The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 82: 82nd

He is underage.

Just five words, hovering in Merrel's ear, like a magic sound.

When talking with Master Ruan, she thought about many issues, but only ignored age. Master Ruan's appearance is indeed a little green, but she thought it was because he looked young, but she didn't expect it was because he was not an adult.

"Maybe his race came of age earlier..." Before she finished speaking, she realized that Ruan Shiqing was an ancient human.

Ancient humans reached adulthood at the age of eighteen.

She shrugged and said regretfully, "Okay, then I'll wait a bit longer."

Master Ruan is here anyway and won't run away.

? ? ? ? ?

Wait a minute?

Rong Heng, who thought she would give up her mind, became nervous again, he stared hard at Merrel, and reiterated: "I can't wait a minute."

Melaire is inexplicable, feeling that His Royal Highness is now more and more domineering: "Why? Even if you are His Royal Highness, you should not interfere with the personal feelings of your subordinates."


Rong Heng was speechless, only a calm face, the corners of his eyes and brows were unhappy.

Merel looked at him, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't believe it: "Could it be that you fell in love with Master Ruan?"

The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was possible.

But look now, he not only brought the cubs, but also brought them very well.

These cubs belong to Master Ruan.

Melaire felt that she had discovered the truth. His Royal Highness, who had been single for 26 years from the mother's womb, and who seemed to be single all the time, turned out to be the old iron tree blooming.

She immediately and generously expressed her understanding and support: "If you are also pursuing Master Ruan, then I can quit. You know, I have never liked too complicated feelings."

patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and Merel encouraged: "Master Ruan is indeed very good, you have to move faster, or even if I quit, there is no guarantee that others will not pursue he."

Then without waiting for Rong Heng to respond, she left with a subtle expression on her face.

She can't wait to share this big gossip with others! !

On the contrary, Rong Heng who stayed behind was full of question marks.

? ? ? ?

What is Merrel talking about?

He retorted in a low voice: "How could I possibly like him? I just, just..."

Just something, but can't say it.

The emotion in the chest is bulging, and some kind of long-term accumulation of emotion, like a bud breaking out of the ground, is growing vigorously.

When he left, Rong Heng was very absent-minded and lost.

Ruan Shiqing looked at him, swallowed what he wanted to say, and changed to concern: "Your face doesn't look very good, is it uncomfortable?"

Rong Heng looked at him with concern, for some reason he dared not look directly, he closed his eyes and whispered, "No discomfort."

The heart beat in his chest more urgently, he clenched his hands uncomfortably, and hurriedly said "I still have something to deal with", and strode away.

Looking at his hurried back, Ruan Shiqing said puzzled: "Mr. Rong looks a little strange today."

Melaire watched the play with her arms in her arms, and said with a smile, "Maybe it's because spring is here, so I'm a little restless." She leaned over and whispered to Ruan Shiqing: "You may not know, Bisian Because it retains the form of a beast, it is similar to a beast in some respects, such as when spring comes, it will…”

Before she finished speaking, she gave Ruan Shiqing a meaningful look of "you know".

Ruan Shiqing looked surprised, it was the first time he heard such a statement.

Then this is Mr. Rong's private matter, he can't discuss it any more, so he can only smile at Merrel.

Rong Heng fled.

After returning to the Feta Manor, he locked himself in the bedroom, the neatly buttoned collar was roughly torn open, and he paced anxiously.

This sense of loss of control made him nervous and uneasy, reason made him stop in time, but emotion made him unable to keep exploring.


These two words wanted to be enchanted and wrapped around him tightly.

At the same time that he was at a loss, Gululu burst out with joy from a hidden corner.

The whole person fell on the bed in big letters, his arms covered his eyes, he whispered: "Noah, what do you think it is like to like someone?"

Noah's voice came from the central control system: "Like is an emotion that only human beings have. According to the literal interpretation, this is a kind of 'happy, happy' emotion, which is caused by human beings. A certain hormone in your body causes you to blush and heat your ears, your heart beats faster, and your emotions are high." Here, she paused before continuing: "But I have another opinion on this word, this is my company. The realization that came from Her Majesty's time."

Rong Heng moved his arm away, his dark golden eyes full of confusion: "Tell me."

"When you like someone, or even love someone, you can't help but think of him and tolerate all his shortcomings. Even if the iron blood is like Her Majesty the Queen, in the face of you and Your Excellency Si Yan There are often moments of tenderness. It is an emotion that is not controlled by reason and that arises naturally from the heart. It makes a lot of changes.”

"Then do you think my mother's change is good or bad?"

Noah was silent for a while, as if thinking, before saying, "I don't think it's good or bad, but in those years, Her Majesty has never regretted it. She once said to me, She is very fortunate that she withstood the pressure and chose Your Excellency Si Yan."

"I have never regretted it..." Rong Heng repeated these words, and his bewildered heart gradually calmed down.

In the past few years, he rejected the marriage proposal proposed by all parties, and seldom had contact with the opposite sex, not only because he was on the front line, but also because of his mother's previous lessons, which made him instinctively resist this feeling.

He always felt that his mother's marriage was unfortunate, in which she gave far more than she got.

He never thought about his mother's attitude, but made an arbitrary conclusion from his own point of view.

Now it seems that my mother is much braver than him. She dares to pursue what she wants, and she dares to overcome all kinds of difficulties. Even in the end, she will never regret her decision.

But he trapped himself in a lot of worries and stopped moving forward.

I dare not even admit my feelings.

Melaire is right, since he likes it, he should pursue it magnanimously, no matter what the result is, at least he has worked hard for it. If you miss the opportunity because of your cowardice, you will really regret it for the rest of your life.

The confusion dissipated, and Rong Heng's eyes gradually turned firm.

The next morning the cubs went home, Ruan Shiqing pulled the cubs out of bed one by one, carried them on the landboat, and sent them to school with 09.

The little dragon cub and the little fox, who have not gone to school for more than half a month, are trying to act coquettishly and not go to school.

After all, they are already big cubs, so don't go to class with little cubs.

But it's a pity that it's useless to act like a spoiled child. Ruan Shiqing ruthlessly suppressed the spoiled cubs and personally handed them into the hands of the teacher.

The cubs who were helpless could only accept their fate. The little dragon cubs flicked their tails and entered the school aggressively;

Only the little mermaid and Ruan Jiao were a little less worried. They followed behind them and entered the school obediently.

Ruan Shiqing watched from a distance at the school gate for a while before going to the laboratory of the arsenal with 09.

Let 09 sort out and print out the data and information, he carefully installed it, and then drove the landboat again to the Feita Manor.

He was going to find Mr. Rong. Last night, because Mr. Rong's face was not very good, he could only hold it down temporarily. But this discovery made him so excited, and he couldn't wait to verify it, so he came over early this morning.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Rong Heng walking out.

Ruan Shiqing raised his hand to say hello, but after seeing the other party clearly, he was stunned for a while.

The other party is dressed very solemnly today. The white military uniform is as neat as new, with medals hanging all over the chest, pocket watches in the pockets, and a gold bracelet hanging down; the black boots and calves are shiny, and even the long white hair has been carefully taken care of, without a trace cluttered behind the head.

Looks like some big party.

Ruan Shiqing hesitated: "Are you busy today?"

If something happens, then he can only go to Merrel or Marlin.

"It's fine." Rong Heng walked up to him, looked down at him, tried his best to hide his nervousness, and made himself appear calmer: "I'm going to find you."

"That's a coincidence, I was looking for you." As soon as he heard that he was fine, Ruan Shiqing laughed, took the password box from 09, and couldn't wait to pull his wrist to the conference room. Step by step: "I have a major discovery that I need your help to verify."

Rong Heng's remaining words got stuck in his throat before he could say it.

He stared at the other person's hand holding his wrist, and the temperature of the other person came continuously from the adjacent part, making his heart beat fast.

Reluctantly maintained her composure, following in his footsteps, the two entered the conference room.

"What's the hurry?"

Ruan Shiqing did not answer him immediately, but asked 09 to stay outside the conference room and carefully confirmed whether the doors and windows were closed.

After that, he put the lockbox on the conference table and opened it, revealing a thick stack of documents inside.

He looked sideways at Rong Heng, his eyes glittering like stars: "I found something from the Zerg, if my guess comes true and the source can be found smoothly, then the entire galaxy will be in the future. Empires will change dramatically."

Rong Heng took the report he handed over and read it carefully: "Antimatter? This theory is just a guess right now? No one can prove the existence of antimatter today."

"That's right." Ruan Shiqing handed him another report: "But when I was studying the Zerg, I accidentally discovered a very small amount of antimatter in their bodies."

An annihilation reaction must occur when antimatter and positive matter meet.

Ruan Shiqing noticed the strange reaction inside the Zerg when he was dissecting the Zerg. After repeated tests and experiments, he confirmed his guess that there may be antimatter in the Zerg.

Because of their special physiological structure, the small amount of antimatter remaining in their bodies is well preserved.