The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 97: Optional 5-star UP pool

The latest website: When Dumbledore was talking, Tom also jumped out of the prompt to complete the task.

[Walking Horses and Slaying Groups of Demons (Prologue) · The final quest is completed, and you have automatically obtained the qualification to open the quests of Walking Horses and Slaying Groups of Demons (Act 2)

Mission description: Burnham Manor's eroded animals have been removed, but is the disaster really over?

Mission reward: Fate of Destiny × 30 (can be used instead of Fate of Entanglement during the five-star up pool of your choice, and will be destroyed when expired)

Anniversary Celebration (Act 1) opens]

【Anniversary Celebration (Act 1) Content: Five-star Up Pool of your choice】

"Damn it!" Tom felt excited just seeing the first scene of the anniversary celebration. Just because of this reward alone, Tom felt that the battle just now was not in vain. If you just slipped away, this self-selected up pool will become ten consecutive! And in addition to the self-selected up pool, there are actually 30 draws!

30 draws of destiny is equivalent to 4800 magic stones! Even if it is limited time, it is a real 30 draws!

Tom felt that, according to the urination of his own system, this time-limited fate should only be used for the current up pool, but he didn't expect it to be used for the five-star pool of his own choice. At present, Tom's current uip pool is still Lockhart pool. The first thing to be clear is that this is a super poisonous pool, and drawing Lockhart will not bring Tom any improvement.

Tom doesn't want to touch this pool.

Because, if you don't draw Lockhart, there is no promotion, and after you draw it, it turns out to be a negative promotion!

A five-star character, how can he get a negative promotion after being drawn? Naturally because of the system card pool mechanism: 90 small guaranteed rounds (five-star guaranteed, but only 50% chance of being up in the current period, and another 50% chance of getting Professor Trelawney—and other resident five-stars), 180 rounds Big guarantee (make sure that the five-star must be up in the current period)

Under this mechanism, various pools cannot be randomly drawn, because according to the system settings, the bottom line is inherited. Guaranteed inheritance means that the number drawn from the previous pool will be "adopted" to the next pool. Take Lockhart Pool as an example. If Tom did not draw Quirrell after 130 rounds in the last pool in Lockhart Pool before, then according to the guaranteed inheritance mechanism, he only needs to draw at most in Lockhart Pool. 60 rounds can get Lockhart out, and it's definitely not crooked.

If Tom thinks Lockhart is a waste and skips this pool, then in the pool behind Lockhart, Tom only needs 60 rounds to ensure that the current up is fished out.

Notice the problem now? If these 30 rounds of destiny can only be drawn from the Lockhart Pool, then this is a hole dug by the system for Tom, and it is definitely not a benefit. Because if Tom gets 30 rounds and Lockhart gets pulled out, then his guarantee will be gone! The up behind Lockhart might take more than 100 rounds to get out!

This is negative lift.

But this time the system has a very rare conscience, and it can actually let Tom leave these destiny to the five-star pool of his choice, so there is no negative promotion, because the five-star choice is the role Tom wants to draw, and the draw is a positive promotion.

After Tom finished researching this, he turned his attention to the option of choosing five stars. He wanted to know which five-star characters he could choose. If it is limited to the resident pool, Tom has no problem. After all, there is a character in the resident pool that he wants to draw a few more times.

Not Professor McGonagall, nor Snape and Flitwick, but Professor Trelawney. This professor can only improve his divination talent, but he can't do anything else - he can't give spells, and he can't improve other talents. It looks very tasteless. But Tom couldn't help but have a little other opinion about divination.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the fact that divination is not a deception, it can really foresee the future. Professor Trelawney just made this powerful branch of magic look like a fraud, or because of his lack of talent. If you have enough talent, you can be called a "prophet".

Tom happened to be able to bring up his divination talent.

The self-select five-star interface is also very interesting. On the far left is a large line of characters: Choose up five-star wizard, next to the large characters is a group photo of several professors. Tom was pleasantly surprised to see Dumbledore among them, and there was a word in front of him: " recommend". In addition to these five resident professors and the re-enactment of Professor Dumbledore, there is also a black silhouette with a question mark on it.

Tom clicked on the silhouette, the system showed that it was a mysterious character, and Tom was also given a card in the shape of a chocolate frog. The character scratched by the card can be added to the selection category of the card pool as the fifth character in this self-selected pool.

Tom felt that he was in good shape today, so he flipped it over and turned the card over. This card even had a dynamic portrait and dubbing. As the front was lifted, a somewhat low voice came:

"For the greater good!" A middle-aged wizard with silver hair and eyes with different eyes waved his wand gracefully, and a blue ring of fire appeared in front of him.

Gellert Grindelwald!

There is also a short introduction to Grindelwald below the card: Gellert Grindelwald, one of the most powerful dark wizards of all time. Had plans to find the Deathly Hallows, become the master of the **** of death, and use this power to lead a revolution in the wizarding world, overthrow the International Statute of Secrecy, and establish a new global order led by wise and powerful witches and wizards. In 1945, in a legendary duel, he was narrowly defeated by Dumbledore and was imprisoned in Nurmengard Castle, which he built himself.

Tom: Shit!

He feels that his life's luck has been used to draw this card.

He directly selects Grindelwald. Before this role came out, Tom originally planned to use Dumbledore as the five-star choice for this card pool, but this didn't reveal Grindelwald...

Glancing at Dumbledore, who looked ignorant and ignorant standing beside him, Tom said that Dumbledore was no worse than Grindelwald, but he couldn't stand one who had already drawn it, and the other that had not yet unlocked the illustrated book. , Tom, a zero-krypton player, naturally tends to unlock the illustrated book first.

Well, Tom stopped pretending, he had a showdown: he just wanted to draw Grindelwald. Before, Tom had been holding the magic stone and did not draw the pool, just for today, he has been waiting for Grindelwald since the server started! Although drawing five stars can improve a little learning efficiency, but he can only draw 2-3 five stars out of these tens of thousands of magic stones, which is really not enough to strengthen, but will lead to not enough stones when he meets the character he wants to draw. .

Think about it, if all the stones were wasted before, and now facing the Grindelwald Pool, there are only thirty destined fates to send, isn't this blood loss?

Tom also knew that the up pool he opened had a very close connection with real events. For example, talking to Dumbledore earlier opened the "Breath of Fire and Phoenix" pool, and eliminating Quirrell opened the "Evil Soul Confusion" pool. So I have been thinking, how can I go to Nurmengard, meet Grindelwald, and then open Grindelwald's up pool.

Although Tom knew that Nurmengard Castle was located on the border of Austria and Switzerland, and could be found in the Alps with a high probability, he did not leave for it directly. First, this kind of search is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Voldemort sent his Death Eaters to find Grindelwald for a while, and it would only be more difficult to find him by himself.

And what if you found it? Do you really think there are no guardian spells and guards outside Nurmengard Castle? how is this possible! That's where Grindelwald is imprisoned. At least a few warning spells, right? Voldemort seemed to come in easily, but that was Voldemort, who knows how he got in. Tom could be sure that Dumbledore would know about it the moment he came outside the castle.

Dumbledore has a high tolerance for himself, but there is a limit to this tolerance. Tom felt that although he pretended to be a professor, led students to truancy and truancy, and made public contributions, he was a good student. But he really can't explain his motives for going to Nurmengard - if Dumbledore thinks he is a saint's remnant, it will be great fun.

After choosing Grindelwald, he showed a sinister smile, and then disappeared as little fragments. At the same time, the Lockhart Pool seemed to have been wiped away, gradually disappearing from the [Prayer] interface, replaced by a brand-new five-star pool of choice.

[Dear traveler, the prayer for the event "A Dream of a Big Picture" is now open, and the probability of "A Dream of a Big Picture · Grindelwald (Fire is up!

During the event, travelers can get more skills and treasures in the event prayer to improve their strength!

〓 Prayer time 〓

During the anniversary

〓Prayer introduction〓

●During the event period, the probability of obtaining the wish of the limited five-star character "Hongtu Yimeng Grindelwald (Fire will be greatly increased!

●During the event period, the probability of obtaining prayers for the five-star skill fragments "Flame Shield", "Apparition", and "Coronavirus" will be greatly increased!

※Limited characters will not be able to enter the permanent wish of "Running the World".

※For more prayer information, you can click the [Details] button in the lower left corner of the prayer interface to inquire. 】

"There is actually a "flame bodyguard" Tom was excited. He was very impressed with this skill. Although it was dubbed the Grindelwald gas stove, it was offensive and defensive. It will be so embarrassing, and the "Apparition" and "Crucifixion" that were up in the same period are also very attractive.

[Details] shows that this five-star skill is the same as before, the five-star skill fragment explosion rate is equivalent to 4 stars, but it takes 7 fragments to synthesize a complete skill. "Okay," Tom felt that he was really excited this time. This was the victory of the Hamster Party!

At this time, Dumbledore patted Tom on the shoulder and motioned him, Harry and Ron to hold his arms tightly. Phoenix Fox had come to him at some point. This time he didn't sing, but stood silently on Deng's side. on Bridor's shoulders.

Dumbledore pulled the three of them and nodded lightly to Fox. Tom had a feeling that Fox seemed to roll his eyes, looking very unhappy with Dumbledore's overloaded behavior. But after all, the subordinates and students were watching, and Fox was too embarrassed to embarrass Dumbledore, so he could only fly back to Hogwarts with four people with hatred.

The experience of flying with the Phoenix is ​​completely different from the previous modes of movement. In the blink of an eye, a few people came from the outskirts of Bristol to the gate of Hogwarts. There was no squeezing, no dizziness, no wind and sun, only A warm heat flowed through the body.

Fox didn't want to delay for a second, and just disappeared. Dumbledore took three students, facing the rising sun, and entered the gate of Hogwarts.

The sun is rising alike for wizards and muggles alike. Tom ends his adventures and returns to Hogwarts, where Jim Harker, the Secretary of State for Administration, wakes up from his slumber to go to work in the Office of Administration.

However, before he could sit firmly on his butt, he jumped up from his chair in shock by a news on the radio.

"Today... Bristol... fire..."

"Bristol, fire?!" Huck was so scared that his glasses fell into his coffee mug because of the sad fact that firefighting was also managed by his administrative department.

The Department of Administrative Affairs (daa) is a notoriously political grave, as the daa's permanent secretary, Humphrey, is a notoriously pit minister. Under Humphrey's various offensives, the average tenure of previous cabinet ministers was even less than 11 months.

Although daa is the political grave of ministers, it does not mean that this department is insignificant. On the contrary, this department is the most important department in Great Britain and can be called a small cabinet. Some are similar to Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The areas in which the daa and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications are responsible include but are not limited to: the country's administrative system, local self-government and public bodies, postal communications, fire safety, mining - they even have a say in the recruitment and appointment of civil servants.

Only a powerful civil servant like Humphrey could run this monster department.

The downside of having too much power is that you never know when a cauldron will fall. For example, Huck now feels that he has carried a black pot firmly.

"The fire in Bristol, it's none of my business!" Huck wanted to shout this sentence, he even learned about it through the news. But there is no way, who asked his daa to also be in charge of firefighting...

"Minister, the MI6 representative you reserved has arrived," Huck's secretary, Bernard, pushed in the door, and Huck calmed down a followed the agent to MI6.

As soon as Huck arrived at the gate of the office building, he saw several black limousines roaring out. The people inside were black suits, wearing sunglasses, and looked invincible, so publicized that they were afraid that others would not see that they were secret agents.

"This is……"

"Top Secret, Minister." The representative seemed reluctant to reveal more. "They have official business in Bristol."

Huck squeezed out an embarrassed smile and complained inwardly: Since it is a top secret, what nonsense are you talking about!

The agent representative drove Huck all the way to the recording room.

"Minister, this is the surveillance video of the supermarket in front of the embassy. Please remember that this video has nothing to do with the government!" The agent representative opened a chair for Hakla and asked him to sit on it.

Huck sat in the chair and watched the video from last night seriously.
