The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 78: 78th

The neutron beam launched lost its track and could not be traced further, and the military base of Skarlan was thrown into chaos.

The neutron beam, destroying the neutron beam we fired."

The mermaid patriarch looked ugly.

Balham Star is a resource star of Naxi Group, which also has Barham Arsenal jointly established by Naxi Group and Planck Energy. Mermaid and Planck Energy have many cooperation contacts , No matter what the reason is, Star Barham shouldn't rashly disrupt Sky Blue Star's plan without saying hello in advance.

They must provide a reasonable explanation for this action.

"Contact Barham immediately for a second launch."

The commander of the military base soon sent a communication request to Barham.

When receiving the communication request from Scarlett, Rong Heng was taking the cubs and fighting robots for simulated confrontation training.

He and a team of Little Mermaid, Little Fox, and Ruan Jiao, and Little Dragon Cub and a team of Melaire, Hector, and Morrie, each with a hundred battle robots, The control center's outdoor playground for confrontation.

The little dragon cub and the little fox have long wanted to compete with each other, and after the battle started, they aimed at each other and fought back and forth.

The little mermaid is responsible for deploying the troops in the entire confrontation in the central tower. While preventing the enemy from tearing down his own tower defense, he also has to find a way to overthrow the opposing tower defense and win. .

He pursed his lips, carefully analyzed the information on the battlefield, and thought about the best way to push the tower.

"To face the enemy on the battlefield, you can't use conventional thinking to control the enemy."

The communication channel lights up, Rong Heng's virtual image appears, and he clicks on the corner of the holographic map, where the little dragon cub who is fighting alone with Nuota: "You can try to solve the single Heng first. In this way, there are only three main fighting forces on the opposite side."

The little mermaid looked at him with wide eyes, as if he didn't expect to do this, and looked a little hesitant.

Rong Heng raised his eyebrows: "You are a commander, not a soldier. A soldier pays attention to facing the enemy head-on and absolute strength." He nodded his temple: "But the commander must pay attention to tactics ."

His words successfully persuaded the little mermaid.

The little mermaid narrowed her eyes, and sent a large number of robots to attack the opposite towers in the upper and middle roads.

The two cubs who fought inextricably just ended a round of battle and were still tied. Just when they were about to start the next round of battle, Nota received a small message from the little mermaid.

She rolled her eyes and looked at the little dragon cub with a smile: "I won't play with you anymore."

When the words fell, she left the battlefield with a neat backflip, and at the same time, the lurking team robots appeared and surrounded them, wrapping the little dragon cub.

The little dragon cub was unsuspectingly pointed at by dozens of robots with guns, and shouted angrily: "You are a fool!"

The little fox in the distance made faces at him.

The little dragon cub was angry and rolled his eyes, trying to find a way to break through - according to the confrontation rules, once they are hit ten times, they are out of the game.

There are thirteen robots surrounding him now, and the laser gun in his hand can fire ten bursts in one second, and he is very likely to be eliminated.

He needs help.

[Hector, save me! ]

The little dragon cub secretly sent a message to Hector. At the same time, the battle robot also launched an attack.

He dodged the attack nimbly, but for the convenience of the test, he chose this corner with fewer obstacles, so he had nowhere to hide, and was quickly hit four times.

The induction jacket he wears has turned light red. After being hit ten times, the induction vest will turn bright red with excessive blood loss, and he will also face out.

Hector, who received the communication, arrived as soon as possible and quickly eliminated the five besieging battle robots.

"Retreat." Hector killed a battle robot again, preparing to leave with the little dragon cub. As a result, he was hit twice.

"Fuck! Who attacked Lao Tzu?!"

Hector was shocked, and immediately guarded the little dragon cub and returned to the obstacle to observe the situation.

But soon he was hit again and again, and the little dragon cub beside him was not much better, and he was also hit three times in a blink of an eye.

"Grass! Who the **** is so sinister?!"

The attack angle is constantly changing, Hector can't lock the target of attacking them through the direction of the attack, he can only probe angrily, and he is shot twice.

The little dragon cub also tried to fight back angrily, but Noah, who was ambush in the distance, took the opportunity to shoot cold, and said with a smile: "You are surrounded!"

Rong Heng, who was moving fast between the obstacles, took out the little dragon cub with three shots, and surrounded Hector with a battle robot: "You are out."

Hector, whose induction vest was bright red, looked at him in shock: "Aren't you in the middle defense tower?"

Rong Heng looked contemptuous, and took the opportunity to educate the little dragon cub beside him: "Let's stay with him less in the future, and he will be infected if he has no brains."

Hector: ? ? ? ? ?


At the same time as the battle with this side ended, Melaire, who was sitting at the rear, had received the news that her teammates had been killed in battle. She was shocked and stared at the tower in the middle and cursed secretly. In the communication channel, he said: "We were fooled. His Highness was neither in the rear nor in the middle. He took the opportunity to attack Harry, and he also set a trap for Hector by the way!"

He knew that Herri and Nota were fighting alone on the side, and that Hector was very close to Herri, so he would definitely go to the rescue as soon as possible, so he deliberately asked Herri for help and peace Time to save yourself.

It's all about killing two birds with one stone.

Morrie surprised: ? ? ? ? ?

"Who is fighting against me in the middle lane?" It is clear that the fighting style of the middle lane is that of His Royal Highness.

Ruan Jiao, who received the communication, stuck his head out of the defense tower and waved a small flag towards him, the tentacles on his forehead swaying happily.


Morrie sat back and looked incredulous: "I actually lost to a cub."

Then he and Melaire said in unison: "The heart of playing politics is really **** dirty."


Who knew that His Highness would even spare a little cub, and let the cub imitate his fighting style to fight, making everyone think that he was in the middle, but he secretly attacked.

"We lost." Merrel raised the white flag.

The main force has damaged two people in a row, but the other party is unscathed, this confrontation is no longer necessary.

The battle ended with the enemy surrendering. Ruan Jiao got down from the defense tower, ran to Rong Heng excitedly, looked up at him, and waved a small flag.

It means: I'm done!

Rong Heng touched his head and praised: "Not bad."

Cub squinted happily, tentacles wrapping around his fingers.

The little mermaid and Nota also came closer and pulled up the little dragon cub who was sitting on the ground.

Hector is not satisfied: "You are too cunning."

"I'm not in command this time." Rong Heng picked it out and patted the little mermaid on the shoulder: "This is the commander, I just follow orders." After speaking, he showed contempt again His expression: "If you can't fight me, forget about it, and even Ruan Yuebai can't fight, you should reflect on yourselves."

Hector:  …?


He looked at the shy little mermaid with a shy smile, and for a moment began to wonder if he was really not very smart.

But soon he rejected this not so firm self-doubt, and began to seek allies to honor him: "It's obviously that you have badly taught a good boy, this is called a close-minded person Black." After speaking, he looked at Xiaolongzai: "Fortunately, Harry is not like you."

In the end, the little dragon cub didn't really want to form an alliance with him, he hesitated and said, "In the future, I will be with Big Brother Rong and Yuebai!"

Although he did not directly express his dislike of Hector, the meaning was very clear.

To find teammates, of course, to find smart ones!


Being disliked by the little cub, Hector left with a broken heart.

Xiaolongzai poked his head to look at him and muttered: "Although we can't be teammates in the competition, we can still fight together in the future."

Rong Heng took the cubs to prepare for the rematch, and at this moment, Noah's voice sounded: "His Royal Highness, Scarlett has sent a communication request five times in a row. , I think you should take a look first."

In the middle of the match just now, she did not disturb everyone's interest. So much so that in the next half hour, Scarlett Star had sent five communication requests in annoyance.

The mermaid patriarch was really furious, and while ordering people to continue to communicate with Barham, he sent a message to Kohler, the person in charge of Planck Energy, questioning him Barham what the stars do.

As a result, Kohler replied to the message after verifying, claiming that he did not issue such an order, nor did he know what Barham Star did, and promised to verify with Barham Star on his behalf , reply as soon as possible.

But Barham, but there is still no news!

As the chief of the merfolk, he has never been so slighted.

"It's time to give them some color," he said.