The Cursed Ship

Chapter 725: Power of will

, The cursed ship

   Zheng Yang is like a meteor, which can stand up to the sky after losing suction, and overlooks the seal below the eight gods.

   As long as the sealing circle has the strength to maintain, it can operate on its own, without Zheng Yang's constant control. But he still stuck out the dragon's claws and pressed it on the magic circle, and tried his best to control the magic circle with his mind to reduce it to a range of 20 kilometers, and its power increased without decreasing.

   The eight protoss are at the same level as the six true demons. Under their divine power, the sealing circle is unbreakable, and the interior is its own space. The black hole evolved by the true demon can only swallow everything in this space, that is, its five companions.

   When they discovered that the seal could not be broken and the connection between the five foreign aid companies and the main body was also isolated, they all panicked.

   is isolated from contact, which means that their will cannot return and may be obliterated. Although this will is not all of them, it is only one of the functions of distraction, the damage to the body is still obvious when it is obliterated.

   "This seal isolates time and space, and the power system is very unfamiliar. It is obliterating our magic power..." The strongest true demon was furious, and removed the magic swallowing world's big move, sending magic thoughts to communicate with his companions.

   They joined forces in a frantic attack, trying to break the seal, but their power all fell into nothingness, like a clay cow into the sea. The power of the five-headed magic body is constantly weakening, and they cannot transmit more divine power from the body, nor can they mobilize more power of the law, the power on the magic body is less than one point.

   found that the seal had stabilized, and the eight gods of the tribe, Matsushita, was at heart. What they saw before their eyes seemed to be a world evolving, and they were extremely shocked by the magic of this circle. The six-headed true demons are struggling in this world, running rampant. Through the connection of divine power, they can perceive the power of the magic circle, but they can't understand the truth.

   This magic circle can accommodate the power of their different attributes, and each of them can sense that their familiar rules are participating in the operation. They also noticed the connection between the magic circle and Zheng Yang. In the depths, there were second- and third-level magic circles in linkage, refining the power of true demons, and then they were intercepted by the second and third-level magic circles.

   At this time, they separated their minds and looked at Zheng Yang. Although this guy turned into a giant claw, he was obviously a human race in nature. The strength just demonstrated is slightly higher than the apostle's advanced level, but far inferior to the god-level. There is no apostle-specific law of power fluctuations outside of the body. It looks like a **** but not a god, making them unable to understand...

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Isgon looked at Zheng Yang with his small eyes, and said quickly: "Who are you?"

   Zheng Yang is also looking at the eight gods, two of them are breathtakingly peerless goddesses. Xueya's holiness and coldness and Ouli's gentleness are like water, and they can't hide their charm in the golden light. Hilo and Muledy's scrutiny made him quite uncomfortable.

   "I am a good friend of Nubi Xiu, so good that I can study how to chase beautiful women together!" Zheng Yang said slurly.

   Nubi Xiu was shocked, it was nonsense! Seeing a few companions together, he scratched his hair and said, "I am not familiar with him. If you see him not pleasing to your eyes, you can beat him up after dealing with these few demon cubs, don't give me face!"

   "Fuck, ruthless..." Zheng Yang pointed at the guy speechlessly.

   Oli looked at the two of them, with a gentle and charming smile in her eyes, thinking that even if they were not really good friends, at least they knew each other.

   Zheng Yang sinks his mind into the magic circle, greedily refining the true magic, and at the same time feels the operation of the magic circle.

   This is a rare opportunity. The eight gods simultaneously output power to stimulate. The power of the circle is unprecedented. Some undiscovered subtleties in the past have become more obvious, making his perception clearer.

"Nubixiu's legal power is rupture. The bald head's legal power is thunder and lightning, is he the little thunder **** that Nubixiu said? The legal attributes of the goddess of coldness are clean and unsullied; tenderness is like a water goddess, The law power is the water system; the short **** with small eyes, the law power is...seems to be creation? That guy who is as masculine and handsome as me, the law power is hard..."

   Also, Hilo's law of power is dry, and Muledy's law of power is weak. Zheng Yang analyzed their power attributes one by one through the power they exported to the magic circle. When these forces participate in the operation of the law formation, they are also equal to being analyzed by the law formation, which invisibly deepens Zheng Yang's understanding of the power of the law and the principles of the law formation.

  Holding and the others saw that Zheng Yang was earnestly presiding over the operation of the magic circle, and they also devoted themselves to paying attention to the situation of the six true demons under the magic circle.

   With the current power, at most one day, the magic circle can wipe out 90% of the true demon's power, and at that time they will be able to destroy a true demon body and the five-headed true demon incarnation.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "This circle is simply the most powerful means to leapfrog the enemy! Nubi Xiu, what is your friend's background?" Kina used divine thoughts Communicate with other protoss.

Nubixiu responded: "How do I know? This guy hides his strength like Only joined the scout team last night as a guide. If it weren't for the black hole to **** him back, he wouldn't expose his strength... …"

   "His power attributes are all-encompassing, will he be the avatar of the great **** who masters the law of chaos?" Isgon said.

   "He is absorbing those refined powers. I feel that we are all consuming our power to work for him..." Muledy frowned, showing a trace of reluctance. It's about killing demons, everyone is outputting power, and it is difficult for him to withdraw power.

Huo Ding had a bald head and brightly said, "As long as we can eliminate these true demons, it doesn’t matter to work for him. On the other hand, he is also working for us. I think we can take him to deal with other true demons and demons, so that they can be One by one!"

   The day passed quickly, and in the early morning, the five-headed magic body of the rule ran out of power, and the power of the rule collapsed. The Five Realms of True Demon Will persisted for more than three hours before being wiped out by the power of the circle. It turned into another pure power and transformed in Zheng Yang's power source, ascending into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness to be absorbed.

   Zheng Yang felt his energy lifted. This kind of power derived from his will can be absorbed by his true spirit, just like eating a big tonic. He feels that he seems to have become much stronger, and it is not very clear where it is embodied.

After careful comprehension, he came to a conclusion: "It is the true spirit that becomes powerful and not easy to be obliterated. The true spirit is born out of nothingness, and it continues to accumulate and become stronger with the practice and reincarnation, forming the power of the world. Now it seems that , You can become stronger by eating supplements. But the real demon that was refined with the help of Annie didn’t have this kind of gain. What did you miss?"

   The will of the five true demons was extinguished, and the power of the body of the only true demons was nearly exhausted.