The Day I Played with Ronaldo

Chapter 161: She is coming

Twenty-two days later, on the evening of June 21, the Brazilian team moved to Lyon to face the United States at the Gerland Stadium.

Although the US team won last year's Central and North American Gold Cup, North America's top team-but from the Brazilian's point of view, North Americans will only play football. football? Do they know how to kick the ball with their feet.

The American team is just a slightly stronger underdog in the eyes of the Brazilians.

As a result, Pereira shifted the lineup in this game, and several players got their first chance to play for the national team.

Ricardo, Adriano, Ronaldinho, Emerson, etc. all took the bench.

In the end, with Fabiano's goal, the Brazilian team won the United team 1-0.

In another game of the same group, Cameroon also defeated Turkey by 0-1.

几天 A few days ago, Turkey defeated the United States 2-1, so Group B's qualifying situation is more delicate, and everything depends on the last game.

Cameroon now has 1 win, 1 tie, 4 points and 1 goal difference; Brazil also has 1 win, 1 tie, 4 points and 1 goal difference; Turkey 1 win, 1 loss and 3 points, 0 goal difference.

Cameroon and Brazil both need to tie to qualify. The US team has already decided to go out. The last game is definitely not a fight for Cameroon, so Cameroon is generally favored.

土耳其 If Turkey wins Brazil, it is certain to qualify; if it is tied to Brazil, it depends on Cameroon's face. If Cameroon loses more than 2 goals to the United States, Turkey can qualify as the second team leader.

So Turkey will definitely die with Brazil. For Brazil, this battle is not easy, after all, Turkey was the third place in the World Cup last year.

Although the World Cup last year was full of water under the influence of South Korean referees, Turkey's strength is indeed not to be underestimated. Emre, Hakansuk, Okan, Yilmaz, etc. are all relatively strong players.

The Brazilian domestic media is still relatively optimistic about the prospects of the Brazilian team, but there are still many complaints about the Brazilian team's only one goal over the United States.

Ricardo visited the official websites of newspapers such as the "Lance Sports News" and "Scoreboard" in the hotel room, and learned about domestic public opinion.

What surprised him a little was that "Scoreboard" seemed to cancel Adrian Hussus's column.

当然 Of course, Ricardo has no half favor with this reporter who is always out of favor. Had it not been for the lack of legislation on racial discrimination in Brazil, he would have sued the bastard.

The result now can only be said that Adrian Hussus blamed himself.

However, Ricardo also knows that as his reputation rises and he enters the mainstream league, he will inevitably be misunderstood, discriminated against, and even targeted.

连 Even the great players like Messi, Ronaldo and Ronaldo, there are still media trying to discredit them, just because they can bring sales.

作为 As a younger brother of Ronaldo, every move will be observed under a microscope. Everyone will be compared with Ronaldo, so I will definitely encounter more pressure in the future.

Alas, those cow ghosts and snake gods let go of horses.

Ricardo never fears.

Uh ...

After playing against the United States, as soon as 0 o'clock, it was Ricardo's birthday. After a night of sleep, the Brazilian team came to Saint-Etienne to prepare for the next game.

As soon as I entered the hotel, Ricardo's phone rang. The mother Li Mei, two brothers, some relatives and friends all called to congratulate him on his birthday.

After Wu Gang and Stella finished talking on the phone, he saw that there was only the last amount of power left, and another phone number came in. The number was strange, but a familiar **** voice rang inside: "Guess who I am?"

"Alexandra, have you changed your mobile number?" Ricardo laughed.

"It's boring, I guessed so soon."

"Your voice is too special, how could I make such a good voice wrong." Ricardo complimented a little.

Ambrosiogg laughed and asked, "Happy birthday, little birthday star."

谢谢 "Thank you, I can't remember it for you."

Ambrosio laughed, "Are you in France? Play a game?"


"What a coincidence, I am also in France, attending a catwalk. Which city are you in?"

"Currently in Saint-Etienne."

"I'm in Paris," Ambrosio smiled, sounding like a slick kitten, "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I think about it, I often miss you." How could Ricardo understand the style, these basic routines still understand.

"Will I see you tonight? How about celebrating your birthday?"

Ricardo suddenly understood the meaning implied in her words. Thinking of her delicate face and perfect figure, a warm current rose from her abdomen. "good. I'll wait for you."

"Where are you at?"

卡 Ricardo promptly reported the hotel name.

"See you tonight!" Ambrosio smiled and hung up.

Aya, tonight I can feed the little brother. Ricardo jumped from the hotel bed and ran to the gym. Since it is destined to delay time tonight, make up for the training now.

Uh ...

At night, Ricardo was on the Internet absentmindedly, and glanced at his mobile phone from time to time ~ ~ Louis Fabiano, who was living in the same room with him, watched the TV and asked casually: "You are all night Vice-asserted expression, is there anything good tonight? "

Alas, Fabiano's dog nose is so smart? Ricardo concealed and played a haha: "Where can I, I just think about the game tomorrow night."

Tomorrow night, Brazil will face Turkey at Gishar Stadium. This game is very important for Brazil to qualify.

Fabiano snorted and said, "Don't pretend to be okay? The girl I was looking for, introduce me to it too. I don't know French, so I don't know where to find a call."

卡 Ricardo laughed: "I didn't find a girl, and I don't know French."

"Then you have the ability to sneak out of the room tonight."

卡 Ricardo had to admit: "Well, I have a date. But the other party is Brazilian."

巴西 "Brazilian? Is that your little girlfriend? Or Ambrosio?" Fabiano finally got interested.

卡 Ricardo didn't expect him to hit it, and he had to admit: "It's Ambrosio."

Fabiano looked envious: "You got her done? It's amazing. Admire! Such a beautiful woman, you have good luck."

"She and I are just friends," Ricardo explained weakly.

"Really?" Fabiano smirked. "Why are you carrying the hotel's umbrella in your pocket?"


卡 Ricardo's phone ringing interrupted their conversation. "Hey?"

是 "It's me," Ambrosio said with a **** voice. "I've arrived at the hotel and I'm booking a room. Let's meet in the room. The room number is 2208."

"Okay." Ricardo hung up the phone and said to Fabiano, "I'll go out for a while and help cover me."