The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 145: Giza, barbecue, Nubia in the night marke

"The day of the draw at Hogwarts(

Warm, reassuring and, of course, a little itchy nose, that's how Hermione felt. As soon as she looked up, she saw the dog head of Tom's incarnation next to her, but this head obviously did not have Tom's consciousness. Hermione kicked the dog's head, and it felt fleshy, like a big ball.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, the mantis pupa twice, and pulled the tail of the three-headed dog over and covered her body, and her whole body was directly wrapped in the fluff on the tail. At this time, the sound from the next door gradually ceased: there is a limit to human ability, and no one can persist.

After washing, the three-headed dog is fluffy, and the fur on it is fluffy and soft, like a huge plush toy.

Hermione couldn't help pulling her tail to the tip of her nose and took a deep breath. It might be an illusion, or it might be the smell of shampoo. She smelled a fragrant smell. With this smell, tiredness rushed towards Hermione like a tide, causing her upper and lower eyelids to fight. In the end, she fell asleep with her tail wrapped around her dog's paws, her two little feet resting on one another very relaxedly. on top of a dog's head.

Tom felt a warm little dumpling sneak in. Looking at Hermione in this form, there was a very strange feeling. Tom, whose senses became sharp, could even feel the heartbeat of the other party, and the scent of shampoo on the tips of Hermione's hair. In the lingering, he quietly watched Hermione fall asleep a little bit.

This is his most reassuring moment.

Of course, the three-headed dog form will greatly enhance the sense of smell, so after Hermione fell asleep, a big fluffy tail suddenly dangled from the bed, throwing the boots and socks on the ground far away. After doing this, the tail was still in the air a few times, as if it was a hand.

Tom also closed his eyes and fell asleep. He had a long, long dream.


cold. silence. pale.

The sky and the earth, the mountains and the water, the top and bottom are white, and all sounds are silent.

A figure is wrapped in a thin robe, trudging hard in this white world.

In such a scene, a feeling of loneliness arises spontaneously.

Suddenly, a huge brown figure disturbed this white world: a brown bear ran towards the figure aggressively, and when it was only a few meters away from the figure, the person stood up and raised its huge palm——

A cold light flashed, and the bear was divided into two.

A large stream of stench and steaming blood spurted out, dyeing the white ground red.

The tip of the knife was pointing down, and the blood fell drop by drop on the ground. The hand holding the handle of the knife waved violently, and all the blood beads on the knife were thrown to the ground, leaving a long string of dark red marks.

The knife was put back into the scabbard, and during the action, the armor with gorgeous patterns flashed past, and then it was covered by the cloak.

The figure continued to move forward mechanically.


The yellow sand filled the sky, and several off-road vehicles were struggling to move forward in the yellow "fog", their figures gradually blurred, and when the picture became clearer, there was only a sand dune left in the field of vision.

A gust of wind blew, a small collapse occurred in the sand dunes, the front of an off-road vehicle was exposed, the sand gradually flowed out of the body, and several mummified corpses appeared like reefs after low tide.

Tom opened his eyes sharply.

The dream just now, unusually real, the biting cold, combined with the suffocation feeling buried in the sand, made Tom dizzy. Now - the sand is squeezed in from all directions, and with every breath, the fine sand and air are sucked into the lungs together...

He calmed down and found himself in the hotel, lying on a comfortable bed, Hermione sleeping peacefully in his arms. Her expression was peaceful and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, which must have been a good dream.

Outside the window, the sun had just risen, and the white-hatted priest in the Dome Temple in the distance had already begun to pray. The ethereal voice was extremely penetrating and could be faintly heard through the window. The sound of prayer woke Hermione from her sleep. She opened her eyes, lifted her tail, rubbed her eyes, yawned, and stretched.

She patted Tom on the head, "Good morning."

Tom reverted to human form.

"Come on, let's go down for breakfast," Hermione moved to the bed and looked down, "Hey, my..."

She saw the boots thrown into the distance, and a blush flashed across her face.

She jumped out of bed barefoot and dug out a new pair of socks from her bag. The socks are very characteristic. One is black and the other is white. The socks are longer and reach the calf. The sole of the foot is a pattern of cat's paw.

"Cat's paw socks!" Hermione was also pleased with the cute socks.

After getting dressed, the two pushed open the door, and just in time, Sarah, who lived in the next room, also came out. She was wearing a tight dress that showed off her figure perfectly.

"Good morning, little brother~" Sarah greeted Tom with a radiant face, and then walked towards the restaurant.

"Is she crazy? Dressed like this in Egypt." Hermione on the side looked at Sarah's and exclaimed.

"This hotel is only open to tourists, so even if she wears a bikini, she will have no problem. Let's go, we can go to the Egyptian museum after dinner." Tom dragged Hermione to the restaurant.

Breakfast is fruit, flatbread, barbecue and various bean pastes, of course, if you are not used to it, there is also a Western breakfast - omelette, bacon, milk, croissants and the like.

Today is free time, because Hal Hunter is going to visit his father's friend in Egypt today, so Tom plans to visit the Egyptian National Museum after breakfast.

Every time you go to a country, the most worthwhile visit must be the museum in that country or the place. The museum can show the country's many civilizations from ancient times to the present in the most refined way, and the historical picture will be unfolded to you through the museum window. If you travel to a country without visiting a local museum, it is a huge loss.

But Hermione had other ideas.

"We can go to Giza first, and then come back to see the pyramids in the afternoon, so that we can avoid the hottest and sunniest time of the day." Even with the magic robe, Hermione subconsciously didn't want to move under the scorching sun.

Naturally, Tom would not go against Hermione's thoughts on such trivial matters, so soon the two of them appeared in Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Here, there are the world-famous Giza pyramids.

"Tom, look, camel!" Hermione was very excited when she came here and saw the legendary Pyramid of Khufu. When a peddler walked by with a camel, she was even more happy as if she wanted to jump.

Tom instinctively wanted to refuse, because this kind of merchant who walked around with large livestock outside the tourist attractions was simply a civilian bandit. This camel was easy to get up and hard to get down. Some tourists ride up and run for a lap, and when they come back, they are only wearing clothes...