubs and followed Mori to the restaurant.

At this moment, a series of question marks slowly appeared in the heart of His Royal Highness, who was held by the little robot in his arms.

? ? ? ?

Why didn't you even mention me?

Until she was seated in the restaurant, Ruan Shiqing took the snowball from the little robot and asked, "Why didn't you see Mr. Rong?"

Morrie remembered His Highness's instructions and said with a smile: "Mr. Rong has something to do, so he left first."

Yes, Mr. Rong is a member of the military, and it is normal to be busy.

Ruan Shiqing nodded slightly, didn't ask any more questions, and instead talked about the rebuilding of the house.

? ? ?

He found the man, and the little stupid dragon was memorized by him, why doesn't he have a name?

This shouldn't be.

He glanced at Ruan Shiqing resentfully, then glared at him coldly when his eyes turned to Mori.

Morrie: ? ? ? ?

What's the matter, grandpa?

After lunch, Ruan Shiqing proposed to go home.

The house is still in a mess and needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible. During lunch, Ruan Shiqing had already discussed with Mori. He would pay and Mori would provide help to rebuild the house as soon as possible.

Now the family has to go back and pack up.

Ruan Shiqing pushed the mermaid cart and walked in front, followed by the little dragon cub on the left, and the Xiong brothers on the right.

The little fox, the snowball, and even the little robot 09 were all sitting on the little dragon cub at this time.

Nota lay on the head of the little dragon cub, looking like a fox and a tiger; Rong Heng and the little robot sat on his shoulders.

The huge black dragon attracted the onlookers of the surrounding residents. The accident happened in the Ruan family has been spread all over the outer city in the past few days, but I didn't expect it to be a few days. The previous one was only demolished and repaired. The black dragon of the shop was tamed.

Everyone looked at Ruan Shiqing with awe.

What kind of skill is raising a dragon cub, it is a real skill to tame an adult dragon.

As expected of Master Ruan.

Back to the repair shop, Xiaolongzai looked at the house that had been demolished by himself, his face full of shame and anxiety.

The roof of the second floor was completely lifted, leaving only a ruin. Although the first floor barely collapsed, but affected by the second floor, it was also full of falling rocks and ash.

The house is a mess.

The little dragon cub carefully stretched out its claws, trying to pick up the overturned reclining chair and straighten it.

As a result, the wooden chaise longue fell into pieces just as he lifted the chaise longue with his claw tips.


Seeing his cautious appearance, Ruan Shiqing held back a smile and patted the dust on his claws for him, saying, "Buy a new one if it's broken, it doesn't matter."

And said to the other cubs: "Tell 09 the little toys you still want, and they will be cleaned up for you later."

This house may collapse at any time now, so it is naturally impossible for Ruan Shiqing to let the cubs in.

The cubs gathered around 09 and began to report the daily necessities and toys they still wanted, 09 carefully recorded them one by one, and looked at Rong Heng, who did not speak: "Is there nothing Snowball wants? "After he finished speaking, he thoughtfully called up the virtual screen to facilitate his typing.

Rong Heng squatted and looked down at him.

After a while, he got down from the shoulders of the little dragon cub and typed: [Pillow. ]

Unlike other cubs, he was the first cub to be brought home by Ruan Shiqing, and he had an advantage in size, so he slept in Ruan Shiqing's bedroom all the time, many daily necessities overlapped with Ruan Shiqing of.

Thinking about it, the only thing that can make him miss is a fluffy pillow.

His Royal Highness, who was accustomed to staying in the Ruan family, found that he actually recognized his bed. As long as he lay down on that soft pillow, he could always fall asleep quickly and have no dreams all night.

09Take it down carefully.

Seeing that he hadn't asked himself yet, the little dragon cub finally couldn't hold back his mouth: "My Blue Star necklace is missing, and the gem box..."

"I don't know if it fell at home." He pursed his lips and was a little lost. After waking up in the swamp, he found that his Blue Star necklace was missing.

09 Hearing this, he laughed: "The necklace and the gem box have been put away by the gentleman. Some places are damaged and need to be repaired."

The little dragon cub immediately cheered up when he heard the words, and wiggled his tail: "Really?"

"Really." Ruan Shiqing came out of the workshop and replied with a smile, "I'll give it to you after I fix it."

The little dragon cub narrowed his eyes happily.

It's easy to pack up the little cubs, but the real trouble is Ruan Shiqing's workshop.

Many instruments and materials have been added to the workshop, which requires a lot of effort to organize and transfer. Fortunately, there are the Xiong brothers and 09 to help, and it is fairly organized.

After all the items were sorted and placed, the people sent by Morrie directly knocked down the crumbling small building.

The little robot 09 looked at the fallen house, suddenly screamed, and hurriedly carried the shovel to the corner of the falling star vine, and buried the old body and the same falling star The vines were dug out together—the old body that was eliminated when the master replaced him for the first time.

With the permission of the owner at that time, he solemnly buried it under a falling star vine.

He put the old body covered in mud, together with the falling star vine, into a flower pot and hugged it tightly in his arms.

Like comforting pups. He also murmured as if to comfort himself: "When the new house is built, we will plant the fallen star vines in the yard. Its vitality is very tenacious, and by next year, it will fill the courtyard again."

The completion of the new house still takes time. During this period, Ruan Shiqing and his party temporarily lived in Feita Manor.

Because many instruments were inconvenient to install and use in Feita Manor, Ruan Shiqing was unable to carry out his work normally, so he simply put down his work temporarily and thought about how to place the little dragon cub.

According to the information he searched on the holographic network, the adult dragon family can freely control their body shape, and can also freely switch between beast form and human form. But the little dragon cub is special. Although it looks like an adult dragon, it is actually just a little cub who doesn't understand anything.

He was completely ripened by gems of unknown origin.

Ruan Shiqing also tried to contact the stall owner, inquired about the origin of the gems, and questioned the other party's motives, but the other party's communication could not be connected at all. Even if he was full of doubts, he could only temporarily suppress it.

After thinking about it, I can only try to ask Mr. Rong for help.

Mr. Rong is a member of the military. Maybe he knows the dragon family and can help answer questions.

He texted Mr. Rong to explain the situation.

The other party is a very busy person, Ruan Shiqing thought that he might have to wait for the other party to be free to get a reply, but only ten minutes later, the other party gave a reply: [I happen to know a dragon, he On a planet not far from the B3024 star, I can ask him to come over and check the situation. ]

The unexpected joy came too suddenly, Ruan Shiqing was stunned, and quickly replied to the message, thanking him again and again.

Mr. Rong is really a warmhearted person.

Rong Heng, who was hiding in a room somewhere, looked at the text message the other party replied, and was satisfied.

A good deed cannot but leave a name.

His Royal Highness the Prince thought so.