The Daily Life of the Immortal King

v3 Chapter 1444: Another big lady (1/112)

Chapter 1445 Another Miss (1112)

The symbol of the Jiugong family is a crow with purple gemstones in its eyes. Wang Ling concluded that this may be related to the purple pupil inherited by the Jiugong family.

"Yin Yang pupil?" Wang Ling looked at the pair of purple pupils in Jiugong with Yu Guang, and instantly knew the origin.

This is also a very rare miao, in the end it is the Nine Palace which was founded by exorcism town evil.

It's simply that the grandfather admired the food.

Wang Ling sighed.

If only he could make money with his own ability ...

Unfortunately, the house rules are strict.

Although this is the first meeting between Wang Ling and Jiugong.

But intuitively, Wang Ling felt that the Nine Palaces were not bad people.

After all, foreigners who can accept the setting of crispy noodles in shortbread are actually quite rare.

Jiugong parked her steps in front of the pancake fruit stand. Behind her stood a female bodyguard in a suit and sunglasses.

The female bodyguard has tattoos of the Jiugong Family on her ankles and wrists. She is looking worriedly at the pancake fruit stand in front of her: "Miss, the things on the roadside are unhygienic ..."

"Humph! I'm not clean, I'm not ill after eating! Retreat!" Jiu Gong glanced at the female bodyguard coldly. With one look, the female bodyguard retreated obediently.

The majesty of the Miss Jiugongjia indeed does have a strong aura.

Wang Ring immediately thought of Sun Rong.

And realized the difference between the two.

Although they are all young ladies, Sun Rong took the path of being close to the people and aimed at attracting the attention of others. The Nine Palaces are different. This is an ice beauty with a powerful aura that is prohibitive.

The old man did not dare to say or dare to ask, just wanted to concentrate on the pancakes in his hand.

He did not recognize the girl called Jiugong, but he also knew that this was a powerful lady with a strong aura.

Going here and pestering, the other students dared not get close easily ...

Since it was the first time to do this girl's business, the old man hesitated in the movement of the paint.

"Girl, do you want pepper?"


"Do you want coriander?"


"it is good……"

Then, the old man opened the bottom of the pancake with a shovel and poured the prepared crumbs.

Finally, he rolled up the whole pancake, wrapped it in oil-absorbing paper, put on a disposable plastic bag, and handed it to Jiugong: "Girl, be careful."

The whole process is only a minute.

"A minute of Chinese food, interesting."

Jiugong took it cautiously, staring at the pancake fruit in his hand for a while, and then took a tentative bite.

The wonderful taste instantly encroached on the taste buds of Jiu Gong, causing a flash of light in her purple pupil.

"How does it taste?" Death Sky, wearing a school uniform, looked at Jiugong in front of him.

"That's it, it's not as good as the octopus **** downstairs in my house."

Jiugong commented coldly, then took another big bite.

Uncle Pancake, Wang Ling, Death Heaven: "..."

Dare to love, this is still an arrogant?

The mouth is not delicious, but the body is very honest!

"My bodyguard is right, your stall is too small, and the dishes are dirty, not very hygienic."

"It's causing trouble to this classmate." The old man shrugged helplessly.

Satisfied with the pancakes in his hand, Ryoko Jiu Gong hummed to the old man again: "I just try a fresh dish and I won't buy it for the second time."

Subsequently, she paced and slowly walked into the school gate of the Sixty Middle School.

Like Jiang Yingying yesterday, she came here today for registration.

Wang Ling walked slowly behind the Nine Palace while biting the pancake.

As he approached the teaching building, Wang Ling heard Jiu Gongliangzi whispering to the female bodyguard on the side, "You, put on your casual clothes, and go to the pancake stand just now."

"Good lady." The bodyguard understood: "Is it going to smash? I will do it."

"What smashed!"

Jiugong was anxious and almost shouted, "I'm asking you to buy me 20 more! When you wear casual clothes, remember to cover your tattoo and don't scare people."

"So, this is compensation?" The female bodyguard smiled wryly.

She realized. This is her young lady compensating the old man.

After all, when buying pancakes, many other classmates dared not step forward and delayed the grandpa from doing business.

"Oh, compensation? Do you really treat me as a charity? This is charity, charity!" Ryoko Jiugong emphasized in a low voice.

"Yes, the lady is right."

"In addition, wait for the uncle's business to finish. You go to his Zhangluo shop at the gate of the school. Funded by my account." Jiugong nibbled at the pancake in his hand, the expression on his face was sad and unhappy, but the two on the cheek Smelling the delicious blush has never disappeared.

"Miss, this is ..."

"It's too dirty, rectify the city."

After finishing talking, Jiu Gong Liangzi hummed and walked toward the principal's office.

Wang Ling watched Jiu Gongliangzi leave, and at the same time he deeply admired his "Rules of Judging the Plain Noodles".

Sure enough, his guess was right.

People who like to eat dry noodles are not so bad.

Jiu Gong Liang Zi is not a bad person, but this character, if other people do not understand the situation, I am afraid it is easy to offend people.

At this point, Wang Ling finished eating his last bite of pancakes and habitually licked his fingers, thinking to himself.


There are really many recent transfer students.

Yesterday's Jiang Yingying, today's Jiu Gong Liangzi.

However, it seems that Jiu Gong Liangzi did not come to him here, which made Wang Ling feel relieved.


In the principal's office, President Chen and Zhuo Yi have been waiting for a long time.

The Jiugong family is stationed in the 60th Middle School, which is a major event.

As the principal, President Chen is naturally pleased. In this way, even the 60th Middle School is in line with the international standards.

In the future, you can even use the power of the Jiugong Family on the Sun Island for exchange students.

This was the day when Jiu Gongliangzi came to register at the 60th Middle School. Principal Chen would meet him personally, but there was only one thing ... that is, Jiu Gongliangzi made a request for Zhuo Yi to receive her.

At this moment, feeling the breath of Nine Palace Ryoko approaching, Principal Chen patted Zhuo Yi's shoulder: "Brother Zhuo Yi, I will leave the rest to you. I will avoid it first."

"Relax, Master Principal." Zhuo Yi smiled politely, and then he saw Principal Chen opened the side cabinet and drilled into it.

He made a gesture of worship to Zhuo Yi, then disappeared quickly.

Zhuo Yi took a breath ...

Actually set the teleportation array in the cabinet.

A little connotation!

Principal Chen had just left his forefoot, and Ryoko Jiugong opened the door and walked in alone.

She did not bring other bodyguards behind her, and the one who had only followed her before was sent to buy pancake fruit, which was also deliberately taken away by Jiu Gongliangzi.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiu Gong Liangzi saw Zhuo Yi approaching with a smile on his face: "Hello, Jiu Gong classmates, I am Zhuo Yi."

Who knows, Jiu Gong Liangzi snapped his clever hand and said, "Handshake, it's not necessary."

Zhuo Yi does not know exactly what happened ~ ~ led to a kind of anger in the eyes of Ryoko Kyunomiya.

But at this time, the girl saw the sofa on the side of her eyes, and the anti-guest seemed to be sitting directly.

"I don't know, where have you offended, Jiugong classmates?" Zhuo Yi still puzzled.

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Zhuo, you didn't offend me."

At this time, Jiu Gong Liangzi stared at Zhuo Yi: "but the whole, Jiu Gong family."

"Ah?" Zhuo Yi froze.

"Are you still acting silly, Mr. Liar."

Jiu Gongliangzi smiled mysteriously.

At this moment, she held her arms, her long, slender, streamlined legs overlapped, and looked at Zhuo Yi: "Six years ago, the gate of the other world came down. The person who killed the demon king seemed Not you. "

(End of this chapter)