The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 129: Famous Family 2

Chapter 129 Famous Family 2

There are three states in the world, and more than 20 countries are distributed. State V is an independent country with the most prosperous economy and trade, because a country is a single state, and it is also one of the largest countries in the world.

After Tang Wanwan bid farewell to her parents, she was sent by the butler to the private airport behind the old house. Tang's financial resources are strong, and there are more than 30 private jets available for dispatch. This time, Tang Wanwan was sitting on her best friend. The private jet specially designed by Li Shuang for her arrived the day before yesterday. The private jet of Li's family is famous all over the world for its three characteristics: expensive, very expensive, and very expensive. Each aircraft needs to be reserved three years in advance and rarely accepts private orders. , And Tang Wanwan's frame was sent by Li Shuang on his own initiative.

Tang Wanwan wears professional attire, but her figure is exquisite and elegant. It's just that the expression on her face doesn't match her formal dress at all. She yawned regardless of her image, and said lazily: "Why do you want me to go, my father?"

"I went to the island for vacation with my wife." The butler replied.

"Oh, they are true love as expected. I was just accidental." Tang Wanwan sighed, so the butler who looked like she was self-pity could not help but laugh.

"Miss, the location has been booked for you over there, that is your favorite restaurant, the highest location." Although the butler knew that Tang Wanwan's self-pity is fake, she couldn't help but comfort her.

"Haha, I knew that Uncle Zhang was the best to me." Tang Wanwan came to her spirits. I think that after the meeting, I can go to the restaurant that I like very much, and I feel better again.

"Miss, would you like a cup of coffee to refresh yourself?" the butler asked.

"What you want." Tang Wanwan nodded and yawned again.

As the plane took off, Tang Wanwan drank hot coffee but shuddered, a flash of anxiety suddenly flashed in her heart, but it was fleeting. She was stunned, her hand holding the coffee paused in the air.

"Miss, what's the matter?" the butler asked with concern.

"Ah, it's okay." Tang Wanwan shook her head, and subconsciously touched the amulet in her arms. This amulet was given to her by her grandfather and said it was a treasure handed down from generation to generation in their Tang family. Grandpa told her very seriously not to take it down. Tang Wanwan had also heard of the origin of this amulet, but she never took it seriously.

She listened to the stories that grandpa told her as fairy tales. Legend has it that there was a demon race in this world. The ancestors completely eliminated the demon race under the leadership of a saint, and only then can the world flourish today. And this amulet was made with the help of the ancestors who followed the saints to fight against the demons. It is said that it can restrain the demons and protect people's peace.

Tang Wanwan never believed this, it was just grandpa's love for her. She couldn't bear to let her down, so this amulet never left her body.

As the private jet rises, the clouds have completely covered the field of vision, and the captain reminded that it will land in two hours.

After calming down for about half an hour, the plane vaguely encountered a few turbulences, and the cup beside Tang Wanwan shook. The next second, the cup flipped directly to the ground. With such a strong turbulence, the weather must be extremely bad. Before it appeared, and Tang Wanwan noticed that there was indeed a clear blue sky and strong sunlight outside.

The plane seemed to have turned a big turn, and the surroundings were quiet and terrifying. Tang Wanwan turned around and found that the butler had lost consciousness and was lying on the ground. She called the captain and made no response.

At this altitude of 10,000 miles, once an aircraft malfunctions or accidents, it will almost die forever. Tang Wanwan knows this very well. There is absolutely no quality problem with the Li family’s aircraft, otherwise the signs of hundreds of years will be gone. The professional team checked three times before takeoff. Not to mention the parts are old, even if there are a little scratches, they will be replaced and maintained.

As the lights in the cabin flickered a few times, the sound of the entire aircraft shutting down was particularly harsh. If the hydraulics completely stopped the power and the cabin was relieved, she might be more painful than the crash.

The plane bumped again violently, and this time, the clouds outside the window turned into dense black fog.

And Tang Wanwan held the amulet tightly in her hand and started to get hot.

In the distant clouds, Tian Miao watched the violently shaking private plane, and finally moved.

(End of this chapter)