The Cursed Ship

Chapter 315: Psychic communication

"Everyone, we are on an island, ready to enter the port and land ashore!"

When the spirit ship approached the island half an hour later, Zheng Yang's voice sounded on the ship.

Alice also completed the upgrade in time and woke up at this moment. But she was still the same, with no signs of growing up.

Since it is said that it is entering the port to land, it means that this is an inhabited island. Everyone got out of the cabin excitedly and looked towards the first settlement in Bei'andi.

"There are large-scale solar and wind power stations on the island, which seems to be one of the main energy sources in Bei'andi!"

"There is a large population and there are battery cars!" Someone held up a telescope to watch the streets of the island.

"There is a small island in the distance..."

"There are planting and animal husbandry..."


Zheng Yang has already seen this clearly.

A few minutes later, the spirit ship slowly approached the pier, mooring beside a trestle bridge that was as high as the deck, and someone immediately greeted him.

Everyone had put away their curiosity early, and recovered calmly. Zheng Yang had asked not to disclose the fact that they had come in from outside Bei'andi. At this time, if they were still looking like buns, they would definitely be suspicious.

He wasn't afraid of anything, he just wanted to observe secretly and familiarize himself with the environment.

The visitor is a young man, dressed in plain clothes. This is the afternoon when the sun is at its strongest, and the temperature is summer. The young man took off his sunglasses and looked at the spirit ship, his face full of doubts.

"Looking at the sail, this seems to be a pseudo-spirit ship using a new lightweight composite material, hybrid solar powered. There are huge evil corpses on the deck, I don't know which power it comes from! But why the signal tower did not get in touch with the ship ?"

With questions, the young man said to the people on the deck: "Welcome to Yanechia, I am Duff, the manager of the dock. Where do the adults come from? Where are you going? Do you need any help?"

Zheng Yang came to the deck and smiled at him: "Hello Duff, this is Captain David. We sail at will, and eliminate some evils along the way. When passing here, what help can you provide us?"

Duff immediately came to his spirits. Those who can play this way are the strong ones among the transcendents. It's no wonder that driving such a windy boat does not even form a fleet. And the young captain has a good attitude, without any arrogance.

"Lord David, are you from the safari club?"

Safari? It sounds a bit interesting, but the literal meaning should be what I call an organization of free sailing and killing evil guys along the way!

Zheng Yang shook his head: "I haven't joined the safari club yet, but I should be one of them soon!"

Du Fu was not disappointed, and said enthusiastically and respectfully: "We can provide supplies to the past fleet, including charging, food, fruits and vegetables, and some commonly used alchemical accessories, daily necessities, etc."

"I think you have enough solar panels on your boat. It shouldn’t need to be charged. You can entrust the rest of your needs to me. Of course, there are shops on the street. If you don’t need much, you can also go on the street. Shop."

"One more, please forgive me. The cost of berthing at the pier is 100 crystals per day, and it will be charged a day if it is less than a day! Of course, if it is parked for a long time like other ships, it will be discounted accordingly."

It's not expensive for such a big ship to stop for only 100 crystals a day. If you stop to the sailing pier in English, that guy Henry will definitely charge one hundred five or even two hundred!

Zheng Yang nodded and said: "I can understand! Dufu, can you help me deal with these evil corpses first? There are one level five and dozens of level three, but they are not complete!"

"Of course, it is my honor!" Du Fu happily patted his chest and agreed. It can be helpful, the captain is very talkative, and it is estimated that the tip will not be less!

Afterwards, everyone saw this kid groping out a mobile phone from behind his ass...

Can a mobile phone be used here?

Someone took out their satellite phone, but there was no signal at all.

Du Fu contacted the material dealer in front of everyone, and asked Zheng Yang what else to order.

"After we finish processing these evil corpses, we will walk on the street." Zheng Yang said.

Duff hesitated and said, "Your Excellency, our signal tower could not contact your ship. Is your sailing compass malfunctioning?"

Zheng Yang turned to look at Shen Li, guessing that this nautical compass might be what she said she needed to buy by herself. Now, it's time for her to come forward.

The smile on Shen Li's face condensed. She was planning to see Zheng Yang, a guy who knew nothing about pretending to understand, until she couldn't pretend to eat, she would come forward to rescue. Unexpectedly, Zheng Yang would look over directly, as if he wanted her to come forward.

It was about getting her things back, so she had to give up her mentality of going to the theater and stood in front of her and said:

"Dove, can't you see that this is a new ship? We came out before we had time to bring the compass. We are planning to buy it here, and we will also buy a psionic phone. What is the price here?"

Go sailing without even bringing a nautical compass?

Du Fu lamented that these people could play, but he did not dare to neglect, and replied: "Navigation Compass 30 white crystals, psychic phones from 10,000 crystals to 100,000 crystals, of course, you can also pay with white crystals!"

Except for Zheng Yang's family who heard Shen Li talk about the currency here, everyone else was dumbfounded.

"Okay Duff, call me when the material dealer comes, we are right here, I can hear you." Zheng Yang said, pointing to the large reception hall behind him.

After Du Fu responded, he waved everyone to return to the lobby and said to Shen Li, "Shen Li, tell everyone about the situation in Bei'andi. At least some common sense should be known to them!"

Wilson stared at his student blankly, wondering why she was clear about Bei'an Di, could it really be counted?

On the contrary, the reaction of the Shen family was flat. This girl has been smart since she was a child and dabbled in all kinds of weird things. No matter how much they know, they don't think it is surprising.

From the perspective of a group of people, Shen Li had to say: "The information I saw is from hundreds of years ago and it may not be the same as it is now. I only know that since people here can get in and out of the outside world, they can definitely learn from the outside It’s a scientific and technological means, so it is speculated that alchemy means have been combined with external technology."

Zheng Yang glanced at her, don't pinch her fingers?

Shen Li rolled his eyes back and continued:

"There is a resonance circle in alchemy that can realize psychic communication, so there is no need for satellites here. The navigation compass is an alchemical product developed based on this resonance circle, and it was there in ancient times."

"Since we can learn from outside technology here, I guess here we can study psionic mobile phones and psionic TVs based on the resonance array. Seeing Duff's mobile phone, I know I guessed it."

"In addition, there are too many ocean evils here, and it is impossible to drill for oil. Looking at the solar and wind power facilities, it is obvious that the new energy developed in modern times.

"In the past, the energy here was mainly psychic energy, with psychic power engines, but psychic crystals were needed to start and maintain the magic circle. The cost was too high for ordinary people to popularize. Now that there is electricity, the power cost has dropped significantly. So we see some solar powered boats around, the hulls are made of modern composite materials, and there are trams on the street..."