The Daily Life of the Immortal King

v3 Chapter 1079: Start school

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Is there another one who wants to learn from himself ... Wang Ling is silent, just a summer vacation, and there are not many people who threaten to learn from himself. First came Wang Zhen and Liu Qingyi, then Gu Shunzhi found the door again, now there is another Zhenyuan ...

No way, let's all make arrangements for the sixty first.

After clearing up the mess left by his sister Wang Nuan, Wang Ling sent a text message to Zhuo Yi, asking Zhuo to arrange for Zhenyuan to attend school. Although Wang Zhen's test of their transfer students has ended, it is still possible to put Zhenyuan in if they take a walk. Of course, there is only one requirement. Don't arrange Zhenyuan into your own class as much as possible ...

As we all know, the start time of a monastic school is different from that of an ordinary high school.

On November 4th, it was finally the time for the 60th middle school to start.

After the second half of the summer vacation, due to the efforts of the overall teachers, the fragmented "School History Jade Roll" in the 60s was also retrieved before the General Administration of 100 Schools applied for review. With the upsurge of the 60th middle school to apply for the city's key practice high school, the semester of high school also welcomed new students ... There are only two in Wang Ling's class ...

"Let me introduce to you, the two new students from our class. Everyone applauds Gu and Zhen!" Teacher Pan said, the whole class immediately rang applause.

Gu Gu is Shunzhi, and Zhen is naturally Zhenyuan ... This is Zhuo Yuan's fake identity arranged for Zhenyuan: Zhen Yuan. It is named after Zhenyuan's homophony.

The people in the class applauded, and there was a discussion in private.

"Both are so handsome!"

"The one who wears glasses knows that it is Xueba, and that red-haired ... feels like an idol star in a certain visual department?"

Lin Xiaoyu stared at Gu Shunzhi and Zhen Yuan in front of the stage, her eyes were straight ... In her mind, she had made up a large unspeakable story between the two men ...

The rotten girl's thinking is indeed horrible ...

Wang Lingxing turned his gaze to the side, looking out the window.

Through the refraction of glass, he could clearly see that Zhen Yuan and Gu Shunzhi were both staring at their own direction.

Before the school started, Teacher Pan had a habit of killing chickens and monkeys. This year, the quota of "chickens" obviously fell on Gu Shunzhi and Zhenyuan.

Teacher Pan's eyes first looked at Gu Shunzhi.


The length of the hair is very reasonable, and the dress looks relatively refreshing, because it is not time to send the school uniform, the student Gu also chose a blue sportswear to wear on his body. Special peacekeeping.

However, since it was the "chicken" who killed the "chicken" tamarins at the beginning of the school, Mr. Pan's ability to pick the bones in the eggs was beyond Wang Ling's feeling.

"Student Gu, I know that your transfer student test scores are very good. It is the first in the school in this admissions list. But do you still have to be humble and know! Look at you, you are so tall, the teacher even has your shoulders Not enough! As a warm man, can't you be a little considerate of the teacher's mood? There are a lot of female classmates in our class. As a good classmate, you must set an example in future life! Do you understand? ? "

Lao Pan's tone sounded very soft like spring breeze and rain, but in fact many students saw it. This is because I didn't say it, so I deliberately stabbed it ... Of course, Teacher Pan also has another purpose, which is to test this. "Gu classmate" character.

Compared with the students who have just arrived in the environment, the exchange with other students will be relatively unfamiliar. As a class teacher, the natural thing for Teacher Pan to do is to find out his personality, formulate different policies in response to different situations, and quickly draw them into the large collective environment of the class.

And Gu Shunzhi's performance, in the view of Teacher Pan, is really perfect ...

"Good teacher, I understand." Gu Shunzhi smiled, and gently made Teacher Pan feel a feeling of first love ...

"You ... you go down ..." Teacher Pan said nothing, pointed to the last position in the middle row, and hurried Gu Shunzhi back down.

Transfer students, good temper, good personality ... it's rare!

And now Mr. Pan is not worried about Gu Shunzhi at all, but started to worry about the situation of other female classmates in the class ... Such a child who is excellent in all aspects is definitely a catalyst for "early love"! Although the concept of love in the self-cultivation world is now relatively free, as long as you pay attention to a safe environment, there are not so many things in the box.

But Lao Pan is more traditional.

And also pay more attention to results.

She has no objection to early love, but if early love affects her performance, Lao Pan will definitely stop it.

With regard to this, Teacher Pan was thinking deeply in her heart. It seems that she has to pay attention to the situation of the rest of the class.

After talking about Gu Shunzhi, Teacher Pan turned his attention to Zhenyuan next to him.

After comparing with Gu Shunzhi, Zhen Yuan's image score has dropped to 60 points in the teacher's mind ...

"Mr. Zhen, I know that your grades are also very good! It is ranked second this time, but you should also know? Our school does not allow hair dyeing! And the studs on your ears, what is going on? A boy with more jewellery than I do? "Teacher Pan dropped out in public.

Only then did Zhen Yuanfang realize his problem.

He devoted himself to studying with Wang Ling, but forgot that he had already become a high school student in this environment. The red hair was left by him before, and he was used to it, but it looked a little non-mainstream. As for earrings ... this is another magical [ear nails] of Zhenyuan's self-confidence. A powerful imprisoned weapon is also a very practical self-defense magic weapon.

I realized that I was wrong ~ ~ Zhen Yuan took the earrings off and explained to Mr. Pan about his hair: "Teacher, I'm so sorry ... my hair is because of fire." Because of the law, it will always show red. Even if I go to black, it will change back after a sleep ... Is this not a hair dye? But I know, my hair style may not be good, so I will take care of it after school. . "

"Is it because of the exercises?" Teacher Pan was doubtful.

It can only be said that as a teaching pioneer of the Sixties Middle School, Teacher Pan is worthy of Teacher Pan. Teacher Pan, who has many years of teaching experience, immediately thought of Zhenyuan: "This way, classmate Zhen, you can straighten your head, so No need to worry about hair color. Since our school is a large group, it is natural to be consistent. "

In fact, Mr. Pan's words are not absolute. If Zhen Yuan is not willing, Mr. Pan can actually take a step back. Prior to other classes, there was an incident of running away from home because of hairstyles and parents and teachers, and Mr. Pan did not want to repeat it.

However, the result of the incident was again unexpected by Teacher Pan.

She couldn't imagine that the temper of this Zhen student was exceptionally good, and she quickly promised: "Mr. Pan, rest assured, I will take care of it after school today!"

In the back row of the teacher, Wang Ling was emotionally listening to Zhen Yuan's words ...

Regardless of Zhen Yuan or Gu Shunzhi, these are the two men standing on the top of the cultivation world.

Faced with all things in the world, it's already a long time for the restlessness ... Lao Li has already passed the age of rebellion ...

And just now, Wang Ling also figured out one thing.

He found that because of the arrival of Gu Shunzhi and Zhenyuan, the class's eyes seemed to be attracted a lot in the past.

His presence has become even lower.

The joining of these two people may not be as bad as they thought.