The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 381: Mudslides in the entertainment industry

Chapter 381 Mudslides in the entertainment industry 5

Ruan Tingyi watched Chi Feng carrying two bottles of Coke and went to another room, feeling heartache.

Her happy fat house water left her.

Want to cry.

Forget it, listen to the angel's song to soothe your broken heart.

Ruan Tingyi put on the headphones and clicked on the few remaining songs on her phone.

The angel's name is Tianmiao, and this singer is very mysterious. No one has seen her look. I have only heard her voice, to be precise, only her singing.

Star Entertainment, another entertainment company alongside Tianlai, released the singer's album in the first half of the year. It is amazing that this album has only three songs. This is unprecedented, and it is also something that makes people totally puzzled.

There are a lot of celebrities and celebrities held by Xingchen, but they have never done this before. Only hear the sound, but not see the person. Also, there are only three songs, just one album? What kind of crazy operation is this?

As a result, this album is really crazy!

The voice of this singer named Tianmiao makes people fall into it and can't help themselves.

It is a beautiful voice that can wash people's hearts and soothe the soul.

I feel that every time she listens to her songs, it is a kind of edification to the soul.

When Ruan Tingyi heard the song for the first time, he completely forgot what he was going to do. When she recovered, she found tears on her face. Listening to songs can listen to crying, but she couldn't tell why she was crying.

Tianmiao's name spread across the country in an instant, and many people claim that this is the real sound of nature, the voice of the soul. More people call Tianmiao an angel. Only angels have such a singing voice.

Only three songs have established Tianmiao's unshakable position in the entertainment circle and become a legendary existence.

Such an exaggeration, no one dared to imagine before, but now it has happened.

Countless people are looking forward to her next album, but she seems to have disappeared without any movement. More people are still curious about her appearance, but Star Entertainment did not reveal a single bit.

Maybe this is the marketing method of Star Entertainment, but it has to be said that it is very successful. Aroused more people's interest.

Including Ruan Tingyi is also very curious about Tianmiao's appearance. What would a person with such a beautiful voice look like?

After Ruan Tingyi finished eating half a bag of potato chips, he reluctantly put the bag aside, then went to the study, turned on the computer, and logged in to a game she played recently.

Her friends in the game are already waiting for her.

Silver dragon: "Yuanyuan, how did you come up? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The silver dragon is a player Ruan Tingyi met in Xinshou Village when he played this game. The two teamed up to do missions together. Later, they both found each other interesting, so they became friends and often played games together.

Ruan Tingyi sometimes complains about the silver dragon's name being a bit tacky and second-degree, and the silver dragon will mock her name not only as idiot but also stupid.

"There was something to do before I finished my work. Hey, I only ate half a packet of potato chips today and my heart aches." Ruan Tingyi complained, typing.

"Is your family so poor? It's okay, you and Konoha will take me through that copy in a while, and I will mail you ten boxes of eight boxes of potato chips." The silver dragon said very generously.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll call him online." Ruan Tingyi couldn't help laughing. Talking with this silver dragon, Ruan Tingyi was very relaxed and happy, because the other party always gave her a silly but sincere feeling.


Tianmiao looked at Huanghou there and sighed and said, "Oh, this playmate in my game is good at everything, but he is too poor to eat potato chips. It's really pitiful, it's okay, if she takes me After the copy, I must mail her a dozen boxes of potato chips."

Tian Miao laughed and said nothing, she would not tell Huang Hou, her friend in the game is the man of luck in this world, Ruan Tingyi. People are not poor, she is very rich.

(End of this chapter)