The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1422: I found her for a long, long time 6

Chapter 1422 I found her for a long, long time 6

With a lollipop in his mouth, Huanghou got out of the car with his hands in his pants pockets and followed the two bodyguards and entered the gate of the ancestral house. The lollipop was given by a customer, and it seems to be a limited edition worldwide. No limit, no limit. I don’t know, she only knows that it tastes good.

As soon as he entered the gate, the owner of this house greeted him. The owner of this house is an old man in his seventies, and his eldest wife, second wife, and third wife are behind him. A man has three wives, and it is no surprise that Huanghou is used to it. Most wealthy people are like this. Some live together grandiosely at home, while others separate several wives.

Only one child of the owner was present, and that was the son of the third wife. This time it was Sanfang. Sanfang recently added a great-grandson to the host, who is white and fat and very cute. Sanfang was spoiled, and now he has given birth to a boy, the male host is happier, and the 100-day banquet is also held.

But something strange happened. This great-grandson often cried and woke up in his sleep. He was very disturbed to sleep at night. Later, the nose began to bleed for no reason. At first, I thought I was sick, but I went to famous doctors and couldn't find any problems. Later, it got worse, and the child's ears began to bleed, and even the nails became loose and bleeding.

When the host was at a loss, someone recommended that there is a store for everything, and taking what happened in his own home as an example, the male host raised great hopes and found a store for everything.

After waiting for a week, the store for everything is finally here.

The person who came was a young and beautiful woman, but the host didn't dare to despise it at all and greeted him at the gate.

"Master, please come in and have a cup of tea first..." The hostess was interrupted by Huanghou waved his hand before he could finish his polite words.

"No, hurry up, I will have important things later." Without waiting for anyone to lead the way, Huang Huang walked directly to the baby room where the accident occurred.

The host led someone behind, shocked.

Has this master already seen something wrong?

People who have shops for everything are really extraordinary.

Then the male host found that the master was walking very fast. He clearly watched her walking step by step, but why did the master disappear at the corner of the stairs in the blink of an eye.

Jinghou walked quickly to the baby room, watching a haggard beautiful woman coaxing a crying child, and squinted her eyes.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to come in? Get out!" The woman yelled angrily when she saw Honghou coming in. Such a beautiful woman suddenly appeared here, who is it? Is it the husband's new love? No, the father-in-law shouldn't allow her husband to suddenly bring Xinhuan back. However, this woman is also too beautiful. It is also possible that the lost husband fainted and asked him to bring it back.

Huang did not speak, chewed a lollipop in his mouth, and looked at the child in the woman's arms blankly.

"You, what are you looking at, what do you want to do?" The woman hugged the child in her arms tighter in a panic, and the child suddenly burst into tears. The woman panicked and hurriedly lowered her head to coax.

"Get out! Get out of here!" The woman raised her head and screamed at Huanghou.

"Shut up, how did you talk to the master!" At this moment, the host came in with a group of people. As soon as he came in, he heard that his daughter was disrespectful to the master, so he quickly scolded the grandson in anger.

(End of this chapter)