The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 55: Professor McGonagall's determination

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As for why Tom was able to discover Professor Lockhart's flaws, it was naturally because the great Professor Dumbledore discovered the problem, and then asked Tom to investigate, and Tom did not live up to Professor Dumbledore's expectations and successfully discovered Lockhart. Hart's Secret.

"Then why are you making such a big battle today? It's causing panic in the school. And you've become a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts?"

Tom sighed, "Although I wrote that line, what was written on it is correct, the heir of the Chamber of Secrets has returned, and he has lurked in Hogwarts, I just muddy the water here, only In this way, the fish will move and be caught by the fisherman."

"As for the professor, I have the confidence to do better than other Dark Defense professors, and I passed the interview with Professor Dumbledore!"

Hermione raised her long eyebrows. "Dumbledore actually thinks you can be a professor?" She couldn't believe it.

Tom spread his hands and said, I, a student, suddenly became a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

All Hermione's doubts were answered, and she felt like she could leave too. However, before leaving, she coughed again, and said awkwardly that she wanted to know today's test results in advance.

Naturally, Tom would not embarrass her on such a trivial matter. He took out Hermione's examination paper - which had been automatically marked by the quill pen.

"The only one with full marks so far." Tom handed Hermione's paper a glance, "a lot of little wizards copied your answer directly, but I changed the question!"

Hermione was also very happy: this was the only full score in the whole grade, and she was very happy.

"I just read a little more," Hermione put the paper back, and walked to the door, "Good night, my Professor Yodel."

"Good night, Miss Granger." Tom waved at Hermione, Hermione seemed to remember something, and raised her wand with a smile:

"Flying flocks of birds!"

A flock of birds spewed out from the tip of her staff and hit Tom like raindrops, sending Tom away until Hermione closed the door before he turned into a basilisk and petrified all the birds.

Not long after Tom sent Hermione away, there was another knock on the door of his office.

The fact that "Tom" was cursed by the heir of the secret room made some people in the school panic. The scarlet letter written on the blackboard was immediately erased, but the sentence in everyone's heart was not erased. Many people took this sentence to heart.

However, the popularity of this incident did not last long. First, there was no second victim. Second, another big news happened. The little wizard's attention was immediately attracted by the new hot spot: Sprout The professor handed out a set of papers to his students in class!

Professor Sprout felt that testing this kind of thing in class seemed to be very helpful for a course like herbal medicine that requires experience and memory. So last night, she paid a special visit to Professor Lockhart, borrowed a printer from him, and printed out a batch of test papers with Lockhart's help.

However, the purpose of the two is different. Sprout hopes that the students can grasp the knowledge more firmly, so she gave all fill-in-the-blank and short-answer questions this time, and did not deliberately change the question type.

The content of the paper is mainly to test the students' knowledge of magical plants, and to check whether they know the characteristics, uses and coping methods of these plants.

For the little wizard, this is a complete "unexpected joy". In the past, only Professor Lockhart of Defense Against the Dark Arts had taken the test in the classroom. Unexpectedly, Professor Sprout also began to learn. Before that, there were little wizards who worried that other professors would learn Lockhart's methods, but they didn't expect it to come true right away. What surprised them even more was that the first person to make the change was Professor Sprout, who taught herbal medicine.

Fortunately, Professor Sprout's quizzes are not scored, and the answers are directly answered after the exam in class, which does not bring too much pressure. But it sends a very scary signal: other professors are imitating Lockhart!

For a moment, the heir to the secret room was left behind. Heir, how many papers does he have? If it is petrified, there is no need to take the exam!

However, in the next few days, no professor continued to do so. Mainly, the courses of Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall are special and more inclined to practice, and exams are useless for them. In Professor Snape's potions class, it is also necessary to strengthen the study with some test questions. But Snape hasn't printed the papers yet - he's still working out! He has to complete the seventh grade topic design alone, plus he is busy with work on weekdays, it is really not something that can be done in a day or two.

Professor Sprout did such a thing, and it really took everyone's attention away from the secret room at once.

A new week has passed quickly. On Friday night, all four deans received their Defence Against the Dark Arts report cards for the week. Professor Sprout was shocked when he looked at his college's average score. She never imagined that the average score of Hufflepuff College overwhelmed the other three colleges by an overwhelming advantage, and zero scores were not the most.

This kind of surprise came too suddenly. Although Professor Sprout had previously said on the faculty chair that his college would most likely be at the bottom, but just like the scumbag who shouted that he was going to fail the course after the exam, there was always a bit of luck in his heart: Wan Once it's over?

And today it really "passed"!

This kind of joy is difficult for a scholar to experience.

The main reason for Hufflepuff's high average this time around is their unity. At the end of the first day, all Hufflepuff students who had taken the exam gathered in their common room, recalled the exam papers, and then everyone worked together to summarize a set of exam knowledge test sites for the entire college. student use.

In other words, students in other colleges either review by themselves, or take the bare-bones test with an unreliable answer and a few sentences, while Hufflepuff students know the scope of the test and have review materials. .

This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to other colleges. The other three colleges didn't expect this at all. Gryffindor Academy did not expect this operation, Ravenclaw Academy is used to reviewing by itself, and does not need these fancy things, and the little wizards of Slytherin Academy are even more unlikely to give their review materials to others. .

Such three academies were naturally opened up by Hufflepuff in terms of average points.

Professor Sprout looked at the transcript with a delighted smile. To be fair, an in-class exam in an ordinary subject should not have brought such great joy, but the competition model before the four Hogwarts colleges was too monotonous. What they had won before was nothing more than the annual House Cup, the Quidditch Cup, and at most one final exam. But now there is a Defence Against the Dark Arts test in the hall, which can stimulate the competition among the deans.

Coupled with the fact that Hufflepuff has rarely had this kind of first-place honor before, this time the whole school can unite and get the first place in the average score, which really makes Professor Sprout happy - even if it is only a Quiz.

Of course, other deans may not be in such a good mood.

At this time, Professor McGonagall fell into a rage: the average score was the last one, the highest score was the last one, and the number of people who got zero points was the first positive number!

In this exam, after Monday, few people will get zero points for copying Hermione's answers, and everyone knows that the questions have changed slightly. Even if you don't know it, there will always be people around you who will discuss it.

In other words, after Monday, if you get a zero score in the test, that's a real dish.

In fact, the number of zeros in Gryffindor this time is largely due to the format of the exam. All are multiple-choice multiple-choice questions, and the multiple-choice questions also deduct points, which can reflect the gap in character.

The little wizards of other colleges, when they encounter uncertain options, usually skip them, but Gryffindor's little lion is more fierce, and they have to choose if they are uncertain. This time, the points will be deducted. There are multiple choices, but as long as you choose the wrong one, you are wrong. If you miss a question, you will not get four points for the question itself, and you will have to post two points! They need to get one question right to fill in, but how can they be sure they can get the next question right?

Therefore, Gryffindor is miserable now, the average score is very low, and there are many zero points.

Professor McGonagall was already thinking of taking a leave of absence. She couldn't imagine seeing Snape tomorrow.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape were both in a good mood: Professor Flitwick was because the only perfect score in the school was in Ravenclaw, and Snape was because Gryffindor was very poor this time.

It doesn't matter if Slytherin doesn't take first place, it's just better than Gryffindor.

That's Snape's true attitude, and the big **** behind Potter makes him even more happy.

The next day, Saturday, Professor McGonagall reluctantly went to breakfast in the Great Hall, during which she was completely afraid to make eye contact with Snape.

But what should come will still come.

"Granger, you did a good test this time." Professor Flitwick took the initiative to stir up the topic, and Professor McGonagall suddenly developed a strong interest in the kippers in his bowl. Those who didn't know thought that the transformation of Animagus would affect the wizard's preferences.

"Yeah, that kid is really good. He seems to be the only one with full marks in the whole school. It's amazing. I missed an option in that set of questions by myself." Professor Sprout on the side seemed to be waiting for this sentence. It's been a long time, and I immediately picked up the conversation, "She was also very active in the herbal medicine class before."

Professor Flitwick looked very happy, UU reading www. uukanshu. com "Really? Ha, the kid!"

"Congratulations, Hufflepuff did very well this time!"

"No, no, it's just that the average score is relatively high..."

Professor McGonagall was a little depressed: Hermione Granger, what a student of his own college!

Professor Snape on the side also showed a sneer, "Minerva, Gryffindor education, hurry up!"

"I see, don't worry about it, Severus." Professor McGonagall responded indifferently, and glanced at the little wizards at the side of the Gryffindor House meal with very sharp eyes.

She made up her mind.

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