The Day I Played with Ronaldo

Chapter 427: His hat trick

Barcelona attacked.

61In the 61st minute, Iniesta crossed after a breakthrough on the right, creating a mess in the restricted area of ​​Real Madrid. However, the Barcelona players failed to seize this opportunity. In the melee, the Real Madrid player finally cleared the football.

After 1 minute, Barcelona changed direction of attack. Ronaldinho received a straight plug from Xavi and cut in from the left. After stepping on a bicycle, he broke into the penalty area and fell to the ground under Ramos' defense. .

The Barcelona player immediately demanded a penalty, but the referee only signaled the game to continue.

Deco rushed to control the ball. He shook Gago into the penalty area, and when he was about to shoot, Ricardo returned to the penalty area to break the ball and immediately passed it to Kaka to try to fight back.

However, Kaka stopped a bit when he stopped the ball, Silvinho immediately attached to him, making Kaka unable to turn smoothly, and Real Madrid's players did not quickly follow up, leading to the counterattack abortion.

Real Madrid could only slow down a few kicks and reorganize the attack. This is when the Barcelona players are back in place.

Beckham and Guti are not on the field, Real Madrid's offense relies mainly on Ricardo and Gago.

After all, Ricardo is not a professional organizer. After joining Gago, he did not show the style of "Redondo II", so this time the organization seemed a bit sluggish, entangled with Barcelona in the midfield. Conversion.

But after all, they hit the ball to the frontcourt and delivered it to Kaka's feet.

Kaka looked after holding the ball and passed to Ricardo without choice.

卡 Ricardo holds the ball in front of the penalty area.

Marcos and Harvey gathered around, but they didn't dare to get out easily. Ricardo's speed is too fast. As long as they get out, there will be flaws, and when the flaws are exposed, they will give Ricardo a chance to break through.

卡 Ricardo controlled the ball while observing the movement of his teammates. Suddenly he made a move to the left, Marcos followed, and Harvey was unmoved. Ricardo immediately dunked the ball back and quickly kicked off. The football quickly swept between Marcos and Harvey. past.

Van Nistelrooy did not know when he turned into a ghost, quietly appeared on the football line, leaving Puyol aside. He turned the ball and turned around, facing the goalkeeper with a single shot!

After all, Valdes wasn't fame, he immediately abandoned the door and rushed over.

Van Nistelrooy shook his ankle calmly, and the football flew high, going over Valdes' head. It was a provocation!

Valdes was in no danger, extended his left hand, blocked the ball, and the football fell back to the center of the penalty area.

At this time, Ricardo had already shaken Marcos and Harvey, and rushed to the goal of football. He squeezed Sylvinho with his body, the header was thrown, and the football flew to the empty goal!

"Ricardo Goalllll !!!!!! On the 65th minute of the game, Ricardo performed a hat-trick! In this exciting national derby, Ricardo performed a crazy performance!" The voice of the narrator can pierce people's eardrums. "This is the fifth hat-trick in the history of the country's Derby! Before Ricardo, only Vantorlo, Puskas, Reinker and Romarie Austria has accomplished this feat! And Ricardo is the youngest of them! Gentlemen, we are witnessing the birth of new history! "

"The last time there was a hat-trick in the national derby, it was in the 90s of last season that Romario scored 3 goals for Real Madrid on behalf of Barcelona. Now Feng Shui turns, another Brazilian superstar scored 3 goals for Barcelona on behalf of Real Madrid!"

The narrator repeatedly talked about Ricardo's greatness, and Ricardo ran to the coach after the celebration and said to Capello, "BOSS, replace me."

"This is what you deserve." Capello hugged Ricardo and said in his ear.

Marcos looked at Ricardo with his hands on hips, his eyes bewildered. He was ordered to freeze Ricardo in this game, but Ricardo performed a hat-trick on him ...

After a short while, Cassano appeared and replaced Ricardo. This is another substitution substitution. Capello does not intend to recover the defense when he leads by two goals.

Licardo limped, and slowly booed when he stepped off the court. Only applause from Real Madrid fans came from the stands. Barcelona fans expressed their respect for Ricardo with silence.

Although he is an enemy, Ricardo deserves their respect for being able to perform a hat trick in such an important match!

After returning to the bench, the team doctor immediately brought Ricardo an ice bucket to soak his feet, and made a preliminary examination for him.

"I hope not to affect the next game." Ricardo said with a smile. He is in a very good mood, Barcelona can't change the situation, Real Madrid will take all 3 points to overtake in the standings!

The team doctor smiled bitterly: "I dare not guarantee anything. I will have to perform more detailed inspections with the instrument before I can decide whether you can play next game."

On the pitch, Real Madrid still dominates. They did not stop the pace of the attack, constantly threatening Barcelona's goal.

Maybe they understand now that at some point, offense is the best defense. Facing the enemy, we must overwhelm each other in momentum.

67In the 67th minute, Van Nistelrooy received a probable pass from Cassano ~ ~ Was shot low by Thuram on the left side of the penalty area and was caught by Valdes.

After 1 minute, Vannistruiela went to the left and made a cross to the middle of the penalty area. Higuain made a right-footed shot after the adjustment. After being blocked by Silvinho, Valdes saved the ball.

In the 72nd minute, Kaka made a free kick on the right. Cassano sent the ball into the penalty area. Ramos made a header after a header in the middle of the penalty area. The football hit the crossbar and Barcelona escaped. A disaster.

Jarijkad grew more anxious.

The team was two goals behind, but was completely suppressed by Real Madrid because of one less person, and could not play a smooth attack. As time goes by, their chances of coming back are getting slimmer!

In the 74th minute, they finally created a murder. Iniesta broke through Salgado with a human ball, broke into the penalty area and shot low on the left rib. Unfortunately, the football missed the post.

After 3 minutes, Harvey recreated the killer. He picked the ball to the front of the penalty area. Ramos made a header and did not make the ball far. Marcos followed up and volleyed directly. Casillas made a slam, and he flew to the single. The ball was lifted out of the beam by hand.

Real Madrid also has the opportunity to expand the score advantage. In the 78th minute, Kaka intercepted the ball in the frontcourt, Real Madrid got a 3 to 2 god-given opportunity, he passed the ball to Cassano, Cassano nudged a kick To Van Nistelrooy.

But Van Nistelrooy hesitated in front of the door and adjusted it for half a second. It was these half-seconds that allowed Puyol to fly and block the ball.

Although no goals were scored, there was not much regret on the Real Madrid bench and the coaches. The win is in this game.