The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 55: Hagrid who loves to learn

Hermione, who had studied for eight hours in one go, was a little tired. She stretched lazily, blinked her eyes, and rehydrated her dry eyes. She put away the results of today's study and put them in in the bag. Looking at the thick stack of notes and papers, Hermione felt extremely reassured and satisfied, and even Tom on the side looked a lot more pleasing to the eye.

"It's time to eat." Only then did Hermione notice that she seemed to have missed her lunch, and now she was hungry with her chest on her back, so she took Tom to the auditorium together.

During dinner, Tom not only packed a lot of food for himself, but also packed a bunch of chicken legs, chicken wings and other things. Every night, he would find an opportunity to release the bird snake to feed, and clean its teapot by the way.

After one day of review on Saturday, Tom was super confident in himself, so he began to visit professors of various subjects one by one and let them assess himself. First was the good old Professor Sprout, the professor in charge of the herbal class and the dean of Hufflepuff. Then there's Professor Aurora Sinista, who teaches astronomy, and Professor McGonagall, who teaches Transfiguration.

The assessment went well. Tom passed the exams of the professors like chopping melons and vegetables, and got recognition and various teaching experiences from them. The professors were surprisingly unanimous: Now that you've mastered your first-grade knowledge, start teaching yourself second-grade magic!

Now there is only one last person left...

Potions professor Severus Snape.

Tom was hesitant and confused: he didn't really want to go to Snape for this assessment. After all, the best way to deal with a stinging professor like Snape is to stay away. If you post it yourself, you're courting death.

At the end of a potions class, Tom was kept by Snape.

"I heard you've been looking for professors in various subjects to give you an early final exam?" Snape stared at Tom with his emotionless eyes.

"That's right, Professor."

"Very well," Snape said with a sarcastic smile, "Since our brilliant Mr. Yodell wants to add a little test and pressure to his life, then as a professor, I naturally won't stop him... Snape swung his wand sharply, his black robes fluttering, and a pile of potion ingredients and a cauldron appeared on a desk.

"The content of the exam is very simple. Make a potion of forgetting. If something goes wrong, you can spend the rest of your days in confinement." He stepped forward to make a forgetting potion. The potion can cause memory loss in users and is complicated to formulate.

When Tom dispensed the potion, Snape stood behind him and watched closely, his breath almost spraying on Tom's neck. Snape decided that even if there was just one mistake, he would simply fail Tom. But Tom let him down, and he completed the preparation of the Oblivion Potion perfectly.

Snape checked Tom's results with a stern face, and then announced with a blank face that he passed the exam. After that, he left in a hurry, as if spending an extra second in the Potions classroom would make him uncomfortable. But he seemed to have left so quickly that he didn't even notice that a note was dropped on the podium.

So far, Tom has completed all the theoretical breakthroughs in knowledge. The days that followed were nothing more than Bubble Library, practice Quidditch, and a few games with the team - all victorious. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are both winning teams at this point, and they will decide the Quidditch Cup in a direct conversation at the end of the term.

Tom's life wasn't broken until Easter. On a sunny Saturday morning, Tom and Hermione were studying together in the library when they saw an unusual guest: Hagrid.

It's hard to associate Hagrid with the library, but at this time, Hagrid really appeared in the library. He tiptoed to keep his voice as low as possible, but his massive frame still betrayed him.

"Mr. Hagrid, what are you doing here?" Hermione found him, she greeted Hagrid and asked curiously.

"Ah, find some books to read..." Hagrid said in a dodgy voice, which immediately aroused Hermione's interest.

"What kind of books are you looking for? Tom and I have read a lot of books here, maybe we can help you."

"Ah, this... no need, I'll do it myself, you guys still need to study, right? I won't disturb you." Hagrid panicked, and this reaction caused Hermione's suspicion.

"If it's a book on magical animals, we might be able to help." Tom also interjected at the right time, and at the same time, he raised a book called "Types of Dragons in Great Britain and Ireland".

Hagrid's eyes were He looked around, found that no one was paying attention, and said in a low voice, "Okay, then don't talk about it, I'm looking for books about dragons. "

Hermione glanced at him, she understood everything at this moment, but she didn't say much, but got up and turned around, and came back with a stack of books in her hand: "From Hatching to Nirvana", "Raising A Guide to Dragons, Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit, and more.

She handed the book to Hagrid, "I hope it can help you."

Hagrid showed a simple and honest smile and nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, I won't bother you anymore, I'll go back first—"

"Hagrid! Why are you here!" Harry, Ron, and Neville appeared out of nowhere. Their bags were bulging, and there were a lot of books at a glance.

Hagrid suddenly became vigilant: "You three are still looking for Nicole Lemay, aren't you?"

"Ha, we knew who he was hundreds of years ago!" Ron looked very proud.

"Nicole Lemay? I remember that he seems to be a very powerful alchemist, he can refine the Philosopher's Stone!" Tom said abruptly from the side.

This sentence directly broke the defense of the four people present.

Hagrid was about to collapse: How could one more person know the secret Dumbledore wanted him to keep?

Ron and the others have collapsed: they checked the information for several months, and finally the Chocolate Frog gave them a hint, but this person Tom actually knew!

Hagrid was furious—he was mad at himself. He threw a sentence to the people present: Don't investigate this matter again, it has nothing to do with you, and then left angrily.

Hermione looked at the three boys curiously: What do they seem to know that they don't?