The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 67: Magic stone level speed pass guide

He first tapped on the center to make the third stone change. At this time, the number of petals became 1, 3, 1, 3, and 1. Then he tapped once on the far left and on the far right, so that both left and right were changed. The transformation finally turned into a pattern of 2, 1, 1, 1, 2. At this time, anyone with a little common sense can see that clicking on the middle stone can make all the stones light up with two petals.

Tom solved the puzzle, the cage door creaked open, and hundreds of keys rushed out, and Tom could clearly see that there was a large silver key with its wings drooping, as if it had been roughly grabbed. stayed once.

Tom was about to act, but he saw a scene that shocked him: Professor McGonagall jumped on a broomstick placed in the corner of the room with a vigorous posture that did not match her age and identity, and then rose to the ground. . Tom only felt that the key was caught by Professor McGonagall.

Tom: !

Professor McGonagall glanced at Tom, who was dumbfounded, and smiled: "I was a Chaser for the Gryffindor team when I was young."

Tom took a deep look at the professor who refreshed his understanding and opened the door.

Tom has made up his mind: here today, cooperate with Professor McGonagall, and take out Quirrell together!

There was still a corridor behind the door. Tom took a few dozen steps forward, and suddenly, a round room appeared in front of him and them, and he and Professor McGonagall were standing in the middle of the room. In front of them is a strange-looking frog statue.

Professor McGonagall forgave all this curiously:

There is a blue bead on the back of the statue and a red bead in its mouth. In front of the statue is a circle of grooves, arranged like mosquito coils.

Suddenly, a hole appeared at both ends of the groove, and beads of various colors rolled out of one. According to Professor McGonagall's observation, there are only four colors: red, yellow, blue and green. The ball rolls slowly along the track.

At this moment, a sound of "Boom" suddenly came from beside her. She turned her eyes to the source of the sound. It turned out that Tom was manipulating the frog. He pointed the frog's mouth at the slowly rolling balls, and then slapped the frog's butt, and the frog would spit the ball out of his mouth and hit the ball in the queue.

If there are more than three **** of the same color, those **** will be connected together, broken and dissipated. The beads on the frog's back are the beads it spit out in the next shot, and with each shot, a new bead will appear out of thin air in the gap on the back.

Tom served one after another, and he hit a hundred hits. It took less than a minute to clear all the **** on the court.

Professor McGonagall: Σ(⊙▽⊙?!

She now suddenly understands the reason why Dumbledore asked her to make such a frog - this level was set up jointly by her and Dumbledore, she was responsible for deforming frogs and beads, and Dumbledore established the rules of the game.

However, Professor McGonagall pondered for a while, recalled the spell he cast, and then took out his wand: "Thunderbolt!"

"Boom!" With an explosion, the three remaining beads on the field were also shattered by her. The sound of the clearance sound came out, and the small hole from which the ball was released gradually expanded and turned into a door.

Tom: ...

Why do these levels always leave some strange ways to pass the level!

In fact, not only the levels made under Tom's suggestion can now skip classes, but also those levels originally designed by Dumbledore! For example, in the key level at the beginning, Tom suspected that the wooden door could be blasted open; in the chess level, as long as you ran fast enough, it was estimated that you could run directly through it; Snape's flame, Tom estimated that there was also a way to skip class.

So the most reliable and most demanding hard power is actually the troll left by Quirrell...

By the way, one person in the trio happens to be good at logic analysis, one person is good at playing chess, and the other person has a talent for flying, and they all know how to deal with trolls—what a coincidence, isn’t it? And Sprout's Devil's Web, isn't it really for buffering? Lest some three little wizards throw themselves to death.

It can be seen from these levels that Dumbledore still wanted to use the Philosopher's Stone to train Harry at the beginning of the semester. It can be said that he may have held such a mentality until Quirrell invaded today. But the plan didn't change quickly - Quirrell's wave of flirtatious manipulation forced him to abandon the "Potter Cultivation Plan" and send Professor McGonagall over to solve the problem.

And what is Harry doing now?

"Neville, Ron, I think we need to keep Snape under surveillance all day... yes, I know it's going to be difficult, but we're going to do our best, better find the key evidence, and then tell Professor Dumbledore Expose him!"

Neville & Ron:  …

To put it simply, that's Snape! Watch Snape!

At this time, Tom and Professor McGonagall have reached the last level: the next level is the level designed by Dumbledore himself.

Professor McGonagall was a little disturbed: the intruder cleared the level too fast! She regrets that she shouldn't put too much water in the previous levels...

But Tom said to himself: "Professor Dumbledore's level is not so easy to break through, we can always trust Professor Dumbledore."

This sentence inspired Professor McGonagall: Yes, when has Dumbledore ever let others down?

She concentrated and observed Snape's level. She has more or less heard of the levels designed by other professors - after all, professors can communicate with each other. But she didn't know anything about Snape's levels. On weekdays, she didn't have more than three conversations with Snape a week. How could she exchange her experience on level design?

After entering Snape's level, two flames erupted from the entrance and exit of the room, blocking all the way forward. There was nothing extra in Snape's, just a table and five bottles, with a scroll of parchment written on the side of the bottle.

Professor McGonagall picked up the parchment and glanced at what was written on it:

Danger is ahead, safety is behind.

Two bottles are helpful, three bottles are rotten.

There are five wizards and five rooms, and the rooms are of different colors.

There are five wizarding schools with different names.

Only one drink per person, one wand core, one form of Animagus.

Drinks, stick cores, and shapes are different.

Sheffield from Hogwarts lives in the red house;

Alger of Durmstrang can be turned into a dog;

Audrey of Moon Mountain likes to drink tea;

The green house is to the left of the white house;

The owner of the green house drinks coffee;

A person with a unicorn core can become a bird;

The owner of the yellow house has the wand of the phoenix tail feather;

The man who lives in the middle house drinks milk;

Maxime from Beauxbatons lived in the first house;

The wand core is a veela-haired wizard who lives next door to a wizard who can transform into a cat;

Neighbors of wizards who can become horses have wands with phoenix cores;

The core of the wand is a troll-bearded wizard drinking butterbeer;

The core of Elena of Ilvermorny's wand is the tail feather of a thunderbird;

The wizard who lives next door to the blue house is from Beauxbatons;

The wizard who uses Veela hair as the core has a neighbor who drinks mineral water.

A bottle with the name of the alma mater of the wizard who can transform into a fish can send you forward, and the alma mater of the wizard who can transform into a cat can send you back to where you came from.

"Logical puzzle solving..." Professor McGonagall whispered, then looked at Tom.

But Tom didn't know either.