The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 148: Museum, Knowledge, Heritage

"The day of the draw at Hogwarts(

The Egyptian National Museum is a double-layered stone building. The exhibition rooms on the first floor are arranged clockwise according to the development of ancient Egyptian history. There are precious cultural relics from the ancient kingdom period to the Roman rule period. Unfortunately, Abdullah was after fewer people, so Tom and Hermione did not visit the showrooms in chronological order. After shopping, they were taken to the second floor. The second floor of the museum is the special exhibition room, including the coffin room, the mummy room, the jewelry room, the painting room, the funerary room, the prehistoric relic room, the Tutankhamun room, and the papyrus. room, etc.

On the second floor, Abdullah did not rush Tom to the most famous Tutankhamun exhibition hall, but went to the mummy exhibition room in the southwest corner of the second floor. According to Abdullah, this is the most famous exhibition hall in the Egyptian Museum. Attractive place, there are more than 20 mummies of Egyptian pharaohs and his concubines. These mummies have been preserved for thousands of years, and even the hair and nails can be clearly seen.

"This is the mummy of Ramses II of the Nineteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom. The Nineteenth Dynasty existed from 1317 BC to 1251 BC, more than three thousand years ago, but his remains are the best preserved. This pharaoh is the first pharaoh in Egyptian history to conclude a peace contract with the foreign enemy Hittites, which is the origin of the name of this exhibition room [War and Peace]." Abdullah introduced the mummy to Tom Mummies in the showroom.

He even asked Tom to come up to see what the legendary pharaoh really looked like.[Note] Ramses II is considered one of the greatest pharaohs of ancient Egypt, and he served as the head of the army at the age of 10. In 1279 BC Enthroned, died in 1213 BC, lived 90 years and reigned for 67 years. His reign was the last strong year of the New Kingdom of Egypt.

Tom was very interested in the mummy of such a pharaoh, so he got together.

The sight in front of him shocked him. The mummy of Ramses II was extremely well preserved, and he could even see his appearance before his death. The once powerful pharaoh has turned into a shriveled corpse, without the halo of power and gorgeous coat, just wrapped in a thin fine linen cloth for people to watch.

Tom and this once world's most noble and noble person are only separated by a pair of glass showcases.

Perhaps the pharaohs thought that their empire and kingship would be as immortal as the pyramids, but time told them that all this was just floating sand in the desert, and the rain and the wind turned it into nothing. The mighty empire has disappeared, the solid pyramids are in ruins, and only the weakest flesh of the pharaohs has survived.

Of course, it is a bit far-fetched to say that it is intact. The mummy of Ramses II was unearthed in 1881, but due to poor storage, it was discovered in 1974 that a large number of fungi and moths had grown and had to be sent to France for maintenance and repair. repair……

Abdullah did not continue to immerse Tom in the nostalgia of ancient Egypt, he took Tom into the legendary room of Tutankhamun. There are more than 1,700 unearthed cultural relics on display. "Golden Mask", "Golden Coffin", "Golden Throne"... Any of these cultural relics alone can be used as a treasure of a museum, but they appear together here. This is the legacy left by ancient Egypt, this is the last echo of a splendid civilization.

Tutankhamun, who reigned for a short time and did not have much merit, still had such a rich funeral, what about the other famous pharaohs? A pharaoh like Ramesses II who ruled for 67 years can't have less than Tutankhamun's burial, right?

It is a pity that thousands of years of robbery and excavation have almost destroyed these things. There may be more ornate funerary objects than the "golden mask" and "golden throne", but they were basically dug up by tomb robbers, dug up the gems, and melted the gold...

"The golden mask is made according to the appearance of the king during his lifetime. The eagle and cobra on it represent the rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt respectively. His golden coffin is made of 450 pounds of pure gold, which is the most exquisite and greatest gold product in human history. "

Tom looked carefully at the delicately carved lacquer on the golden coffin. Hermione followed behind. She was not attracted by the golden coffin and the golden face, but looked at the throne of Tutanamon seriously. She had no interest in the glittering golden throne. What really attracted her was the portrait on the back of the throne.

"Look, the armrest on the front of the seat is a statue of a snake-headed eagle representing the kingship of Upper and Lower Egypt." Abdullah also found that Hermione was not paying attention to these treasures and kingship, so he pointed to the portrait on the seat and began to introduce : "The back of the throne describes the picture of the royal family's family life. Under the sunlight, the queen touched the king on the throne affectionately. The two looked at each other and were beautiful and warm. It is said that the innermost layer of Tutankhamun's golden coffin When the coffin was unearthed, there was still a bunch of withered flowers on This is the queen's love across time."

Hermione was really attracted by the love story between the pharaoh and the queen.

"Then what?" she asked.

"Then?" Abdullah was stunned for a moment, and showed a bitter smile. There are many cultural relics in this museum. He can't name them, nor can he tell the historical background, but the historical background of Tutankhamun's interior, he He has done a good job of making up the class, which means that he really knows this question.

But he couldn't tell.

What can he do? Tell the little girl in front of you that Tutankhamun died at the age of eighteen. After his death, a powerful minister usurped the throne, and his beloved queen was also occupied by a powerful minister. After giving birth to a son for others, there is no historical record?

Looking at Hermione's expectant eyes, he couldn't tell.

He could only shake his head helplessly, expressing that he did not understand.

Hermione was a little disappointed.

The three left Tutankhamun's room and went to the papyrus room. As a result, in this exhibition hall, Tom saw an acquaintance: Dr. Hunter was chatting with a gray-haired old man in the corner of the exhibition hall, the lights were dim, if not Tom's eyes were sharp, and he really couldn't spot them. Following Tom's line of sight, Abdullah also saw the old man, and he was slightly startled.

"Director Siddiq?" He was a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet the director of this museum here. What surprised him even more was that their arrival alarmed the two of them, and the guest of Curator Siddiq beckoned to them.

"Doctor, I didn't expect you to be here too." Hermione walked over and greeted Hal.

"Yes, Dr. Siddiq is my father's friend." Dr. Hunter smiled and nodded, while pulling Tom and Hermione over, "Look!"

A zodiac grid appeared in front of them.