The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 833: Queen of Salted Fish 25

Chapter 833 Salted Fish Queen 25

"That's good." A smirk appeared on the emperor's face.

In this way, in the irritation between Concubine Xian and Concubine Mei, the empress seemed to be reconciled again, and getting better and better. The emperor often went to the queen to have dinner, which was unprecedented.

But many concubines find it strange that why the queen has never been pregnant because she is so favored?

Emperor Wu controlled the epidemic and saved the people of Lecheng. This is the best gift for the emperor on his birthday.

After more than two months in the Mountain Resort, the emperor returned to the capital with someone.

As the emperor became more and more harmonious, everyone could see that the position of the queen was becoming more and more stable. The emperor even listened to the queen's advice. For example, on a whim, the emperor wanted to build a palace in the south, so that he could live there when he went on tour. Officials believe that it is a waste of money, and they have been holding memorials to oppose this incident.

The emperor was furious, thinking that he had worked so hard to cultivate a palace and enjoy these old things, so he had to go on the line, so he had to do it right away. If you don't let it, I just want to do it.

At that time, when the court arrived, it was like a vegetable market, noisy. The emperor and a group of veterans were in a stalemate.

At this time, the queen told the emperor that the emperor had worked hard throughout the year and should really enjoy it. As for those ministers who said they would hurt the people and money, there were certain reasons. Because the ascetic palace originally only needed one million silver, in the end it may be tens of millions of silver.

The emperor understood it immediately. When he went out on tour, he would eat a bowl of wonton for a few cents, and the cost in the palace would be as fast as one or two silver, the same reason.

"What should I do?" The emperor aggrieved, "Then don't fix it? But the climate in the south is mild. In spring, it is really beautiful. I want to take you to see it."

"Xiu, why not repair? There are many wealthy merchants in the south, so they contract to repair them. The rich merchants will nominate which palace they contract. If there is no business, they will inevitably use the least money to build the best palace. In order to break the head of the quota." Of course Tianmiao supports things to enjoy. But enjoy it reasonably.

emperor:? ? ? This is also OK?

This really works.

The wealthy businessmen in the South heard this and all came to compete for this place. You can repair the house for the emperor and the queen, and you will have the right to name it after it is repaired. This is unprecedented. This is enough for them to blow up for three generations! No, more than three generations, many generations.

The emperor and the queen all live in the houses they built. In the future, many people will ask them to build houses. This kind of fame and fortune is a rare occurrence in a century. If it were not for the emperor's fear that the ministers would criticize him for insisting on giving money, these merchants hated to have to charge and pay the emperor to repair the house.

The ministers are dumbfounded, is there such an operation? The emperor used his own private library to practice the palace and contracted it to merchants in the south. Nothing to say, what happened to the private money of the emperor for building a palace?

In this way, the emperor built a palace at the cost price, and he went to find Tianmiao to eat hot pot.

"Eating hot pot again, the hot pot you just ate the day before yesterday, can we change the food tonight?" Tianmiao can't stand eating so often, she still wants to eat braised pork ribs tonight.

"Then, okay. Can you eat in two days?" The emperor agreed to bargain again.

"All right." Tian Miao nodded helplessly. He really didn't expect this emperor to like hot pot so much, even if he had acne on the corner of his mouth, he would eat it.

As soon as the emperor sat down, the concubine Xian asked to see him and brought an explosion to the emperor.

Concubine Xian is pregnant.

(The update is late. When I went home tonight, a car forced a lane change and hit my car. Fortunately, I was okay. I evaded and ran into the cab. Then the traffic police dealt with it and went to the traffic police team to make a decision. Responsibility, the other party is fully responsible. It’s okay, but it scared me. I just got home, so the update is late.)



(End of this chapter)